HELP: - "&6&m------------------------------------------" - "&9&lHardcore Factions Help &7 - &eInformation on HCF" - "&6&m------------------------------------------" - "&9Map Information:" - "&eMap Border:&7 3000" - "&eWarzone Until:&7 1000" - "&eEnd Portals:&7 1000, 1000 in each quadrant" - "&eEnchant Limits:&7 Protection 1, Sharpness 1, Power 4" - " " - "&9Helpful Commands:" - "&e/report &7- Report cheaters with this command!" - "&e/request &7- Request staff assistance." - " " - "&9Chat Commands:" - "&eGlobal Chat &7- Prefix your message with '&d!&7' or type '&d'/f c p&7' to set." - "&eTeam Chat &7- Prefix your message with '&d@&7' or type '&d'/f c f&7' to set." - " " - "&9Other Information:" - "&eStore &7-" - "&eWebsite &7-" - "&Teamspeak &7-" - "&6&m------------------------------------------" SUBCLAIM: SIGN_TEXT: "&e[Subclaim]" ALREADY_SUBCLAIMED: "&cThis block is already subclaimed!" NOT_ALLOWED: "&cThis block is subclaimed and you don't have permission to open it." INVALID_BLOCK: "&cThat is not a valid subclaim block!" CREATED: "&aYou have successfully created a new subclaim." NOT_IN_FACTION: "&cYou must be in a faction to create subclaims." NOT_OFFICER: "&cYou must an officer or the leader of your faction to create a subclaim." NOT_IN_CLAIM: "&cYou must be in your faction claim to make subclaims." KOTH: START: "&6[KingOfTheHill] &e&n%KOTH%&6 can now be contested." CONTESTED: "&6[KingOfTheHill] &e%KOTH%&6 is trying to be controlled. &9(%TIME%)" KNOCKED: "&6[KingOfTheHill] Control of &e%KOTH%&6 lost." STOP: "&6[KingOfTheHill] &e&n%KOTH%&6 has been terminated." STOP_WINNER: "&6[KingOfTheHill] &e%KOTH%&6 has been controlled by &9%PLAYER%&6." GLOWSTONE: START: "&6[Glowstone Mountain] &ahas been reset." PERCENTAGE_MINED: "&6[Glowstone Mountain] %PERCENTAGE% of glowstone remaining." FULLY_MINED: "&6[Glowstone Mountain] &call of the glowstone has been mined." COMBAT_LOGGER: NAME: "&e%PLAYER%" LOGOUT_CANCELLED: "&cSafe logout has been cancelled." LOGOUT_ALREADY: "&cYou're already logging out." LOGOUT_TAGGED: "&cYou cannot logout whilst combat tagged." LOGOUT_PEARL: "&cYou cannot logout whilst under enderpearl cooldown." LOGOUT: "&cYou will be logged out in %TIME% seconds." LOGOUT_KICK: "&cYou have safely logged out." POTION_LIMITER: BLOCKED: "&cThat potion is not allowed!" SPAWN_TAG: PEARL_REFUNDED: "&c&lInvalid Pearl!&e Your pearl has been refunded." COOLDOWN: ENDER_PEARL: "&cYou cannot use this for another &c&l%TIME%&c." SPAWN_TAG: "&cYou cannot enter a safezone whilst combat tagged." GOLDEN_APPLE: "&cYou cannot use this for another &c&l%TIME%&c." KILL_STREAK: MESSAGE: "&6%PLAYER% has gotten a killstreak of &c&l%COUNT% &6kills." HELP_MENU: - "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "&eGolden Apples: &c3 Kills" - "&eDebuffs: &c6 Kills" - "&eInvis Splash: &c10 Kills" - "&eCobwebs: &c12 Kills" - "&eOP Gapple: &c15 Kills" - "&eStrength II: &c20 Kills" - "&c&m-----------------------------------------------------" STAT_TRACKER: DEATHS: HEADER: "&4&lDeaths: &f%COUNT%" LINE: "&f%PLAYER%&e killed by &f%KILLER%" KILLS: HEADER: "&6&lKills: &f%COUNT%" LINE: "&f%PLAYER%&e killed by &f%KILLER%" DEATH_SIGN: SKULL_CLICK: "&eThis is &b%PLAYER%&e head." SIGN: - "&c%KILLED%" - "&ewas slain by" - "&a%KILLER%" - "%TIME%" ITEM_STACK: NAME: "&aDeath Sign" LORE: - "&c%KILLED%" - "&ewas slain by" - "&a%KILLER%" - "&f%TIME%" ECONOMY: SIGN: BOUGHT_TEXT: "&aYou bought" CANNOT_AFFORD: "&cCannot afford" INVENTORY_FULL: "&cNo space for" NOT_ENOUGH_TOP: "&cNot carrying" NOT_ENOUGH_BOTTOM: "&con you." SOLD: "&cYou sold" BUY_TEXT: - "&9- Buy -" - "%ITEM%" - "%AMOUNT%" - "$%PRICE%" SELL_TEXT: - "&9- Sell -" - "%ITEM%" - "%AMOUNT%" - "$%PRICE%" ERROR: NOT_ENOUGH: "&cYou do not have this item in your inventory." NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY: "&cYou do not have enough money to buy this." INVENTORY_FULL: "&cYour inventory is full!" MOB_STACKING: DISPLAY_NAME: "&ax%COUNT%" CROWBAR: NAME: "&cCrowbar" LORE: - "&9Spawner Uses&b: &e%SPAWNER_USES%" - "&9Portal Uses:&b: &e%PORTAL_USES%" NO_SPAWNER_USES: "&cThis crowbar has no more spawner uses!" NO_PORTAL_USES: "&cThis crowbar has no more end portal uses!" ORES: FOUND_DIAMONDS_MULTI: "&f[FD] &b%PLAYER% found &b%COUNT% diamonds." FOUND_DIAMONDS_SINGLE: "&f[FD] &b%PLAYER% found &b%COUNT% diamond." VIEW: - "&7%PLAYER%'s Ores" - "&bDiamonds:&f %DIAMOND%" - "&6Gold:&f %GOLD%" - "&cRedstone:&f %REDSTONE%" - "&9Lapis Lazuli:&f %LAPIS%" - "&aEmeralds:&f %EMERALD%" - "&fQuarts: %QUARTZ%" - "&7Iron:&f %IRON%" - "&8Coal:&f %COAL%" KIT: WARMUP: "&c%KIT% is warming up." CANCELLED: "&c%KIT% warmup has been cancelled." APPLIED: "&c%KIT% has been applied." REMOVED: "&c%KIT% has been removed." COOLDOWN: "&cYou cannot use this for another &c&l%TIME%&c." NEED_MORE_ENERGY: "&cYou need atleast %ENERGY_COST% to use this Bard Effect, whilst you only have %ENERGY%." HIT_OTHER_ARCHER: "&" ARCHER_TAG_ATTACKER: "&e[&6Arrow Range&e (&c%RANGE%&e)] &6Marked player for 10 seconds. &9(2 hearts)" ARCHER_TAG_ATTACKED: "&eYou have been archer tagged by &6%PLAYER% &c(+%25 damage)" DEATHBAN: KICK_MESSAGE: - "&cYou have been deathbanned." - "It will expire in &c%TIME%." USE_LIFE: - "&cYou currently have %AMOUNT% %LIFE_TYPE%" - "&cTo use a life, rejoin within 30 seconds." PVP_PROTECTION: CANT_ENTER: "&cYou cannot enter claims whilst being pvp protected" HAVE_SELF: "&cYou cannot do this whilst being pvp protected." HAVE_OTHER: "&cThat player has an active PvP Timer!" COMMAND: LIVES: MESSAGE: - "&e%PLAYER%'s Soulbound Lives:&c %SOULBOUND_LIVES%" - "&e%PLAYER%'s Friend Lives:&c %FRIEND_LIVES%" REVIVE: USAGE: "&cUsage: /pvp revive " NOT_ENOUGH_LIVES: "&cYou do not have enough friend lives to revive %PLAYER%." NOT_DEATHBANNED: "&c%PLAYER% is not deathbanned." REVIVED: "&cYou have successfully revived %PLAYER%." ENABLE: USAGE: "&cUsage: /pvp enable" SELF: "&cYou have enabled PvP." OTHER: "&cYou have enabled PvP for %PLAYER%." NONE_SELF: "&cYou do not have an active PvP Timer." NONE_OTHER: "&c%PLAYER% does not have an active PvP Timer." TIME: USAGE: "&cUsage: /pvp time" HAVE_SELF: "&cYou currently have &lPvP Protection&c for %TIME% minutes." HAVE_OTHER: "&c%PLAYER% currently has &lPvP Protection&c for %TIME% minutes." NONE_SELF: "&cYou do not have PvP Protection." NONE_OTHER: "&c%PLAYER% does not have PvP Protection." HELP: - "&c/pvp lives - Shows amount of lives that a player has" - "&c/pvp revive - Revives target player" - "&c/pvp time - Shows time left on PVP Timer" - "&c/pvp enable - Remove PVP Timer" LIVES: COMMAND: VIEW: - "&eLives are used to revive you instantly upon death. You can purchase more lives at &" - "&eFriend lives:&c %FRIEND_LIVES%" - "&eSoulbound lives:&c %SOULBOUND_LIVES%" - "&cYou cannot revive other players with soulbound lives." # I'm pretty bad at organizing/naming configuration files with these many keys + values. # If you feel like you can do a better job, feel free to do so and make a PR. # Thanks, Alexandeh/Frog <3 FACTION_HELP: 1: - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "&9Faction Help &e(Page 1/4)" - "&e/f accept - &7Accept a join request from an existing faction." - "&e/f chat - &7Toggle faction/ally chat mode on or off." - "&e/f claim - &7Claim land in the Wilderness." - "&e/f create - &7Create a faction." - "&e/f demote - &7Demotes a player to a member." - "&e/f deposit - &7Deposits money to the faction balance." - "&eYou are currently on &fPage 1/4." - "&eTo view other pages, use &9/f help ." - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" 3: - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "&9Faction Help &e(Page 3/4)" - "&e/f rename - &7Change the name of your faction." - "&e/f promote - &7Promotes a player to a captain." - "&e/f sethome - &7Sets the faction home location." - "&e/f show - &7Get details about a faction." - "&e/f unclaim - &7Unclaims land from your faction." - "&e/f uninvite - &7Revoke an invitation to a player." - "&eYou are currently on &fPage 3/4." - "&eTo view other pages, use &9/f help ." - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" 4: - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "&9Faction Help &e(Page 4/4)" - "&e/f withdraw - &7Withdraws money from the faction balance." - "&eYou are currently on &fPage 4/4." - "&eTo view other pages, use &9/f help ." - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" FACTION_LIST: - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "&9Faction List &7(Page %PAGE%/%TOTAL_PAGES%)" - "&7%POSITION%. &e%FACTION% &a(%ONLINE_COUNT%/%MAX_COUNT%)" - "&7You are currently on &fPage %PAGE%/%TOTAL_PAGES%&7." - "&7To view other pages use &e/f list " - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" FACTION_SHOW: SYSTEM_FACTION: SETTINGS: HOME_PLACEHOLDER: "None" MESSAGE: - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "%COLOR%%FACTION%" - "&eLocation:&f %HOME%" - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" PLAYER_FACTION: SETTINGS: HOME_PLACEHOLDER: "None" #if home not set OFFLINE_COLOR: "GRAY" ONLINE_COLOR: "GREEN" SPLIT_NAMES: ENABLED: TRUE FORMAT: "&7, " SHOW_KILLS: ENABLED: TRUE FORMAT: "&e[&a%KILLS%&e]" DTR_SYMBOL: FROZEN: "⚠" REGENERATING: "▲" FULL: "▶" DTR_COLOR: RAIDABLE: "DARK_RED" NOT_RAIDABLE: "GREEN" MESSAGE: - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "&9%FACTION% &7[%ONLINE_COUNT%/%MAX_COUNT%] &3- &eHome:&f %HOME% &3- &e%MANAGE%" - "&eLeader: %LEADER%" - "&eOfficers: %OFFICERS%" - "&eMembers: %MEMBERS%" - "&eAllies: &d%ALLIES%" - "&eBalance: &9$%BALANCE%" - "&eDeaths until raidable: &a%DTR%%DTR_SYMBOL%" - "&eTime until regen: &9%REGEN_TIME%" - "&eAnnouncement: &d%ANNOUNCEMENT%" - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" ANNOUNCEMENTS: FACTION: PLAYER_INVITED: "&d%PLAYER%&e has invited &d%INVITED_PLAYER%&e to the faction." PLAYER_UNINVITED: "&d%PLAYER%&e has uninvited &d%UNINVITED_PLAYER%&e from the faction." PLAYER_JOINED: "&e%PLAYER% has joined the faction!" PLAYER_LEFT: "&d%PLAYER%&e has left the faction." PLAYER_PROMOTED: "&d%PLAYER%&e's role has been set to: &dCaptain" PLAYER_DEMOTED: "&d%PLAYER%&e's role has been set to: &dMember" PLAYER_TRANSFER_LEADERSHIP: "&d%PLAYER%&e's role has been set to: &dLeader" PLAYER_SET_HOME: "&3%PLAYER% has updated the faction home location." PLAYER_FACTION_CHAT: "&e(&2FC) &e%PLAYER%:&2 %MESSAGE%" PLAYER_ALLY_CHAT: "&e(&9FC) &e%PLAYER%:&9 %MESSAGE%" PLAYER_SET_ANNOUNCEMENT: "&d%PLAYER%&e has updated the faction announcement to '&d%MESSAGE%&e'" PLAYER_KICKED: "&d%KICKED_PLAYER%&e has been kicked by&d %PLAYER%&e." PLAYER_SEND_ALLY_REQUEST: "&e%PLAYER% has requested to ally &9%FACTION%&e." PLAYER_DEPOSIT_MONEY: "&d%PLAYER%&e has deposited &d$%AMOUNT%&e into the faction balance!" PLAYER_WITHDRAW_MONEY: "&d%PLAYER%&e has withdrawn &d$%AMOUNT%&e into the faction balance!" PLAYER_CLAIM_LAND: "&d%PLAYER%&e has claimed land for your faction!" PLAYER_UNCLAIM_ALL: "&d%PLAYER%&e has unclaimed all your land!" PLAYER_UNCLAIM: "&d%PLAYER%&e has unclaimed land!" FACTION_CREATED: "&eFaction &9%NAME%&e has been &acreated&e by %PLAYER%" FACTION_DISBANDED: "&eFaction &9%NAME%&e has been &cdisbanded&e by %PLAYER%" FACTION_RENAMED: "&eFaction &9%OLD_NAME%&e has been &9renamed&e to &9%NEW_NAME%&e by %PLAYER%" FACTION_RECEIVE_ALLY_REQUEST: "&eFaction &d%FACTION%&e has sent you an ally request!" FACTION_ALLIED: "&eYour faction is now &9allied&e with &9%FACTION%&e." FACTION_NOW_ENEMY: "&eYour faction is now an &cenemy&e of &c%FACTION%&e." TOO_FEW_ARGS: CREATE: "&cUsage: /f create " CREATE_SYSTEM: "&cUsage: /f createsystem " INVITE: "&cUsage: /f invite " JOIN: "&cUsage: /f join " RENAME: "&cUsage: /f rename " PROMOTE: "&cUsage: /f promote " DEMOTE: "&cUsage: /f demote " LEADER: "&cUsage: /f leader " UNINVITE: "&cUsage: /f leader " MESSAGE: "&cUsage: /f message " ANNOUNCEMENT: "&cUsage: /f announcement " KICK: "&cUsage: /f kick " ALLY: "&cUsage: /f ally " ENEMY: "&cUsage: /f enemy " DEPOSIT: "&cUsage: /f deposit " WITHDRAW: "&cUsage: /f withdraw " TOGGLE_DEATHBAN: "&cUsage: /f toggledeathban " SET_COLOR: "&cUsage: /f color " FREEZE: "&cUsage: /f freeze