started on capes, edited alt manager ui

This commit is contained in:
The Biggest skiddd 2023-06-24 00:19:53 +02:00
parent 6d941daf42
commit d7e8e10160
101 changed files with 629644 additions and 18144 deletions

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ import optifine.CapeUtils;
import optifine.Config;
import optifine.PlayerConfigurations;
import optifine.Reflector;
import rip.athena.client.Athena;
public abstract class AbstractClientPlayer extends EntityPlayer
@ -90,6 +91,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractClientPlayer extends EntityPlayer
public ResourceLocation getLocationCape()
if (!Config.isShowCapes())
return null;

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public class GuiButton extends Gui
private SimpleAnimation rectHoverAnimation = new SimpleAnimation(100);
protected static final ResourceLocation buttonTextures = new ResourceLocation("textures/gui/widgets.png");
// The animations crashed the entire fucking game.
// The animations crashed the entire fucking game.
int opacity;
/** Button width in pixels */
protected int width;
@ -92,49 +92,45 @@ public class GuiButton extends Gui
if (this.visible)
FontRenderer fontrenderer = mc.fontRendererObj;
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
this.hovered = mouseX >= this.xPosition && mouseY >= this.yPosition && mouseX < this.xPosition + this.width && mouseY < this.yPosition + this.height;
int i = this.getHoverState(this.hovered);
GlStateManager.tryBlendFuncSeparate(770, 771, 1, 0);
GlStateManager.blendFunc(770, 771);
//this.drawTexturedModalRect(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, 0, 46 + i * 20, this.width / 2, this.height);
//this.drawTexturedModalRect(this.xPosition + this.width / 2, this.yPosition, 200 - this.width / 2, 46 + i * 20, this.width / 2, this.height);
this.mouseDragged(mc, mouseX, mouseY);
int j = 14737632;
if (hovered) {
opacity += 25;
if(opacity > 120) opacity = 120;
if(opacity > 150) opacity = 150;
} else {
opacity -= 25;
if(opacity < 70) opacity = 70;
if(opacity < 100) opacity = 100;
Color rectCol = new Color(100, 100, 100, opacity);
Color rectCol;
rectCol = new Color(10, 10, 10, 120);
rectCol = new Color(30, 30, 30, opacity);
rectCol = new Color(150, 150, 150, opacity);
//Gui.drawRect(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, this.xPosition + this.width, this.yPosition + this.height, rectCol.getRGB());
RoundedUtils.drawRound(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, this.width, (this.height), 4, rectCol);
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedGradientOutlineCorner(this.xPosition, this.yPosition, (this.width + xPosition), (this.height + yPosition), 1, 6, ColorUtil.getClientColor(0, 255).getRGB(), ColorUtil.getClientColor(90, 255).getRGB(), ColorUtil.getClientColor(180, 255).getRGB(), ColorUtil.getClientColor(270, 255).getRGB());
RoundedUtils.drawRound(this.xPosition + 1, this.yPosition + 1, this.width - 1, (this.height) - 2, 4, rectCol);
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedGradientOutlineCorner(this.xPosition, this.yPosition + 1, (this.width + xPosition), (this.height + yPosition) - 1, 1, 6, ColorUtil.getClientColor(0, 255).getRGB(), ColorUtil.getClientColor(90, 255).getRGB(), ColorUtil.getClientColor(180, 255).getRGB(), ColorUtil.getClientColor(270, 255).getRGB());
if(this.hovered && this.enabled) {
if (!(lineHoverAnimation.getValue() > width / 2 - 2)) {
lineHoverAnimation.setAnimation(width / 2 - 2, 10);
if (!(lineHoverAnimation.getValue() > (float) width / 2 - 2)) {
lineHoverAnimation.setAnimation((float) width / 2 - 2, 10);
this.drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) - lineHoverAnimation.getValue()), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
this.drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) + lineHoverAnimation.getValue()), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) - lineHoverAnimation.getValue()), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) + lineHoverAnimation.getValue()), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
else if(lineHoverAnimation.getValue() >= width / 2) {
this.drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) - lineHoverAnimation.getValue()), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
this.drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) + lineHoverAnimation.getValue()), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
else if(lineHoverAnimation.getValue() >= (float) width / 2) {
drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) - lineHoverAnimation.getValue()), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) + lineHoverAnimation.getValue()), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
@ -142,29 +138,18 @@ public class GuiButton extends Gui
else if(!hovered){
lineHoverAnimation.setAnimation(0, 4);
if(!(lineHoverAnimation.getValue() <= 0 || lineHoverAnimation.getValue() <= 2)) {
this.drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) - lineHoverAnimation.getValue() - 1), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
this.drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) + lineHoverAnimation.getValue() + 1), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) - lineHoverAnimation.getValue() - 1), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
drawHorizontalLine(this.xPosition + width / 2 , (int) ((xPosition + width/2) + lineHoverAnimation.getValue() + 1), this.yPosition + height - 1, -1);
if (this.enabled)
j = -1;
j = Color.BLACK.getRGB();
xPosition + (width / 2), this.enabled ? yPosition + (height / 2) - 3 : yPosition + (height / 2) - 6, -1);
xPosition + (float) (width / 2), this.enabled ? yPosition + (float) (height / 2) - 3 : yPosition + (float) (height / 2) - 6, -1);
if (!this.enabled)
xPosition + (width / 2), yPosition + (height / 2) + 4, -1);
xPosition + (float) (width / 2), yPosition + (float) (height / 2) + 4, -1);

View File

@ -397,6 +397,7 @@ public abstract class Render<T extends Entity>
rankTexture = new ResourceLocation("Athena/ranks/mod.png");
case "PARTNER":
case "MEDIA":
rankTexture = new ResourceLocation("Athena/ranks/partner.png");
case "PREMIUM":

View File

@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
package net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.layers;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.entity.AbstractClientPlayer;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EnumPlayerModelParts;
import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import rip.athena.client.Athena;
import rip.athena.client.modules.impl.other.Settings;
import rip.athena.client.socket.SocketClient;
public class LayerCape implements LayerRenderer
@ -19,38 +24,35 @@ public class LayerCape implements LayerRenderer
public void doRenderLayer(AbstractClientPlayer entitylivingbaseIn, float p_177141_2_, float p_177141_3_, float partialTicks, float p_177141_5_, float p_177141_6_, float p_177141_7_, float scale)
if (entitylivingbaseIn.hasPlayerInfo() && !entitylivingbaseIn.isInvisible() && entitylivingbaseIn.isWearing(EnumPlayerModelParts.CAPE) && entitylivingbaseIn.getLocationCape() != null)
if (entitylivingbaseIn.hasPlayerInfo() && !entitylivingbaseIn.isInvisible() && entitylivingbaseIn.getLocationCape() != null) {
GlStateManager.color(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
GlStateManager.translate(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.125F);
double d0 = entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosX + (entitylivingbaseIn.chasingPosX - entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosX) * (double)partialTicks - (entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosX + (entitylivingbaseIn.posX - entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosX) * (double)partialTicks);
double d1 = entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosY + (entitylivingbaseIn.chasingPosY - entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosY) * (double)partialTicks - (entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosY + (entitylivingbaseIn.posY - entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosY) * (double)partialTicks);
double d2 = entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosZ + (entitylivingbaseIn.chasingPosZ - entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosZ) * (double)partialTicks - (entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosZ + (entitylivingbaseIn.posZ - entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosZ) * (double)partialTicks);
double d0 = entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosX + (entitylivingbaseIn.chasingPosX - entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosX) * (double) partialTicks - (entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosX + (entitylivingbaseIn.posX - entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosX) * (double) partialTicks);
double d1 = entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosY + (entitylivingbaseIn.chasingPosY - entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosY) * (double) partialTicks - (entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosY + (entitylivingbaseIn.posY - entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosY) * (double) partialTicks);
double d2 = entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosZ + (entitylivingbaseIn.chasingPosZ - entitylivingbaseIn.prevChasingPosZ) * (double) partialTicks - (entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosZ + (entitylivingbaseIn.posZ - entitylivingbaseIn.prevPosZ) * (double) partialTicks);
float f = entitylivingbaseIn.prevRenderYawOffset + (entitylivingbaseIn.renderYawOffset - entitylivingbaseIn.prevRenderYawOffset) * partialTicks;
double d3 = (double)MathHelper.sin(f * (float)Math.PI / 180.0F);
double d4 = (double)(-MathHelper.cos(f * (float)Math.PI / 180.0F));
float f1 = (float)d1 * 10.0F;
double d3 = (double) MathHelper.sin(f * (float) Math.PI / 180.0F);
double d4 = (double) (-MathHelper.cos(f * (float) Math.PI / 180.0F));
float f1 = (float) d1 * 10.0F;
f1 = MathHelper.clamp_float(f1, -6.0F, 32.0F);
float f2 = (float)(d0 * d3 + d2 * d4) * 100.0F;
float f3 = (float)(d0 * d4 - d2 * d3) * 100.0F;
float f2 = (float) (d0 * d3 + d2 * d4) * 100.0F;
float f3 = (float) (d0 * d4 - d2 * d3) * 100.0F;
if (f2 < 0.0F)
if (f2 < 0.0F) {
f2 = 0.0F;
if (f2 > 165.0F)
if (f2 > 165.0F) {
f2 = 165.0F;
float f4 = entitylivingbaseIn.prevCameraYaw + (entitylivingbaseIn.cameraYaw - entitylivingbaseIn.prevCameraYaw) * partialTicks;
f1 = f1 + MathHelper.sin((entitylivingbaseIn.prevDistanceWalkedModified + (entitylivingbaseIn.distanceWalkedModified - entitylivingbaseIn.prevDistanceWalkedModified) * partialTicks) * 6.0F) * 32.0F * f4;
if (entitylivingbaseIn.isSneaking())
if (entitylivingbaseIn.isSneaking()) {
f1 += 25.0F;
GlStateManager.translate(0.0F, 0.142F, -0.0178F);

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display;
import rip.athena.client.account.AccountManager;
import rip.athena.client.cosmetics.CosmeticsController;
@ -48,10 +49,11 @@ public class Athena {
private final PrefixedLogger log = new PrefixedLogger("Athena");
private final String clientName = "Athena";
private final String clientVersion = "0.0.1";
private final String clientBuild = "061723";
private final String clientVersion = "0.0.2";
private final String clientBuild = "062323";
private NotificationManager notificationManager;
private CosmeticsController cosmeticsController;
private AccountManager accountManager;
private ConfigManager configManager;
private ModuleManager moduleManager;
@ -76,17 +78,8 @@ public class Athena {
this.discordRPC = new DiscordRPC();
if(!MAIN_DIR.exists()) {
if(!ACCOUNTS_DIR.exists()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if(SocketClient.isClientRunning()) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Port 45376 already in use.");
@ -100,11 +93,17 @@ public class Athena {
this.macroManager = new MacroManager();
this.hudManager = new HUDManager();
this.eventBus = new EventBus();
this.notificationManager = new NotificationManager();
this.cosmeticsController = new CosmeticsController();
if(this.cosmeticsController.getCapeManager().getSelectedCape() == null) {
@ -157,6 +156,22 @@ public class Athena {
private void createDirectoryIfNotExists(File directory) {
if (!directory.exists()) {
private void createFileIfNotExists(File file) {
if (!file.exists()) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
* Cleans up and shuts down the client.
* This method is responsible for any necessary cleanup tasks,

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import rip.athena.client.Athena;
import rip.athena.client.config.ConfigEntry;
import rip.athena.client.cosmetics.cape.Cape;
import rip.athena.client.gui.clickgui.pages.SettingsPage;
import rip.athena.client.gui.hud.HUDElement;
@ -154,6 +155,15 @@ public class Config {
String capeIdentifier = obj.getString("cape");
for (Cape cape : Athena.INSTANCE.getCosmeticsController().getCapeManager().getCapes()) {
if (cape.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(capeIdentifier)) {
Athena.INSTANCE.getLog().info(cape + capeIdentifier + cape.getName());
JSONArray macroList = obj.getJSONArray("macros");
for(int i = 0; i < macroList.length(); i++) {
@ -376,6 +386,7 @@ public class Config {
config.put("theme", Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().name());
config.put("cape", Athena.INSTANCE.getCosmeticsController().getCapeManager().getSelectedCape().getName());
JSONArray macros = new JSONArray();

View File

@ -1,7 +1,22 @@
package rip.athena.client.cosmetics;/**
package rip.athena.client.cosmetics;
import lombok.Getter;
import rip.athena.client.cosmetics.cape.CapeManager;
* @project Athena-Client
* @author Athena Development
* @date 6/12/2023
public class CosmeticsController {
private final CapeManager capeManager;
public CosmeticsController() {
capeManager = new CapeManager();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package rip.athena.client.cosmetics.cape;
import lombok.Getter;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
* @author Athena Development
* @project Athena-Client
* @date 6/23/2023
public class Cape {
private final String name;
private final ResourceLocation location;
private final ResourceLocation displayTexture;
public Cape(String name, String location, String displayTexture) { = name;
this.location = new ResourceLocation("Athena/cosmetics/capes/" + location + ".png");
this.displayTexture = new ResourceLocation("Athena/cosmetics/capes/" + displayTexture + ".png");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package rip.athena.client.cosmetics.cape;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation;
import rip.athena.client.Athena;
import rip.athena.client.modules.Module;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* @author Athena Development
* @project Athena-Client
* @date 6/23/2023
public class CapeManager {
private final ArrayList<Cape> capes = new ArrayList<>();
private Cape selectedCape;
public CapeManager() {
capes.add(new Cape("Minecon 2012", "Minecon-2012", "Minecon-2012-display"));
capes.add(new Cape("Minecon 2016", "Minecon-2016", "Minecon-2016-display"));
capes.add(new Cape("ziue's head", "ziue-head", "ziue-head-display"));
capes.add(new Cape("Cat", "cat", "cat-display"));
capes.add(new Cape("None", "None", "None"));
public Cape getCape(String name) {
Cape requestedCape = capes
.filter(m -> m.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name))
if (requestedCape == null) {
// Log a message indicating that the cape is not found
Athena.INSTANCE.getLog().warn("Tried accessing non-existing cape: " + name);
return requestedCape;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ public enum Category {
MACROS("MACROS", "Athena/gui/mods/cps.png"),
WAYPOINTS("WAYPOINTS", "Athena/gui/menu/waypoints.png"),
PROFILES("PROFILES", "Athena/gui/menu/profiles.png"),
COSMETICS("COSMETICS", "Athena/gui/menu/cosmetics.png"),
CAPES("CAPES", "Athena/gui/menu/cosmetics.png"),
//COSMETICS("COSMETICS", "Athena/gui/menu/cosmetics.png"),
THEMES("THEMES", "Athena/gui/menu/themes.png");
private String name;

View File

@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ public class PageManager {
pages.put(Category.MACROS, new MacrosPage(mc, menu, parent));
pages.put(Category.WAYPOINTS, new WaypointsPage(mc, menu, parent));
pages.put(Category.PROFILES, new ProfilesPage(mc, menu, parent));
pages.put(Category.COSMETICS, new CosmeticsPage(mc, menu, parent));
//pages.put(Category.COSMETICS, new CosmeticsPage(mc, menu, parent));
pages.put(Category.CAPES, new CapesPage(mc, menu, parent));
pages.put(Category.THEMES, new ThemesPage(mc, menu, parent));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package rip.athena.client.gui.clickgui.components.capes;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import rip.athena.client.Athena;
import rip.athena.client.cosmetics.cape.Cape;
import rip.athena.client.font.FontManager;
import rip.athena.client.gui.clickgui.IngameMenu;
import rip.athena.client.gui.framework.components.MenuButton;
import rip.athena.client.gui.framework.draw.ButtonState;
import rip.athena.client.gui.framework.draw.DrawType;
import rip.athena.client.modules.impl.other.Settings;
import rip.athena.client.theme.impl.AccentTheme;
import rip.athena.client.utils.render.ColorUtil;
import rip.athena.client.utils.render.DrawUtils;
import rip.athena.client.utils.render.RoundedUtils;
import java.awt.*;
* @author Athena Development
* @project Athena-Client
* @date 6/2/2023
public class CapeButton extends MenuButton {
private boolean selected;
public CapeButton(Cape cape, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
super(cape, x, y, width, height);
this.selected = false;
public void onInitColors() {
setColor(DrawType.BACKGROUND, ButtonState.NORMAL, new Color(35, 35, 35, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.BACKGROUND, ButtonState.ACTIVE, new Color(35, 35, 35, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.BACKGROUND, ButtonState.HOVER, new Color(35, 35, 35, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.BACKGROUND, ButtonState.HOVERACTIVE, new Color(35, 35, 35, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.BACKGROUND, ButtonState.DISABLED, new Color(255, 255, 255, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.LINE, ButtonState.NORMAL, new Color(52, 52, 53, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.LINE, ButtonState.ACTIVE, new Color(52, 52, 53, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.LINE, ButtonState.HOVER, new Color(52, 52, 53, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.LINE, ButtonState.HOVERACTIVE, new Color(52, 52, 53, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.LINE, ButtonState.DISABLED, new Color(255, 255, 255, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.LINE, ButtonState.POPUP, new Color(28, 28, 30, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.TEXT, ButtonState.NORMAL, new Color(56, 56, 58, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.TEXT, ButtonState.ACTIVE, new Color(90, 90, 94, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.TEXT, ButtonState.HOVER, new Color(75, 75, 78, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.TEXT, ButtonState.HOVERACTIVE, new Color(100, 100, 104, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
setColor(DrawType.TEXT, ButtonState.DISABLED, new Color(255, 255, 255, IngameMenu.MENU_ALPHA));
public void onRender() {
int x = this.getRenderX();
int y = this.getRenderY();
int width = this.width;
RoundedUtils.drawGradientRound(x, y, width, height, 18, ColorUtil.getClientColor(0, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(90, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(180, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(270, 255));
RoundedUtils.drawRound(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, 16, new Color(Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getPrimaryTheme().getThirdColor()));
if (!cape.getName().equals("None")) {
DrawUtils.drawImage(cape.getDisplayTexture(), x + 25, y + 15, width - 50, height - 50);
if(selected) {
text = cape.getName() + " selected";
} else {
text = cape.getName();
drawText(text, x + (width / 2 - getStringWidth(text) / 2), y + height - 20, -1);
mouseDown = false;
public void drawText(String string, int x, int y, int color) {
if(Settings.customGuiFont) {
rip.athena.client.utils.font.FontManager.getProductSansRegular(30).drawString(string, x - 3, y, color);
} else {
Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.drawString(string, x, y, color);
public int getStringWidth(String string) {
if(Settings.customGuiFont) {
return (int) rip.athena.client.utils.font.FontManager.getProductSansRegular(30).width(string) - 1;
} else {
return Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(string);
public int getStringHeight(String string) {
if(Settings.customGuiFont) {
return (int) FontManager.baloo17.getHeight(string) + 1;
} else {
return Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.FONT_HEIGHT;
public void setSelected(boolean selected) {
this.selected = selected;
public boolean isSelected() {
return selected;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
package rip.athena.client.gui.clickgui.pages;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import rip.athena.client.Athena;
import rip.athena.client.cosmetics.cape.Cape;
import rip.athena.client.gui.clickgui.IngameMenu;
import rip.athena.client.gui.clickgui.Page;
import rip.athena.client.gui.clickgui.components.capes.CapeButton;
import rip.athena.client.gui.clickgui.components.mods.ModScrollPane;
import rip.athena.client.gui.framework.Menu;
* @author Athena Development
* @project Athena-Client
* @date 6/2/2023
public class CapesPage extends Page {
private ModScrollPane scrollPane;
public CapesPage(Minecraft mc, Menu menu, IngameMenu parent) {
super(mc, menu, parent);
public void onInit() {
int width = 300;
scrollPane = new ModScrollPane(260, 100, menu.getWidth() - width, menu.getHeight() - 101, false);
private void populateScrollPane() {
int spacing = 15;
int height = 250;
int defaultX = spacing;
int y = spacing;
int x = spacing;
int width = 190;
int maxWidth = scrollPane.getWidth() - spacing * 2;
for(Cape cape : Athena.INSTANCE.getCosmeticsController().getCapeManager().getCapes()) {
CapeButton capeButton = new CapeButton(cape, x, y, width, height) {
public void onAction() {
capeButton.setSelected(cape == Athena.INSTANCE.getCosmeticsController().getCapeManager().getSelectedCape());
x += spacing + width;
if(x + spacing + width > maxWidth) {
x = defaultX;
y += height + spacing;
public void onRender() {
int width = 300;
int x = menu.getX() + menu.getWidth() - width + 20;
int y = menu.getY() + 59;
int height = 32;
drawVerticalLine(menu.getX() + 215, y + height - 30, height + 432, 3, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getPrimaryTheme().getSecondColor());
public void onLoad() {
public void onUnload() {
public void onOpen() {
public void onClose() {

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package rip.athena.client.gui.framework.components;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import rip.athena.client.cosmetics.cape.Cape;
import rip.athena.client.gui.framework.MenuComponent;
import rip.athena.client.gui.framework.draw.ButtonState;
import rip.athena.client.gui.framework.draw.DrawType;
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ public class MenuButton extends MenuComponent {
protected int minOffset = 2;
protected boolean mouseDown = false;
protected boolean active = false;
protected Cape cape;
protected AccentTheme theme;
protected PrimaryTheme primaryTheme;
protected ButtonState lastState = ButtonState.NORMAL;
@ -39,6 +41,11 @@ public class MenuButton extends MenuComponent {
this.theme = theme;
public MenuButton(Cape cape, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
super(x, y, width, height);
this.cape = cape;
public MenuButton(PrimaryTheme theme, int x, int y, int width, int height) {
super(x, y, width, height);
this.primaryTheme = theme;

View File

@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ public class AthenaMenu extends GuiScreen implements GuiYesNoCallback
public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float partialTicks)
DrawUtils.drawImage(new ResourceLocation("Athena/menu/test5.jpg"), 0, 0, width, height);
DrawUtils.drawImage(new ResourceLocation("Athena/menu/wallpaper3.jpg"), 0, 0, width, height);
int[] size = InputUtils.getWindowsSize();
int startX = size[0] / 2;
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ public class AthenaMenu extends GuiScreen implements GuiYesNoCallback
int height = 100;
this.width / 2, y, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB());
(float) this.width / 2, y, new Color(255, 255, 255).getRGB());
DrawUtils.drawImage(new ResourceLocation("Athena/menu/exit.png"),startX + startX - 20, 10, 10, 10);

View File

@ -107,12 +107,8 @@ public class GuiAccountManager extends GuiScreen {
int index = 1;
if(closeAccountManager) {
if(showAccountAnimation.isDone(Direction.BACKWARDS)) {
closeAccountManager = false;
if(click) {
if(clickTimer.hasTimeElapsed(150)) {
@ -122,7 +118,7 @@ public class GuiAccountManager extends GuiScreen {
DrawUtils.drawImage(new ResourceLocation("Athena/menu/test5.jpg"), 0, 0, sr.getScaledWidth(), sr.getScaledHeight());
DrawUtils.drawImage(new ResourceLocation("Athena/menu/wallpaper3.jpg"), 0, 0, sr.getScaledWidth(), sr.getScaledHeight());
@ -134,6 +130,9 @@ public class GuiAccountManager extends GuiScreen {
RoundedUtils.drawRound(x + 1, y + 180, width - 2, height - 150, 6, new Color(Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getPrimaryTheme().getFirstColor()));
FontManager.getProductSansRegular(22).drawString("Add Account", x + 5, y + 186, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getPrimaryTheme().getTextColor());
RoundedUtils.drawGradientRound(x , y + 206, width, height - 148, 6, ColorUtil.getClientColor(0, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(90, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(180, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(270, 255));
RoundedUtils.drawRound(x + 1, y + 207, width - 2, height - 150, 6, new Color(Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getPrimaryTheme().getFirstColor()));
FontManager.getProductSansRegular(22).drawString("Go back", x + 5, y + 213, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getPrimaryTheme().getTextColor());
RoundedUtils.drawRound(x, y + 28, width, height - 28.5F, 6, Color.WHITE);
@ -150,11 +149,13 @@ public class GuiAccountManager extends GuiScreen {
for(Account a : Athena.INSTANCE.getAccountManager().getAccounts()) {
RoundedUtils.drawRound(x + 9, y + offsetY + scrollAnimation.getValue() - 1, width - 18, 37, 4, new Color(Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getPrimaryTheme().getSecondColor()));
RoundedUtils.drawRound(x + 10, y + offsetY + scrollAnimation.getValue(), width - 20, 35, 4, new Color(Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getPrimaryTheme().getFirstColor()));
RoundedUtils.drawGradientRound(x + width - 36, y + offsetY + 7 + scrollAnimation.getValue(), 20, 20, 4, ColorUtil.getClientColor(0, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(90, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(180, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(270, 255));
if(a.getAccountType().equals(AccountType.MICROSOFT)) {
//mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(face(a.getUsername(), UUID.fromString(a.getUuid())));
mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("Athena/menu/head.png"));
} else {
mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("Athena/menu/head.png"));
@ -163,11 +164,15 @@ public class GuiAccountManager extends GuiScreen {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundTextured(x + 17, y + offsetY + 6 + scrollAnimation.getValue(), 24, 24, 4, 1.0F);
DrawUtils.drawImage(new ResourceLocation("Athena/menu/exit.png"),x + width - 31, (int) (y + offsetY + 12 + scrollAnimation.getValue()), 10, 10);
FontManager.getProductSansRegular(22).drawString(a.getUsername(), x + 50, y + offsetY + 15 + scrollAnimation.getValue(), Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getPrimaryTheme().getTextColor());
a.opacityAnimation.setAnimation(a.isDone ? 0 : 255, 16);
FontManager.getProductSansRegular(22).drawCenteredString(a.getInfo(), x + width - 54, y + 14.5F + offsetY + scrollAnimation.getValue(), Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getPrimaryTheme().getTextColor());
FontManager.getProductSansRegular(22).drawCenteredString(a.getInfo(), x + width - 64, y + 14.5F + offsetY + scrollAnimation.getValue(), Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getPrimaryTheme().getTextColor());
if(a.getInfo().equals("Success") || a.getInfo().equals("Error")) {
if(a.getTimer().hasTimeElapsed(3500)) {
@ -263,14 +268,14 @@ public class GuiAccountManager extends GuiScreen {
showAddAccount = true;
if(MouseUtils.isInside(mouseX, mouseY, x , y + 179, width, height - 148)) {
if(MouseUtils.isInside(mouseX, mouseY, x , y + 206, width, 25)) {
if(MouseUtils.isInside(mouseX, mouseY, x , y + 179, width, 25)) {
mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiAltManager());
//Soar.instance.settingsManager.getSettingByClass(ClientMod.class, "DarkMode").setValBoolean(!Soar.instance.settingsManager.getSettingByClass(ClientMod.class, "DarkMode").getValBoolean());
if (MouseUtils.isInside(mouseX, mouseY, sr.getScaledWidth() - 25, 5.0, 20.0, 20.0)) {
if(showAddAccount) {
@ -316,7 +321,6 @@ public class GuiAccountManager extends GuiScreen {
for(Account a : Athena.INSTANCE.getAccountManager().getAccounts()) {
if(MouseUtils.isInside(mouseX, mouseY, x + width - 36, y + offsetY + 7 + scrollAnimation.getValue(), 20, 20)) {
deleteAccount = a;
delete = true;

View File

@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ public class GuiAltManager extends GuiScreen {
int yOffset = (screenHeight - getTotalPanelsHeight()) / 2; // Calculate vertical offset to center the panels
int width = screenWidth - (2 * xOffset);
DrawUtils.drawImage(new ResourceLocation("Athena/menu/test5.jpg"), 0, 0, (int) screenWidth, (int) screenHeight);
DrawUtils.drawImage(new ResourceLocation("Athena/menu/wallpaper3.jpg"), 0, 0, (int) screenWidth, (int) screenHeight);
RoundedUtils.drawGradientRound(xOffset + 15, yOffset - 1, width + 1, getTotalPanelsHeight() - 23, 6, ColorUtil.getClientColor(0, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(90, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(180, 255), ColorUtil.getClientColor(270, 255));

View File

@ -38,13 +38,11 @@ public class LoginPanel extends Panel {
private final List<AltButton> actionButtons = new ArrayList<>();
public final List<TextField> textFields = new ArrayList<>();
private String status = "Session:";
private String status = "";
public LoginPanel() {
actionButtons.add(new AltButton("Cracked"));
actionButtons.add(new AltButton("Session"));
actionButtons.add(new AltButton("Login"));
actionButtons.add(new AltButton("Offline Login"));
textFields.add(new TextField());
textFields.add(new TextField());
@ -120,8 +118,7 @@ public class LoginPanel extends Panel {
actionButton.setClickAction(() -> {
switch (actionButton.getName()) {
case "Cracked":
if (actionButton.getName().equals("Offline Login")) {
TextField cracked = textFields.get(0);
Athena.INSTANCE.getAccountManager().getAccounts().add(new Account(AccountType.CRACKED, cracked.getText(), "0", "0"));
Minecraft.getMinecraft().session = new Session(cracked.getText(), "0", "0", "legacy");
@ -129,51 +126,6 @@ public class LoginPanel extends Panel {
Athena.INSTANCE.getAccountManager().isFirstLogin = false;
case "Session":
TextField sessionID = textFields.get(0);
try {
String user, uuid, token, session = sessionID.getText();
if (session.contains(":")) { //if fully formatted string (ign:uuid:token)
//split string to data
user = session.split(":")[0];
uuid = session.split(":")[1];
token = session.split(":")[2];
} else { //if only token
//make request
HttpURLConnection c = (HttpURLConnection) new URL("").openConnection();
c.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/json");
c.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Bearer " + sessionID.getText());
//get json
JsonObject json = new JsonParser().parse(IOUtils.toString(c.getInputStream())).getAsJsonObject();
//get data
user = json.get("name").getAsString();
uuid = json.get("id").getAsString();
token = session;
//set session and return to previous screen
Minecraft.getMinecraft().session = new Session(user, uuid, token, "mojang");
status = "Logged into " + user;
Athena.INSTANCE.getAccountManager().getAccounts().add(new Account(AccountType.SESSION, user, uuid, token));
Athena.INSTANCE.getAccountManager().isFirstLogin = false;
Athena.INSTANCE.getLog().info("Success: Logged into " + user);
} catch (Exception e) {
status = "Failed to login";
Athena.INSTANCE.getLog().error("Failed to login");
@ -188,9 +140,8 @@ public class LoginPanel extends Panel {
hoverMicrosoftAnim.setDirection(hoveringMicrosoft ? Direction.FORWARDS : Direction.BACKWARDS);
RoundedUtils.drawRound(microX, microsoftY, microWidth, microHeight, 5, ColorUtil.applyOpacity(Color.BLACK, .2f + (.25f * hoverMicrosoftAnim.getOutput().floatValue())));
FontManager.getProductSansRegular(26).drawString("Microsoft Login", microX + 10, microsoftY + 4, -1);
FontManager.getProductSansRegular(16).drawString("Login to your migrated account", microX + 10, microsoftY + 23, -1);
FontManager.getProductSansRegular(16).drawString("Login by entering login details and clicking here", microX + 10, microsoftY + 23, -1);
float logoSize = 22;
DrawUtils.drawMicrosoftLogo(microX + microWidth - (10 + logoSize), microsoftY + (microHeight / 2f) - (logoSize / 2f), logoSize, 1.5f);

View File

@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import;
import rip.athena.client.gui.clickgui.components.mods.MenuModKeybind;
import sun.rmi.transport.proxy.RMIHttpToCGISocketFactory;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
import java.util.List;

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package rip.athena.client.modules.impl.other;
import com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile;
import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityOtherPlayerMP;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import rip.athena.client.Athena;
@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ public class AimTrainer extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Fade")) {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 8.0f, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().getAccentColor().getRGB());
} else {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 12,background.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, background.getRGB());

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package rip.athena.client.modules.impl.render;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import rip.athena.client.Athena;
import rip.athena.client.config.ConfigValue;
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ public class CPS extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Fade")) {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 8.0f, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().getAccentColor().getRGB());
} else {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 12,background.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, background.getRGB());

View File

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ public class Clock extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Fade")) {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 8.0f, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().getAccentColor().getRGB());
} else {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 12, background.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, background.getRGB());

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package rip.athena.client.modules.impl.render;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.WorldRenderer;
@ -92,17 +93,6 @@ public class Coordinates extends Module {
int myPosZ;
int myAngle;
int myDir;
int myMoveX;
int myMoveZ;
int myFind;
int coordLocation;
int myXLine, myYLine, myZLine, myBiomeLine;
int myBaseOffset;
int myCoord1Offset, myCoord2Offset;
int myRHSlocation;
int coordBoxW, coordBoxH;
int coordBoxL, coordBoxR, coordBoxTop, coordBoxBase;
private static final String[] myCardinalPoint = new String[] {"N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW"};
@ -280,7 +270,7 @@ public class Coordinates extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Circle")) {
RoundedUtils.drawGradientRound(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getWidth(), hud.getHeight(), 6, ColorUtil.getClientColor(0, transparency), ColorUtil.getClientColor(90, transparency), ColorUtil.getClientColor(180, transparency), ColorUtil.getClientColor(270, transparency));
} else {
DrawUtils.drawGradientRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, backgroundColor.getRGB(), backgroundColor.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, backgroundColor.getRGB());

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package rip.athena.client.modules.impl.render;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import rip.athena.client.Athena;
import rip.athena.client.config.ConfigValue;
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ public class CustomText extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Fade")) {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 8.0f, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().getAccentColorWave().getRGB());
} else {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 12,background.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, background.getRGB());

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package rip.athena.client.modules.impl.render;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import rip.athena.client.Athena;
import rip.athena.client.config.ConfigValue;
@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ public class EntityHUD extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Fade")) {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 8.0f, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().getAccentColorWave().getRGB());
} else {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 12,background.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, background.getRGB());

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package rip.athena.client.modules.impl.render;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ public class FPSMod extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Fade")) {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 8.0f, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().getAccentColor().getRGB());
} else {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 12,background.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, background.getRGB());

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package rip.athena.client.modules.impl.render;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
import rip.athena.client.Athena;
import rip.athena.client.config.ConfigValue;
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@ public class MemoryUsage extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Fade")) {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 8.0f, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().getAccentColor().getRGB());
} else {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 12,background.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, background.getRGB());

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package rip.athena.client.modules.impl.render;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.DynamicTexture;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureUtil;
import net.minecraft.client.resources.IResourcePack;
@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ public class PackDisplay extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Fade")) {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX() - 10, hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width + rip.athena.client.utils.font.FontManager.getProductSansRegular(20).width(this.convertNormalText(pack.getPackName())) / 2, hud.getY() + height + 20, 12.0f, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().getAccentColor().getRGB());
} else {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX() - 10, hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width + rip.athena.client.utils.font.FontManager.getProductSansRegular(20).width(this.convertNormalText(pack.getPackName())) / 2, hud.getY() + height + 20, 12,background.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX() - 10, hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width + rip.athena.client.utils.font.FontManager.getProductSansRegular(20).width(this.convertNormalText(pack.getPackName())) / 2, hud.getY() + height + 20, background.getRGB());

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package rip.athena.client.modules.impl.render;
import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
import net.minecraft.item.Item;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ public class PotCounter extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Fade")) {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 8.0f, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().getAccentColor().getRGB());
} else {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 12,backgroundColor.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, backgroundColor.getRGB());

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package rip.athena.client.modules.impl.render;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase;
import net.minecraft.util.MovingObjectPosition;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ public class ReachDisplay extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Fade")) {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 8.0f, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().getAccentColor().getRGB());
} else {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 12,background.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, background.getRGB());

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package rip.athena.client.modules.impl.render;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager;
@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ import rip.athena.client.utils.render.RoundedUtils;
public class Scoreboard extends Module {
@ConfigValue.List(name = "Display Mode", values = {"Modern", "Fade", "Custom", "Default"}, description = "Chose display of background")
private String backgroundMode = "Modern";
private String backgroundMode = "Default";
@ConfigValue.Color(name = "Background Color")
private Color backgroundColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 150);
@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ public class Scoreboard extends Module {
} else if (backgroundMode.equalsIgnoreCase("Fade")) {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 8.0f, Athena.INSTANCE.getThemeManager().getTheme().getAccentColor().getRGB());
} else {
RoundedUtils.drawRoundedRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, 12,backgroundColor.getRGB());
Gui.drawRect(hud.getX(), hud.getY(), hud.getX() + width, hud.getY() + height, backgroundColor.getRGB());

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ bobView:true

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -27,6 +27,23 @@
"bindtype": "Toggle",
"enabled": false
"Crosshair": {
"settings": {
"Draw color": {
"red": 255,
"green": 0,
"blue": 0,
"alpha": 255
"Brush size": 2,
"Rainbow color": false,
"Delete mode": false
"bind": 0,
"hud": {},
"bindtype": "Toggle",
"enabled": false
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Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More