package optifine; import; import java.util.Iterator; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import net.minecraft.util.MathHelper; public class BlockPosM extends BlockPos { private int mx; private int my; private int mz; private int level; private BlockPosM[] facings; private boolean needsUpdate; public BlockPosM(int p_i22_1_, int p_i22_2_, int p_i22_3_) { this(p_i22_1_, p_i22_2_, p_i22_3_, 0); } public BlockPosM(double p_i23_1_, double p_i23_3_, double p_i23_5_) { this(MathHelper.floor_double(p_i23_1_), MathHelper.floor_double(p_i23_3_), MathHelper.floor_double(p_i23_5_)); } public BlockPosM(int p_i24_1_, int p_i24_2_, int p_i24_3_, int p_i24_4_) { super(0, 0, 0); = p_i24_1_; = p_i24_2_; = p_i24_3_; this.level = p_i24_4_; } /** * Get the X coordinate */ public int getX() { return; } /** * Get the Y coordinate */ public int getY() { return; } /** * Get the Z coordinate */ public int getZ() { return; } public void setXyz(int p_setXyz_1_, int p_setXyz_2_, int p_setXyz_3_) { = p_setXyz_1_; = p_setXyz_2_; = p_setXyz_3_; this.needsUpdate = true; } public void setXyz(double p_setXyz_1_, double p_setXyz_3_, double p_setXyz_5_) { this.setXyz(MathHelper.floor_double(p_setXyz_1_), MathHelper.floor_double(p_setXyz_3_), MathHelper.floor_double(p_setXyz_5_)); } /** * Offset this BlockPos 1 block in the given direction */ public BlockPos offset(EnumFacing facing) { if (this.level <= 0) { return super.offset(facing, 1); } else { if (this.facings == null) { this.facings = new BlockPosM[EnumFacing.VALUES.length]; } if (this.needsUpdate) { this.update(); } int i = facing.getIndex(); BlockPosM blockposm = this.facings[i]; if (blockposm == null) { int j = + facing.getFrontOffsetX(); int k = + facing.getFrontOffsetY(); int l = + facing.getFrontOffsetZ(); blockposm = new BlockPosM(j, k, l, this.level - 1); this.facings[i] = blockposm; } return blockposm; } } /** * Offsets this BlockPos n blocks in the given direction */ public BlockPos offset(EnumFacing facing, int n) { return n == 1 ? this.offset(facing) : super.offset(facing, n); } private void update() { for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { BlockPosM blockposm = this.facings[i]; if (blockposm != null) { EnumFacing enumfacing = EnumFacing.VALUES[i]; int j = + enumfacing.getFrontOffsetX(); int k = + enumfacing.getFrontOffsetY(); int l = + enumfacing.getFrontOffsetZ(); blockposm.setXyz(j, k, l); } } this.needsUpdate = false; } public static Iterable getAllInBoxMutable(BlockPos p_getAllInBoxMutable_0_, BlockPos p_getAllInBoxMutable_1_) { final BlockPos blockpos = new BlockPos(Math.min(p_getAllInBoxMutable_0_.getX(), p_getAllInBoxMutable_1_.getX()), Math.min(p_getAllInBoxMutable_0_.getY(), p_getAllInBoxMutable_1_.getY()), Math.min(p_getAllInBoxMutable_0_.getZ(), p_getAllInBoxMutable_1_.getZ())); final BlockPos blockpos1 = new BlockPos(Math.max(p_getAllInBoxMutable_0_.getX(), p_getAllInBoxMutable_1_.getX()), Math.max(p_getAllInBoxMutable_0_.getY(), p_getAllInBoxMutable_1_.getY()), Math.max(p_getAllInBoxMutable_0_.getZ(), p_getAllInBoxMutable_1_.getZ())); return new Iterable() { public Iterator iterator() { return new AbstractIterator() { private BlockPosM theBlockPosM = null; protected BlockPosM computeNext0() { if (this.theBlockPosM == null) { this.theBlockPosM = new BlockPosM(blockpos.getX(), blockpos.getY(), blockpos.getZ(), 3); return this.theBlockPosM; } else if (this.theBlockPosM.equals(blockpos1)) { return (BlockPosM)this.endOfData(); } else { int i = this.theBlockPosM.getX(); int j = this.theBlockPosM.getY(); int k = this.theBlockPosM.getZ(); if (i < blockpos1.getX()) { ++i; } else if (j < blockpos1.getY()) { i = blockpos.getX(); ++j; } else if (k < blockpos1.getZ()) { i = blockpos.getX(); j = blockpos.getY(); ++k; } this.theBlockPosM.setXyz(i, j, k); return this.theBlockPosM; } } protected Object computeNext() { return this.computeNext0(); } }; } }; } public BlockPos getImmutable() { return new BlockPos(this.getX(), this.getY(), this.getZ()); } }