Commands: - azurite.resetreclaim - azurite.reload - azurite.ecomanage - azurite.livesmanage - azurite.setend - azurite.strengthnerf - azurite.broadcast - azurite.clearchat - azurite.clear - azurite.craft - azurite.feed - azurite.gamemode - azurite.gmc - azurite.gms - azurite.heal - azurite.kill - azurite.rename - - - azurite.tpall - azurite.teleport - azurite.teleporthere - azurite.tploc - azurite.tprandom - - azurite.abilities - azurite.ability - azurite.deathban - azurite.spawner - azurite.freeze - azurite.staffbuild - azurite.staff - azurite.crowbar - azurite.purge - azurite.resetredeem - azurite.managefalltraptoken - azurite.managebasetoken - azurite.vanish - azurite.timer - azurite.keyall - azurite.eotw - azurite.customtimer - azurite.sotw.admin - azurite.spawn.admin - azurite.pvptimer.admin - azurite.spawner.bypass Team Commands: - - - - - - - - azurite.systeam - azurite.mountain - Miscellaneous: - azurite.deathban.bypass - azurite.eotw.bypass - azurite.claim.nomoney - azurite.claim.bypass - azurite.freeze.bypass - azurite.customsigns - azurite.donor - azurite.autosmelt - - - - - azurite.event.entry - azurite.potionlimit.bypass How to claim spawn: - /st create SAFEZONE - /st claim - /st sethq (shows in /f info) How to claim koths - /koth create - Color has to be color coded, &9, &5, etc. - /koth claimzone - /st create EVENT - /st claim - /st sethq (shows in /f info) How to claim glowstone - /st create GLOWSTONE - /st claim - /st sethq (shows in /f info and waypoint) - After all the glowstone is placed, run /mountain reload to save the glowstone blocks - Give it some time to store all the blocks, after a few seconds break a glowstone and type /mountain respawn to see if it works. How to claim ore mountain - /st create ORE_MOUNTAIN - /st claim - /st sethq (shows in /f info and waypoint) - After all the chests and valuables are placed, run /mountain reload to save the chests and blocks - Give it some time to store all the blocks, after a few seconds break an ore and type /mountain respawn to see if it works. - Check the chests and some loot should have spawned. How to setup deathban arena - /deathban setarenaspawn (Where the player spawns when they die) - /kit edit deathban (Edit to your liking, kit is created already) - Create your kit sign where you would like with the kit name as "Deathban" - Create a sign with [lives] on the first line to create the lives sign (click to revive) - Create a sign with [deathlocsign] on the first line to create the death location info sign. - Create a sign with [killedbysign] on the first line to create the killed by info sign. How to setup a keyall - Run /keyall create