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2019-11-17 17:55:58 +01:00
Mod Coder Pack 9.08 for Minecraft 1.7.10
MCP is (c) Copyright by the MCP Team
License and terms of use.
No warranties. If MCP does not work for you, or causes any damage, it's your problem. Use it at own risk.
You are allowed to:
- Use MCP to decompile the Minecraft client and server jar files.
- Use the decompiled source code to create mods for Minecraft.
- Recompile modified versions of Minecraft.
- Reobfuscate the classes of your mod for Minecraft.
You are NOT allowed to:
- Use MCP to do anything that violated Mojangs terms of use for Minecraft.
- Release Minecraft versions or modifications that allow you to play without having bought Minecraft from Mojang.
- Release modified or unmodified versions of MCP anywhere.
- Use any of MCPs scripts, tools or data files without explicit written permission.
- Make money with anything based on MCP (excluding Minecraft mods created by using MCP).
- Use MCP to create clients that are used for griefing or exploiting server bugs.
- Release the decompiled source code of Minecraft in any way.
1.) Install Java SDK Standard Edition (short JDK).
2.) Add the paths to your JDK and JRE bin folders to the Environment Variable PATH.
Description where to find the variable:
Example for Windows users of what you have to add to the variable (entries are seperated by ";" )
C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin
We wont provide any help setting it up - this _is_ a prerequesite.
Note: MCP versions 4.4 and higher should also work properly with JDK 1.7
How to use:
1) Prepare the files:
- Copy the "minecraft_server.1.7.10.jar" file into the "jars" folder.
- Either copy the folders "assets", "libraries" and "versions" from "%APPDATA$\.minecraft" folder into the "jars" folder or let the decompile scripts do it automatically for you.
- No need to copy the folders "bin" and "resources" from your "%APPDATA$\.minecraft" folder into the "jars" folder anymore - in fact, it does not work that way anymore.
2) Decompilation and patching
- Start the "decompile.bat" script in this folder.
3) Modding
- Modify the sourcecode in the "src\minecraft" folder or in the "src\minecraft_server" folder.
4) Compile
- Start the "recompile.bat" script in this folder.
5) Testing
- To test the modified game, start the "startclient.bat" script
- To test the modified server, start the "startserver.bat" script
6) Obfuscation
- Decompile the code, modify and recompile.
- Start "reobfuscate.bat" to start the reobfuscation step, it will automatically detect changed classes and reobfuscate them.
- Your obfuscated classes are now available in "reobf\minecraft" and "reobf\minecraft_server", ready to be injected in MC.
- Make sure to delete the META-INF folder in minecraft.jar, otherwise the game will just black-screen when you start it.
- Make sure that you backup the modified sources before you run "decompile.bat" again or all changes will be lost!
- The "cleanup.bat" file will delete most of the generated files and sources. Be careful with this one :)
* If you want to include external libraries (either as .jar or .class) to the classpath during recompilation add them
to a folder called "lib" creating it first if required.
* Should mcp complain about "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Start" when trying to run startclient.bat or startserver.bat
try cleanup.bat (make backups of you sources!), decompile again and recompile as the final step.
* Do not use this to release complete packages of minecraft jar, class or java files. They are copyrighted
material by Notch and mods should only contain small changes to some classes, never complete sets that
can be used by people who did not buy the game to play it.
* Make sure you use the original minecraft.jar and minecraft_server.jar files. If you have already modded them
they will NOT work with the patches in these scripts.
* The "startclient.bat" file uses the "Start.class" file to start the game. This will make sure the game will not
use your "%APPDATA%\.minecraft" folder, but instead use the "jars" folder for all saves. So any bugs in the modified
game will not corrupt your normal worlds.
* If you have any problems using this toolpack, put the "logs\*.log" files that the scripts generated into a
zip-file and send it to us (post it in the minecraft forum):
* This version of the MCP uses a deobfuscator to change all field and method names in the sources.
Look in the csv files in "conf", namely "conf\classes.csv", "conf\fields.csv" and "conf\methods.csv" files for a complete mapping of the names.
* There are currently no known bugs in the recompiled game or server, except those that were already in the original
game :)
* If your reobfuscated classes cause a black screen in Minecraft, make sure that you've deleted the META-INF folder
in the minecraft.jar file.
* To add new resources to the game, for example png files, put them in the bin folder tree, they will also get copied to the reob folder
automatically when you reobfuscate your changes.
== Currently Active ==
* Creator of MCP
* Fixes all compile errors in the decompiled sourcecode
* Created the MCP mod system and API
* Created the Eclipse workspace for MCP 4.x
* Created the new RetroGuard deobfuscation module for MCP 3.0
* Created the new mod system
* Creator of the renaming codes and re-obfuscation procedures
* Helped to port scripts to Linux
* Developer and maintainer of the MCP chan bot
* Is now bald after working too much with java constant pool and re-obfuscation
* Created the new workflow scripts and renamer for MCP 3.0
* Creator of the bytecode compare tool that helps us to update the name mappings quickly for new minecraft versions
* Contributed to the de-obfuscation spreadsheet
* Working hard on creating better internal tools for mapping updates and decompiling
* php/sql code monkey
* Uses his magic to create mappings, patches, and general release work
* Has Searge's approval to make official MCP releases ;)
* Makes sure we get proper patches for the sourcecode that JAD generates
* Maintains our scripts and toolkits
* Optimized the Retroguard and Exceptor tools
* Works on MCP updates and contributes to the new mod system
* Helps ZeuX with Techne improvements
* Helps out in the IRC channels - Head of HR
* Did server patches for the most recent versions - if you run into any (patch-related) problems, it's his fault :P
* Created the famous Techne model editor for Minecraft
* Contributes features to the new mod system
* Helped Fesh0r to update MCP for Minecraft 1.0.0/1.0.1
* Helped to update the scripts and mappings for the new structure introduced by Minecraft 1.6.x
* Did a lot of the work required to update to Minecraft 1.7.10
* Helped to update the scripts and mappings for the new structure introduced by Minecraft 1.6.x
* Did a lot of the work required to update to Minecraft 1.7.10
* Wiki contributor
* Tries to help out newbies in the IRC channels
* Makes sure modloader mods can be created with MCP
* Wiki contributor
* Public Support Manager
* IRC Operator
* Savior of the 2011 April fools prank
* Contributed a lot of deobfuscation mappings
* Created the awesome AdventureCraft mod
Mysterio N
* Created the getmodsource scripts
== Former Contributors ==
* Works on improving IngisKahn's bytecode compare tool
* Added some important features to retroguard
* The guy who created the first mods I (Searge) ever used in Minecraft
* The creator of modloader who gave us permission to include files from his system in MCP
* Helped to improve the batch files
* Community manager and Wiki manager
* Works on the de-obfuscation spreadsheet
* Mod support (making old mods work with MCP)
* All round handyman
* Works on the de-obfuscation spreadsheet
* Knows how to make pet creepers
* Script support
* Linux script maintenance
Sage Pourpre
* His thread in the forums inspired me (Searge) to create this toolpack in the first place
* Supported the MCP project since the first version was released
* The new linux scripts guy
* Wiki contributor / Administrator
* Explains classes and their members on the Wiki
* Various scripting stuff
* Lots of reverse engineering
* OpenGL constants annoting
* obfuscathonCharmer, the obfuscathon GUI
* MCP Launcher Work
* External jar loading
* Scrollable mod list.
* Wiki contributor
* IRC Operator
== Superspecial thanks to ==
Stiver - for allowing us to include the fernflower decompiler in MCP releases
== Special thanks to ==
and of course:
- Everybody who contributed to the google spreadsheet and MCPBot or who created some mods with MCP.
- NOTCH and JEB for creating a game that is just awesome, I hope they do not feel offended by our decompiling efforts.
Please, Notch, support our ambitions to mod your game. I know people who bought it just because of
some great mods.
9.08 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.7.2 and MinecraftServer 1.7.10
9.03 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.7.2 and MinecraftServer 1.7.2
8.11 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.6.4 and MinecraftServer 1.6.4
8.09 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.6.3 and MinecraftServer 1.6.3
8.04 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.6.2 and MinecraftServer 1.6.2
8.02 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.6.1 and MinecraftServer 1.6.1
7.51 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.5.2 and MinecraftServer 1.5.2
7.44 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.5.1 and MinecraftServer 1.5.1
7.42 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.5 and MinecraftServer 1.5
7.39 - Updated to support Minecraft 13w09c and MinecraftServer 13w09c (snapshot)
7.34 - Updated to support Minecraft 13w05b and MinecraftServer 13w05b (snapshot)
7.30 - Updated to support Minecraft 13w02b and MinecraftServer 13w02b (snapshot)
7.26 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.4.7 and MinecraftServer 1.4.7
7.25 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.4.6 and MinecraftServer 1.4.6
7.23 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.4.5 and MinecraftServer 1.4.5
7.22 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.4.5 pre1 and MinecraftServer 1.4.5 pre1
7.21 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.4.4 and MinecraftServer 1.4.4
7.20 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.4.3 and MinecraftServer 1.4.3
7.19 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.4.2 and MinecraftServer 1.4.2
7.18 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.4.1 and MinecraftServer 1.4.1 (pre-release)
7.17 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.4 and MinecraftServer 1.4 (pre-relrease)
7.2 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.3.2 and MinecraftServer 1.3.2
7.0a - Added fernflower decompiler
7.0 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.3.1 and MinecraftServer 1.3.1
6.2 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.2.5 and MinecraftServer 1.2.5
6.1 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.2.4 and MinecraftServer 1.2.4
6.0 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.2.3 and MinecraftServer 1.2.3
5.6 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.1 and MinecraftServer 1.1
5.0 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.0.0 and MinecraftServer 1.0.1
4.5 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.9 pre 5 and MinecraftServer 1.9 pre 5
4.4 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.8.1 and MinecraftServer 1.8.1
4.3 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.7.3 and MinecraftServer 1.7.3
4.2 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.7.2 and MinecraftServer 1.7.2
4.1 - Added an Eclipse workspace and included a reobfuscation bugfix
4.0 - Added improved decompile scripts with new Exceptor tool
3.4 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.6.6 and MinecraftServer 1.6.6
3.3 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.6.5 and MinecraftServer 1.6.5
3.2 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.6.4 and MinecraftServer 1.6.4
3.1 - Complete rewrite of the framework, works with Minecraft 1.5_01 and MinecraftServer 1.5_02
2.12 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.5_01 and MinecraftServer 1.5_02
2.11 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.4_01 and MinecraftServer 1.4_01
2.10 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.4 and MinecraftServer 1.4
2.9a - Added MCP Mod System for 1.3_01, added mod loader support, updated mappings
2.9 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.3_01 and MinecraftServer 1.3
2.8 - Added the MCP mod system SDK and support for OSX
2.7 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.2_02 and MinecraftServer 1.2_01
2.6 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.1_02 and MinecraftServer 1.1_02
2.5 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.2.6 and MinecraftServer 0.2.8
2.4 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.2.5 and MinecraftServer 0.2.7
2.3 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.2.3_04 and MinecraftServer 0.2.5_02. Linux support beta.
2.2a - Bugfix release to improve the re-obfuscation tools
2.2 - The reobfuscation beta test release. Still for Minecraft 1.2.2
2.1 - Updated to support Minecraft 1.2.2
2.0a - Bugfix release
2.0 - Major updates to MCP and support for post-Halloween versions of Minecraft
1.6 - All classes have meaningful names now, the class name mappings and the field name mappings are applied
1.5 - Extend the scripts to also support decompiling, recompiling and testing the minecraft_server.jar file
1.4 - Using a deobfuscator to rename all fields and methods and jadretro to fix some decompile bugs
1.3 - Added upgrade scripts to decompile and recompile Minecraft.class, MinecraftApplet.class and MinecraftServer.class
1.2 - Redirect output of all tools to a logfile
1.1 - Fixed TNT bug
1.0 - First release
9.09+ - New awesome features, improvements and updates :)
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