import os, sys import json import zipfile import platform import re def getMinecraftPath(): if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): return os.path.expanduser("~/.minecraft") elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): return os.path.join(os.getenv("APPDATA"), ".minecraft") elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): return os.path.expanduser("~/Library/Application Support/minecraft") else: print "Cannot detect of version : %s. Please report to your closest sysadmin"%sys.platform sys.exit() def getNativesKeyword(): if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): return "linux" elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): return "windows" elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): return "osx" else: print "Cannot detect of version : %s. Please report to your closest sysadmin"%sys.platform sys.exit() def checkMCDir(src, version): #We check that our version of MC is available for analysis if not os.path.exists(src) \ or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(src, "versions")) \ or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(src, "libraries")) \ or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(os.path.join(src, "versions"), version)): print ("ERROR : You should run the launcher at least once before starting MCP") sys.exit() def getJSONFilename(src, version): return os.path.join(os.path.join(src, "versions"), version, "%s.json"%version) def checkCacheIntegrity(root, jsonfile, osKeyword, version): libraries = getLibraries(root, jsonfile, osKeyword) if libraries == None: return False for library in libraries.values(): if not checkLibraryExists(root, library): return False if not checkMinecraftExists(root, version): return False natives = getNatives(root, libraries) for native in natives.keys(): if not checkNativeExists(root, native, version): return False return True def checkLibraryExists(dst, library): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dst, library['filename'])): return True else: return False def checkMinecraftExists(root, version): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, "versions", version, '%s.jar'%version)) and \ os.path.exists(os.path.join(root, "versions", version, '%s.json'%version)): return True else: return False def checkNativeExists(root, native, version): nativePath = getNativePath(root, version) if (os.path.exists(os.path.join(nativePath, native))): return True else: return False def getNatives(root, libraries): nativeList = {} for library in libraries.values(): if library['extract']: srcPath = os.path.join(root, library['filename']) jarFile = zipfile.ZipFile(srcPath) fileList = jarFile.namelist() for _file in fileList: exclude = False; for entry in library['exclude']: if entry in _file: exclude = True if not exclude: nativeList[_file] = library['filename'] return nativeList def getNativePath(root, version): return os.path.join(root, "versions", version, "%s-natives"%version) def getLibraries(root, jsonfile, osKeyword): #We check the json exits if not os.path.exists(jsonfile): return None #print ("ERROR : json file %s not found."%jsonfile) #print ("You should run the launcher at least once before starting MCP") #sys.exit() #We parse the json file jsonFile = None try: jsonFile = json.load(open(jsonfile)) except Exception as e: print "Error while parsing the library JSON file : %s"%e sys.exit() mcLibraries = jsonFile['libraries'] outLibraries = {} for library in mcLibraries: libCononical = library['name'].split(':')[0] libSubdir = library['name'].split(':')[1] libVersion = library['name'].split(':')[2] libPath = libCononical.replace('.', '/') extract = False exclude = [] #Rule patch from Adam Greenfield if 'rules' in library: passRules = False for rule in library['rules']: ruleApplies = True if 'os' in rule: if rule['os']['name'] != osKeyword: ruleApplies = False else: if osKeyword == "osx": os_ver = platform.mac_ver()[0] else: os_ver = platform.release() if 'version' in rule['os'] and not re.match(rule['os']['version'], os_ver): ruleApplies = False if ruleApplies: if rule['action'] == "allow": passRules = True else: passRules = False if not passRules: continue if 'natives' in library: libFilename = "%s-%s-%s.jar"%(libSubdir, libVersion, substitueString(library['natives'][osKeyword])) else: libFilename = "%s-%s.jar"%(libSubdir, libVersion) if 'extract' in library: extract = True if 'exclude' in library['extract']: exclude.extend(library['extract']['exclude']) #libFullPath = os.path.join(os.path.join(root, "libraries"), libPath, libSubdir, libVersion, libFilename) libRelativePath = os.path.join("libraries", libPath, libSubdir, libVersion, libFilename) #if not os.path.exists(libFullPath): # print ("Error while trying to access libraries. Couldn't find %s"%libFullPath) # sys.exit() outLibraries[libSubdir] = {'name':library['name'], 'filename':libRelativePath, 'extract':extract, 'exclude':exclude} return outLibraries def getArch(): machine = platform.machine() if == 'nt' and sys.version_info[:2] < (2,7): machine = os.environ.get("PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432", os.environ.get('PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE', '')) machine2bits = {'AMD64': '64', 'x86_64': '64', 'i386': '32', 'x86': '32'} return machine2bits.get(machine, None) def substitueString(str): str = str.replace("${arch}", getArch()) return str if __name__ == '__main__': osKeyword = getNativesKeyword() mcDir = getMinecraftPath() mcLibraries = getLibraries(mcDir, getJSONFilename(mcDir, "1.6.1"), osKeyword) mcNatives = getNatives(mcDir, mcLibraries) for native in mcNatives.keys(): if checkNativeExists("./jars", native, "1.6.1"): print 'Found %s %s'%(native, mcNatives[native]) else: print 'Not found %s %s'%(native, mcNatives[native])