REDIS: HOST: "" PORT: 6379 AUTHENTICATION: ENABLED: false PASSWORD: "" SETTINGS: SERVER_ID: "Fasts" # The server's unique ID SERVER_NAME: "Fasts" # The server's display name (not network name) CACHE_SERVERS: true PRIORITY: DEFAULT: 1 RANKS: Default: PRIORITY: 1 PERMISSION: "ranks.default" VIP: PRIORITY: 2 PERMISSION: "" MVP: PRIORITY: 3 PERMISSION: "ranks.mvp" QUEUE: JOINED: "&aYou have joined the {0} queue." LEFT: "&cYou have been removed from the {0} queue." REMINDER: - "&eYou are position &d#{0} &eof &d{1} &ein the &a{2} &equeue." - "&7Purchase a rank at to get a higher queue priority." SENDING: "&aSending you to {0}..."