SET_SPAWN: '&aSet practice spawn' SET_EDITOR_SPAWN: '&aSet editor spawn' IN_DUEL_ERROR: '&4Cant do this while in a duel' IN_QUEUE_ERROR: '&4Cant do this while in queue' TARGET_IN_QUEUE: 'cant duel %target% because they are in queue' IN_FFA_ERROR: '&4Cant do this while in the FFA' IN_SPECTATOR_ERROR: '&4Cant do this while in Spectator mode' IN_SPECTATOR_TARGET: '%player% is in spectator mode and cant get invites' ARENA_REMOVE_SUCCESS: '&cThe arena by the name of &6%arena% &chas been deleted' ARENA_REMOVE_FAIL: '&cError while trying to delete arena &6%arena%' ARENA_CREATE_SUCCESS: 'arena %arena% created successfully' ARENA_CREATE_FAIL: 'could not create arena %arena% as it already exists' ARENA_TELEPORT: 'Teleported to arena %arena% created by %creator%' ARENA_SET_TEAM1: 'set team1 loc for %arena%' ARENA_SET_TEAM2: 'set team2 loc for %arena%' ARENA_SET_LOC1: 'Set %arena%s loc 1' ARENA_SET_LOC2: 'Set %arena%s loc 2' ARENA_SET_TIME: 'set arena %arena%s time to %time%' ARENA_SET_TEAM_TRUE: 'set arena %arena% to a team arena' ARENA_SET_TEAM_FALSE: 'set arena %arena% to a 1v1 arena' TARGET_NULL: '%target% could not be found' TARGET_IS_PLAYER: 'Cant duel yourself' ALREADY_DUELED_TARGET: 'You have already dueled %target%' TARGET_BUSY: '%target% is busy right now' PLAYER_IN_DUEL: 'cant do this while in a duel' IN_TEAM_ERROR: 'cant do this while in a team' TARGET_IN_TEAM: '%target% is in a team and cant recieve duels' SPECTATE_TEAM_MESSAGE: 'spectating team %team%' SPECTATE_PLAYER_MESSAGE: 'spectating %player1% vs %player2%' SPECTATE_PLAYER_MESSAGE_RANKED: '&3spectating match &a%player1%&b(%player1elo%) &cvs &a%player2%&b(%player2elo%)' ENDERPEARL_COOLDOWN_MESSAGE: '&b&lCooldown for &c&l%timer%' KIT_EDITOR: '&4Kit Editor' TOGGLEPLAYERS_ON: '&aYou have hidden everyone' TOGGLEPLAYERS_OFF: '&cEveryone is visible now' RANKED_SWORD: '&a&lRanked Queue' UNRANKED_SWORD: '&b&lUnranked Queue' CREATE_TEAM: '&6&lCreate Team' TEAM_INFO: '&a&lTeam Info' DISBAND_TEAM: '&c&lDisband Team' ALL_TEAMS: '&e&lView Current Teams' LEAVE_TEAM: '&c&lLeave Team' PING: '&aPing: &l%ping%' PING_TARGET: '&a%target% ping: &l%ping%' MATCH_TIMER: 5 MATCH_WAIT_MESSAGE: '&eMatch starting in &c%timer% &eseconds' MATCH_START_MESSAGE: '&eMatch started' DUEL_INVENTORY: '&cDuel Inventory' UNRANKED_INVENTORY: '&cUnranked Inventory' RANKED_INVENTORY: '&cRanked Inventory' KIT_EDITOR_INVENTORY: '&cKit Editor' FFA_INVENTORY: '&cFFA inventory' GAME_MODES_INVENTORY: '&cGame modes' TEAM_DUEL_INVENTORY: '&cTeam Duel Inventory' ELO_MATCH_FOUND: '&6&lFound a match agains &e%opponent% &7(%opponentelo%)' SCOREBOARD: TITLE: '&6&lIranPvP &f| &e&lPractice' LINE_TOP: '--------' LINE_BOTTOM: '-------' ENDERPEARL: '&bEnderpearl: ' ENERGY: '&eEnergy: ' KOTH: OPPONENT: '&cOpponent: ' CAPPER: '&dCapper: ' ARENA: '&a%arena%:' LOBBY: ONLINE: '&3Online: ' QUEUE: '&6Queue: ' TEAM: OPPONENT: '&cOpponent: ' ALIVE: 'Alive' ARENA: '&cArena' FFA: ALIVE: 'Players Alive: ' DUEL: OPPONENT: '&cOpponent: ' DURATION: '&aDuration:' ITEM_LORE: RANKED: '&aRanked: &l%size%' UNRANKED: '&bUnranked: &l%size%' ELO_MESSAGE: LINE: '&7&m--------------------------------------------------' MESSAGE_1: '%winner% +&a%elo% &7(%newelo%) Gametype &6%gametype%' MESSAGE_2: '%loser% -&c%elo% &7(%newelo%) Gametype &6%gametype%' TEAM_INVITE_MESSAGE: LINE: '&7&m--------------------------------------------------' MESSAGE: '&bYou have been invited to join team %team%' CLICK: '&a&l[Click Me to Join]' TEAM_RECIEVE_INVITE: LINE: '&7&m--------------------------------------------------' MESSAGE: '&6Team &e%team% &6has sent a &lTeam Duel &c(Gametype &l%gametype%&c)' CLICK: '&a&l[Click Me to Accept]' KOTH_RECIEVE_INVITE: LINE: '&7&m--------------------------------------------------' MESSAGE: '&6Team &e%team% &6has sent a &lKOTH Duel &c(Gametype &l%gametype%&c)' CLICK: '&a&l[Click Me to Accept]' DUEL_RECIEVE_INVITE: LINE: '&7&m--------------------------------------------------' MESSAGE: '&6Team &e%player% &6has sent a duel request &c(Gametype &l%gametype%&c)' CLICK: '&a&l[Click Me to Accept]' BARD: STRENGTH: POWER: 30 COOLDOWN: 10 DURATION: 5 AMPLIFIER: 1 SPEED: POWER: 10 COOLDOWN: 5 DURATION: 10 AMPLIFIER: 1 REGENERATION: POWER: 35 COOLDOWN: 15 DURATION: 5 AMPLIFIER: 1 JUMP_BOOST: POWER: 15 COOLDOWN: 5 DURATION: 5 AMPLIFIER: 1 FIRE_RESISTANCE: POWER: 5 COOLDOWN: 3 DURATION: 15 AMPLIFIER: 1 RESISTANCE: POWER: 25 COOLDOWN: 10 DURATION: 10 AMPLIFIER: 1 MESSAGE: '&c%bard% has used %effect%' KOTH: LIVES: 2 COOLDOWN: 10 ITEM_COLOR: UNRANKED: '&a' RANKED: '&c' KIT_EDITOR: '&b' TEAM_DUEL: '&e'