// HCF Configuration File // Be sure to double-check your config // Credits - Techcable's Configuration API // If the plugin should attempt to limit entities to reduce lag. // currently what this does is allow only 25 entities in one chunk. handleEntityLimiting = true // If arrows shot from a bow with infinity should be removed // when they land to reduce entity lag. removeInfinityArrowsOnLand = true // The maximum Beacon strength level beaconStrengthLevelLimit = 1 // If boats should not be allowed to be placed on land. disableBoatPlacementOnLand = true enderpearlGlitching { // If this plugin should try and block Enderpearl glitching. enabled = true // If the enderpearl should be refunded if the player was detected. refund = true } // If enderchests should be disabled. disableEnderchests = true // If beds cannot be placed in the Nether. preventPlacingBedsNether = false // Timezone to use for events and stuff serverTimeZone = "America/New_York" // The speed at which items in furnaces cook, set to 1.0 for default. furnaceCookSpeedMultiplier = 6.0 brewingSpeedMultiplier = 6.0 // If you should be able to bottle exp by crafting a glass bottle. bottledExp = true // If you should be able to de-enchant books by right clicking enchant tables. bookDeenchanting = true // If death signs should spawn upon deaths. deathSigns = true // If death signs should thaw upon deaths. deathLightning = true // The current number of the map. mapNumber = 1 // If the server is in a kit map mode. kitMap = false // If ally damage should be prevented or just warn the attacker. preventAllyDamage = true economy { // The amount of money a player starts off with. startingBalance = 0 } spawners { // If players should not be able to break spawners in the Nether. preventBreakingNether = true // If players should not be able to place spawners in the Nether. preventPlacingNether = true } expMultiplier { // The multipliers to set for experience, set to 1.0 to normalise as vanilla. global = 2.0 fishing = 2.0 smelting = 2.0 lootingPerLevel = 1.5 luckPerLevel = 1.5 fortunePerLevel = 1.5 } scoreboard { sidebar { // The title of the sidebar, use {MAP_NUMBER} as a // placeholder with & as colour codes. title = "&9&lMC-Market &7(Map {MAP_NUMBER})" // If this plugin utilises the sidebar. enabled = true } nametags { // If this plugin will utilise nametags. enabled = true } } combatlog { // If this plugin will protect from combat-logging. enabled = true // The ticks for when a combat logger NPC should despawn. despawnDelayTicks = 900 } warzone { // The radius of the warzone. radiusOverworld = 1000 radiusNether = 1000 } factions { conquest { // How much points should a faction lose when a player dies in Conquest. pointLossPerDeath = 20 // How much points should a faction need to win Conquest. requiredVictoryPoints = 300 // If negative points are possible during conquest. allowNegativePoints = true } roads { // If players are allowed to claim next to roads allowClaimsBesides = true } // List of faction names that cannot be used. disallowedFactionNames = [ "EOTW", "MOKU" ] home { // The time in seconds to teleport to faction home, -1 to disable, 0 for instant teleportDelay { NETHER = 30 THE_END = -1 NORMAL = 10 } // The maximum height to set a faction home, use -1 to ignore this. maxHeight = -1 // If faction homing in enemy territory should be allowed. allowTeleportingInEnemyTerritory = true } // Minimum amount of characters a faction name must be. nameMinCharacters = 3 // Maximum amount of characters a faction name must be. nameMaxCharacters = 15 // Maximum amount of members a faction can own. maxMembers = 20 // Maximum amount of claims a faction can own. maxClaims = 8 // Maximum amount of allies a faction can have. maxAllies = 0 subclaim { // The minimum characters a player can name a subclaim. nameMinCharacters = 3 // The maximum characters a player can name a subclaim. nameMaxCharacters = 16 } dtr { regenFreeze { // The minutes for faction DTR regen freeze to // end not including any multipliers, etc. baseMinutes = 40 // How much longer the DTR freeze should be for factions with // more members. Set to 0 to disable. minutesPerMember = 2 } // The minimum DTR a faction can have. minimum = -50 // The maximum DTR a faction will regenerate to. maximum = 6.5 // Time in milliseconds between a DTR update. millisecondsBetweenUpdates = 45000 // The DTR again when DTR updates. incrementBetweenUpdates = 0.1 } relationColours { // The nametag and chat colours to show for faction relations. wilderness = "DARK_GREEN" warzone = "RED" teammate = "DARK_GREEN" ally = "AQUA" enemy = "RED" road = "RED" safezone = "GREEN" archerTagged = "BLUE" combatTag = "DARK_RED" enderPearl = "LIGHT_PURPLE" invincibility = "DARK_GREEN" gapple = "DARK_PURPLE" logout = "GREEN" stuck = "GREEN" teleport = "DARK_AQUA" } joinNewFactionDelaySeconds = 15 } deathban { // The regular deathban duration. baseDurationMinutes = 60 // The seconds before kicking after showing the user // the respawn screen from a deathban. respawnScreenSecondsBeforeKick = 15 } end { // If the end should be opened. open = true // The location of the spawn point when leaving end by End Portal. exitLocation = "world,0.5,75,0.5,0,0" // If fire should be extinguished when leaving the end through an End Portal. extinguishFireOnExit = true // If strength should be removed when entering the end through an End Portal. removeStrengthOnEntrance = true } eotw { chatSymbolPrefix = " \u2605" chatSymbolSuffix = "" // List of UUIDs that capped last maps EOTW. lastMapCapperUuids = [ ] } // The maximum levels an enchantment can be. enchantmentLimits = [ "PROTECTION_ENVIRONMENTAL = 1", "PROTECTION_FIRE = 3", "SILK_TOUCH = 1", "DURABILITY = 3", "PROTECTION_EXPLOSIONS = 3", "LOOT_BONUS_BLOCKS = 3", "PROTECTION_PROJECTILE = 3", "OXYGEN = 3", "WATER_WORKER = 1", "THORNS = 0", "DAMAGE_ALL = 1", "ARROW_KNOCKBACK = 1", "KNOCKBACK = 0", "FIRE_ASPECT = 0", "LOOT_BONUS_MOBS = 3", "LUCK = 3", "ARROW_DAMAGE = 3", "LURE = 3" ] // The maximum levels a potion can be brewed to. potionLimits = [ "STRENGTH = 0", "INVISIBILITY = 1", "REGEN = 0", "WEAKNESS = 0", "INSTANT_DAMAGE = 0", "SLOWNESS = 1", "POISON = 1" ] subclaimSigns { // Protects against members that are not on the sign opening. private = true // Protects against any non-officer opening. captain = true // Protects against any non-leader opening. leader = false // If subclaim protected objects should be protected from hopper // items too, disabling this may increase performance. hopperCheck = true } whitelist { // Changes the vanilla whitelist message. message = "&cThe server is currently locked, try again soon." }