revive-settings: gold: use: "" prefix: "&6[GOLD] " name: "GOLD" minutes-cooldown: 30 seconds-cooldown: 1800 platinum: use: "hcf.revive.platinum" prefix: "&b[PLATINUM] " name: "PLATINUM" minutes-cooldown: 60 seconds-cooldown: 3600 revive-messages: successfully-revived: "&cYou have successfully revived '%target%'" broadcast: "&c%prefix% &8%player% &7used his %rank% rank to revive &8%target%" cooldown: "%prefix% &eYou still have cooldown &7(%cooldown%&7) &efor revive %name%!" chat: use-protocol-lib: true spam-cooldown: 5 disabled: millis: 0 slowed: millis: 0 slowed-delay: 15 alliance: prefix: "\xa7b(Ally-Chat) %player%: %message%" faction: prefix: "\xa72(Team-Chat) %player%: %message%" public: prefix-faction: "\xa76[%tag%\xa76] %player%\xa77: \xa7f%message%" prefix-no-faction: "%player%\xa77: \xa7f%message%" warp-manager: warp-delay-millis: 2000 auto-save: enabled: true time: "15min" command: "save-all" message: "&cSaving all data has finished." anvil-spam-fixer: enabled: true violation: 3 messages: flag: "&c%PLAYER% &chas been flagged for anvil spamming &8(&c%VELOCITY%&fVL&8) (perm: hcf.anvilspam.alert)" kitmap-gui: enabled: true title: "&6&lHCF &c[Map 1]" id-animation: - 7 - 8 - 0 - 15 - 12 kitmap-selector: enabled: true border: worldBorder: 3000 netherBorder: 1000 endBorder: 1500 border-messages: no-bucket-fill: "&cYou cannot fill buckets past the border." no-bucket-empty: "&cYou cannot empty buckets past the border." no-blocks-place: "&cYou cannot place blocks past the border." no-blocks-break: "&cYou cannot break blocks past the border." border-no-go: "&cYou cannot go past the border." border-portal-no-go: "&cThis portals travel location was over the border. It has been moved inwards." death-messages: combat-logger: "&8(&cCombat-Logger&8) &e%logger%&4[%logger-kills%] &ehas been slain by %killer%&4[%killer-kills%]" causes: block-explosion: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &ewas blown to death." contact: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &ewas slain by a, a, a &a&lCactus&e?" drowning: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &edrowned." entity-attack: player: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &ewas slain by &c%killer%" player-item: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &ewas slain by &c%killer%&4[%killer-kills%] &eusing &c%killer-hand%" player-no-item: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &ewas slain by &c%killer%&4[%killer-kills%]" entity-explosion: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &edied in a explosion." fall: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &ehit the ground to hard." falling-block: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &edied to a falling block." fire: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &eforgot to bring a Fire Resistance potion." fire-tick: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &eforgot to bring a Fire Resistance potion.." lava: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &eforgot to bring a Fire Resistance potion." lightning: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &ewas struck by &fLightning&e." magic: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &edied to a magic." melting: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &edied." poison: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &edied to a poison." projectile: unknown: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &edied." bow-item: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &ewas shot by &c%killer%&4[%killer-kills%]" bow-item-distance: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &ewas shot by &c%killer%&4[%killer-kills%] &eusing &c%killer-hand% &efrom &9&l%distance% blocks." starvation: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &eforgot to pack some lunch and starved to death." suffocation: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &esuffocated in a wall." suicide: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &ekilled himself." thorns: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &edied." void: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &efell into the void." wither: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &ewhitered away." unknown: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &edied." custom: "&c%player%&4[%player-kills%] &edied." skygear: enabled: true spawntoken: cooldown: 120 endportaltoken: cooldown: 120 coordinates: x: 1500 y: 75 z: 1500 throwable-cobwebs: cooldown: 30 despawn-after: 5 vector-multiplier: 2 cobweb-name: "&3ThrowableCobweb" glowstone-mountain: enabled: true regeneration: 72000 location: '[world,24.50070339453891,72.0,137.55239634209465]' glowstone-mountain-messages: regenerated: "&5Glowstone Mountain has been regenerated." disabled: "&cGlowstone mountain is disabled." set-disabled: "&cYou have disabled the Glowstone Mountain!" set-enabled: "&aYou have enabled the Glowstone Mountain!" set-location: "&aYou have set the location of Glowstone Mountain!" faction-show-location: "&eLocation: set location in config" reloaded: "&aYou have reloaded the config." configuration: server-name: "MC-Market" teamspeak: "" store: "" website: "" starting-balance: 250 famous-subscribers: 2000 famous-videos: 2 famous-views: 1000 youtube-subscribers: 1000 youtube-videos: 2 youtube-views: 500 splash-potion-velocity: 2.0 use-dtc: false deathmessages: enabled: false deathmessage-format: "%player%&4[%kills%&4]" event-utilities: timezone: "Europe/Ljubljana" auto-run-scheduler: enabled: true time: "3h" run-command: "event start %event%" event-list: - "Stronghold" - "Palace" - "Citadel" - "Fury" koth: faction-color: "&9&l" win-command: "key eventkey KOTH %key% %player% 2" citadel: faction-color: "&5&l" win-command: "key eventkey CITADEL %key% %player% 2" palace: faction-color: "&e&l" cap-time: "25min" win-command: "key eventkey PALACE %key% %player% 2" conquest: faction-color: "&9&l" win-command: "key eventkey CONQUEST %key% %player% 2" fury: faction-color: "&9&l" switch-time: "1min" cap-time: "30s" required-points: 100 point-loss-per-death: 10 win-command: "key eventkey FURY %key% %player% 2" faction-utilities: elevators: minecart: enabled: true combat-usage: false sign: enabled: true enemy-claim-usage: false combat-usage: false end-portal-faction: deathban: false safezone: false player-faction: dtr-loss-per-death: 1.0 sotw: auto-inventory: false killstreaks: enabled: true broadcast-message: "&c&l%player% &ehas reached kill streak of &c&l%killstreak% &eand received &c&l%item%" items: DontRemoveThis: name: "DontRemove" command: "dont remove this its an example" kills: 100000 deathban: deathban1: permission: 'deathban.1' time: 30m deathban2: permission: 'deathban.2' time: 60m deathban3: permission: 'deathban.3' time: 90m deathban4: permission: 'deathban.4' time: 120m deathban5: permission: 'deathban.5' time: 140m deathban6: permission: 'deathban.6' time: 160m classes: class-equiped: - '&bClass: &l%class% &7-->&a Enabled' - '&bClass Info:' class-un-equiped: - '&bClass: &l%class% &7-->&c Disabled' archer: enabled: true use-colorful-armor: true name: "Archer" damage-percentage: 20 speed-cooldown: 60 equipment: helmet: LEATHER_HELMET chestplate: LEATHER_CHESTPLATE leggings: LEATHER_LEGGINGS boots: LEATHER_BOOTS bard: enabled: true name: "Bard" max-energy: 100 energy-per-second: 1.0 teammate-nearby: 25 buff-cooldown: 10 buff-duration: 5 held-item-message: true effect-message: - '&7&m--------------------------------' - ' &e&lEffect: %effect%' - ' &e&lCost: %energycost%' - '&7&m--------------------------------' equipment: helmet: GOLD_HELMET chestplate: GOLD_CHESTPLATE leggings: GOLD_LEGGINGS boots: GOLD_BOOTS miner: enabled: true name: "Miner" invisibility-y: 30 equipment: helmet: IRON_HELMET chestplate: IRON_CHESTPLATE leggings: IRON_LEGGINGS boots: IRON_BOOTS rogue: enabled: true name: "Rogue" speed-cooldown: 1 jump-cooldown: 1 equipment: helmet: CHAINMAIL_HELMET chestplate: CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE leggings: CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS boots: CHAINMAIL_BOOTS ghost: enabled: true name: "Ghost" mode-cooldown: 48 equipment: helmet: CHAINMAIL_HELMET chestplate: DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE leggings: CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS boots: DIAMOND_BOOTS classes-messages: archer: cannot-tag-archers: "&eYou cannot archer tag other archers." speed-cooldown: "&cYou cannot use Archer speed for another &c&l%cooldown%" bard: cannot-equip-class: "&cYou cannot equip Bard Class whilst PVP Protected." energy-announcer: "&b&lBard energy is now at: &a%energy%" buff-used: "&eYou have just used &aBard Buff ðat cost you &l%cost% &eof your Energy" buff-cooldown: "&cYou cannot use this Bard buff for another %cooldown% seconds." buff-in-safezone: "&cYou may not use bard buffs in safe-zones." no-enough-energy: "&cYou need at least &l%cost% &cenergy to use this Bard buff, whilst you only have %energy%." ghost: damage-near: "&eGhoster has taken damage in stealth mode near you: &7(20x20)" cooldown: "&cYou cannot use Ghost mode for another %cooldown% seconds." normal-mode: "&eYou are now in &aNormal &emode." stealth-mode: "&eYou are now in &7Stealth &emode." power-mode: "&eYou are now in &cPower &emode &7&o(5 seconds)&e." miner: invisibility-added: "&eMiner &6invisibility &ehas been added." invisibility-removed: "&eMiner &6invisibility &ehas been removed." rogue: backstabbed-you: "&c%player% &ehas backstabbed you." you-backstabbed: "&eYou have backstabbed &c%player%&e." speed-cooldown: "&cYou cannot use Rogue speed for another %cooldown%." jump-cooldown: "&cYou cannot use Rogue jump for another %cooldown%." staffmode: enabled: true scoreboard-lines: true items: teleportation: item: COMPASS amount: 1 data: 0 name: "&bTeleport Compass" lore: - "&7Right click block: Move through" - "&7Left click: Move to block in line of sight" slot: 0 inspection: item: BOOK amount: 1 data: 0 name: "&bInspection Tool" lore: - "&7Right click to inspect player inventory" slot: 1 freeze: item: ICE amount: 1 data: 0 name: "&bFreeze Player" lore: - "&7Right click to freeze player" slot: 4 worldedit: item: WOOD_AXE amount: 1 data: 0 name: "&bWorldEdit Wand" lore: - "&7Use this to change blocks" slot: 2 xrayer-gui: item: DIAMOND_PICKAXE amount: 1 data: 0 name: "&bXrayer Gui" lore: - "&7Right click to open inventory with miners" slot: 6 random-teleportation: item: RECORD_10 amount: 1 data: 0 name: "&bRandom Teleport" lore: - "&7Right click to random teleport" slot: 8 staff-gui: item: SKULL_ITEM amount: 1 data: 3 name: "&bOnline Staff" lore: - "&7Right click to random teleport" slot: 3 vanish-enabled: item: INK_SACK amount: 1 data: 10 name: "&bVanished: &aTrue" lore: - "&7Right click to disable vanish" slot: 7 vanish-disabled: item: INK_SACK amount: 1 data: 8 name: "&bVanished: &cFalse" lore: - "&7Right click to enable vanish" slot: 7 scoreboard: archer-timer: "Archer Mark" archer-time: "10s" archer-color: "&e&l" combat-timer: "Spawn Tag" combat-time: "30s" combat-color: "&c&l" enderpearl-timer: "Enderpearl" enderpearl-time: "16s" enderpearl-color: "&3&l" gapple-timer: "Golden Apple" gapple-time: "6h" gapple-color: "&6&l" apple-timer: "Apple" apple-time: "30s" apple-color: "&c&l" warmup-timer: "Warmup" warmup-color: "&a&l" home-timer: "Home" home-time: "10s" home-color: "&9&l" logout-timer: "Logout" logout-time: "25s" logout-color: "&4&l" pvp-timer: "PvP Timer" pvp-time: "1h" pvp-color: "&a&l" stuck-timer: "Stuck" stuck-time: "3min" stuck-color: "&4&l" koth-color: "&9&l" palace-color: "&6&l" dtc-color: "&2&l" focus-nametag-color: "&5&l" scoreboard-lines: bars: true kitmap: statistics: "&3&lStatistics" balance: " &7\xbb &bBalance&7: &f%balance%" kills: " &7\xbb &bKills&7: &f%kills%" deaths: " &7\xbb &bDeaths&7: &f%deaths%" killstreaks: " &7\xbb &bKillStreak&7: &f%killstreak%" class-name: "&e&lClass&7: &c%class%" stattrak: " &8\xbb &3&lStatTrak&7: &c%kills%" cobwebs: " &8\xbb &6&lCobwebs&7: &c%cooldown%" destroy-the-core: "&2&l%dtc-name%&7: &a%points%/%maxpoints%" miner: diamonds: " &6» &bDiamonds&7: &c%diamonds%" cobble-enabled: " &6» &bCobble&7: &aTrue" cobble-disabled: " &6» &bCobble&7: &cFalse" invisibility-enabled: " &6» &bInvisible&7: &aTrue" invisibility-disabled: " &6» &bInvisible&7: &cFalse" bard: buff-delay: "&a&lBuff Delay&7: &c%cooldown%" bard-energy: "&b&lBard Energy&7: &c%energy%" archer: speed-cooldown: " &6» &eSpeed&7: &c%cooldown%" rogue: speed-cooldown: " &6» &eSpeed&7: &c%cooldown%" jump-cooldown: " &6» &eJump&7: &c%cooldown%" ghost: normal-mode: "&aNormal" stealth-mode: "&7Stealth" power-mode: "&c&lPower" active-mode: " &6\xbb &eMode&7: %mode%" cooldown: " &6\xbb &eCooldown&7: &c%cooldown%" staff-mode: vanish-enabled: " &6%doublearrow% &eVanished&7: &aTrue" vanish-disabled: " &6%doublearrow% &eVanished&7: &cFalse" chat-mode-staff: " &6%doublearrow% &eChat&7: &aStaffChat" chat-mode-global: " &6%doublearrow% &eChat&7: &cGlobalChat" online: " &6%doublearrow% &eOnline&7: &c%online%" ticks-per-second: " &6%doublearrow% &eTPS&7: &c%tps%" eotw: beginning: " &8» &cEOTW begins in&7: &c%time%" cappable: " &8» &cCappable in&7: &c%time%" sotw: title: "&a&lStart of the World" time-left: " &8» &c%time%" fury: title: "&6&lFury Event &7(%fury%)" cap-time: "&e%formattedtime%" switch-time: "&e%switchtime%" leaderboard: "&6%count%. &e%faction%&7: &e%points% %difference%" cmd-messages: no-permission: "&cYou don't have access to this command." join-message: - '&7&m%line%' - '&eWelcome to %title%' - " &6\xbb &eFactions Size: &7%factionsinfo%" - " &6\xbb &eMap Kit: &7Protection: %protection% / Sharpness: %sharpness%" - " &6\xbb &eTeamspeak: &7%teamspeak%" - " &6\xbb &eWebsite: &7%website%" - '&7&m%line%' - '&m' cobble-disabled: "&7You have disabled cobble picking." cobble-enabled: "&7You have enabled cobble picking." coordinates: - '&7&m--------------------------------' - ' &e&lUse config.yml to edit coordinations' - '&7&m--------------------------------' focus-no-yourself: "&7You can't focus yourself!" focus-no-faction: "&7You are not in a team!" focus-target-no-faction: "&7Target is not in a team!" focus-player-not-online: "&cThat player is not online." focused-target: "&b&l%target% &7has been focused by &b&l%player%" hidestaff-show: "&aYou will now be able to see the Staff." hidestaff-hide: "&cYou will now not be able to see the Staff." unfocused-target: "&b&l%player% &7has unfocused %target%." logout-started: "&cYou are &4&lLoging out &cin 30 seconds.." logout-already-active: "&cYour &4&lLogout &ctimer is already active." mobdrops-enabled: "&7You have enabled mobdrops picking." mobdrops-disabled: "&7You have disabled mobdrops picking." playtime: "&6%target% &ehas been playing for &6%time% ðis map." staffmode-enabled: "&eYou have enabled &6StaffMode" staffmode-disabled: "&eYou have disabled &6StaffMode" staffrevive-target-not-deathbanned: "&c%target% is not deathbanned" staffrevive-target-revived: "&c%target% &ehas been revived." request-cooldown: "&cYou still have cooldown %time% for using request" request-message: "&7[REQUEST] &6&l%player% &chas requested help: &6&l%message%" report-cooldown: "&cYou still have cooldown for %time%" report-no-reason: "&cPlease specify reason." report-message: "&c&lREPORT > &6%reporter% &chas reported &6%hacker% &cfor &6%reason%" alert-message: "&c&lALERT > %message%" feed-message: "&eYou have fed yourself" flight-enabled: "&eYou have enabled your flight." flight-disabled: "&eYou have disabled your flight." freeze-no-yourself: "&cYou cannot freeze yourself" freeze-no-staffmember: "&cYou cannot freeze staffmember." freeze-player-not-found: "&cPlayer named %target% was not found." freeze-message: - "&8&m%line%" - "" - "" - "&6You have been &cFROZEN." - "&6Join our &cteamspeak, you have 3 minutes." - "" - "" - "&8&m%line%" invsee-player-not-found: "&cPlayer not found." invsee-error: "&cERROR: You cannot modify inventory of player that are same or higher ranks than you." list-message: "&cThere is currently %onlineplayers% online players out of %maxplayers%" lff-message: - '&7&m--------------------------------' - '&m' - '&6%player% &eis looking to join &6&lFACTION' - '&eYou can also use placeholder %playerdisplayname%!' - '&7&m--------------------------------' removeperm-message: "&aSuccessfully removed %target%'s permissions!" reset-reclaim-message: "&cYou have succesfully reset %target%'s reclaim settings." reclaim-already: "&cYou have already reclaimed your donator perks!" reclaim-no-rank: "&cYou do not have anything to reclaim!" revive-broadcast: "&7 » &c&l%player% &eused their Diamond rank to revive %target%" revive2-broadcast: "&7 » &c&l%player% &eused their Gold rank to revive %target%" rename-message: "&aSuccessfully renamed item to: %name%" panic-message: - "&8&m----------------" - "" - "&4&l%player% &chas requested Panic Assistance!" - "" - "&8&m----------------" spawn-teleport-message: "&aYou have been teleported to Spawn." spawner-received: "&7You have received &c%spawner% spawner." teleport-top-message: "&cYou have been teleported to the top." vanish-enabled: "&7You have enabled your vanish mode." vanish-disabled: "&7You have disabled your vanish mode." lives-check-deathban: "&c%target% is not deathbanned." lives-clear-deathbans: "&aAll deathbans have been successfully wipped." lives-revive-not-deathbanned: "&c%target% is not deathbanned." lives-revive-kitmap-on: "&cYou cannot revive players during KitMap" lives-revive-eotw-on: "&cYou cannot revive players during End of the World" lives-revive-enemy: "&cYou have used one life to revive:&r %target%" lives-revive-teammate: "&cYou have used one life to revive:&r %target%" lives-set-error: "&c%argument% is not a number." lives-set-message: "&cYou have set %target%'s lives to %amount%" bed-bombing-portal: "&cYou may not bedbomb near portal" book-deenchant: "&eYou have reversed book's form." crowbar-error: "&eYou can only use Crowbar in overworld." crowbar-spawner-error: "This Crowbar has no more Spawner uses." crowbar-endportal-error: "This Crowbar has no more Endportal uses." deathban-eotw: "&cThanks for playing on our Map 1" deathban-kick: "&cDeathbanned for %remaining% (%reason%)" deathban-active: "&cYou have died because %reason% at %location% (%remaining%)" deathban-active-with-lives: "&cYou have died because %reason% at %location% (%remaining%) You have %lives% lives, reconnect in %livesdelay%" deathban-used-life: "You have used life to bypass deathban, you have now %lives% lives." safezone-enderpearl-error: "&cYou may not pearl into the Safezones, your pearl has been refunded." safezone-attack-error: "&cYou cannot attack players in Safezone" safezone-out-attack-error: "&cYou cannot attack players that are in Safezone" staff-connected: "&a&lStaff Online: &f%player%" staff-disconnected: "&a&lStaff Offline: &f%player%" subclaim-already-placed: "&cThere is already subclaim on this block: %block%" subclaim-player-error: "&cSubclaim requires at least one name inserted." subclaim-leader-error: "&cOnly leader can create LEADER subclaims." sotw-start-error: "%argument% &cis not valid duration" sotw-already-active: "&cSOTW is already active, /sotw cancel to end it." sotw-started: "&cYou have started SOTW for the %time%" sotw-start: - "&aStart of the world has started &7(%time%)" sotw-end: - "&cStart of the world has ended. &4&lGOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!" void-fix-message: "&aYou were saved from falling in void in Overworld." eotw-started: "&4&LEOTW &chas started." eotw-claim-error: "&cYou cannot claim during EOTW." faction-messages: faction-show: header: - ' %faction% &7(%faction-online%/%faction-online-max%) &8- &aHome: &c%home% &7[%status%]' allies: - ' &eAllies: %allies%' leader: - ' &eLeader: %leader%' coleaders: - ' &eCo-Leaders: %co-leaders%' captains: - ' &eCaptains: %captains%' members: - ' &eMembers: %members%' use-announcement: false announcement: - ' &eAnnouncement: &c%announcement%' balance: - ' &eBalance: &c%balance% &eKills: &c%factionkills%' use-lives: false lives: - ' &eLives: &c%lives%' koth-captures: - ' &eKoth Captures: &c%koths%' conquest-captures: - ' &eConquest Captures: &c%conquests%' citadel-captures: - ' &eCitadel Captures: &c%citadels%' fury-captures: - ' &eFury Captures: &c%furies%' palace-captures: - ' &ePalace Captures: &c%palaces%' use-founded: false founded: - ' &eFounded at: &c%founded%' dtr: - ' &eDeaths Until Raidable: [%dtr%/%maxdtr%]' regen: - ' &eTime Until Regen: &c%regen%' faction-member-format: "%color%%name%&e[&a%kills%&e]" ally-format: "%ally% &e[%ally-online%/%ally-online-max%]" factionless-prefix: "*" entering: '&eNow entering: %tofaction%&7(%deathbantofaction%&7)' leaving: '&eNow leaving: %fromfaction%&7(%deathbanfromfaction%&7)' created: "&eTeam %faction% &ehas been created by %player%" disbanded: "&eTeam %faction% &ehas been disbanded by %player%" renamed: "&eTeam %faction% &ehas been renamed to %factionnewname%" member-online: "&a&lMember Online: &7%player%" member-offline: "&c&lMember Offline: &7%player%" use-default-help: true custom-help: - '&6&m--------------------------------------------------' - '&9&lTeam Help' - '&7&m--------------------------------------------------' - '&9General commands' - '&e/f create &7- Create a new faction' - '&e/f join &7- Join to faction' - '&e/f leave &7- Leave your current faction' - '&e/f home &7- Teleport to your faction home' - '&e/f d &7- Give money to your faction' - '&m' - '&9Information commands' - '&e/f who &7- Display faction information' - '&e/f map &7- Show nearby claims' - '&e/f seechunk &7- Show chunk' - '&e/f list &7- Show list of factions online' - '&e/f top &7- Get top factions' - '&m' - '&9Moderator commands' - '&e/f invite &7- Invite player to your faction' - '&e/f deinvite &7- Revoke player invitation' - '&e/f showinvites &7- List all pending invites' - '&e/f kick &7- Kick player from faction' - '&e/f title <#> &7Set title to player' - '&e/f announce &7- Announce message to your faction' - '&e/f claim &7- Start claim for your faction' - '&e/f claimline <#> &7- Claim <#> line for your faction' - '&e/f autoclaim &7- Start autoclam for your faction' - '&e/f sethome &7- Sethome for your faction' - '&e/f w &7- Take money from your faction' - '&m' - '&9Leader commands' - '&e/f mod &7- Promote/Demote members/moderators' - '&e/f unclaim &7- Unclaim land' - '&e/f unclaimall &7- Unclaim all your lands' - '&e/f tag &7- Rename your faction' - '&e/f disband &7- Disband your faction' - '&7&m--------------------------------------------------' - '&6&m--------------------------------------------------' warzone: block-place-build-radius: 300 requires-both-quadrants: false kit-messages: use-default-help: false custom-help: - '' - '' - '&3&lYou can edit this' - '&c&lIN CONFIG!' koth-messages: controlling: "&cYou are now controlling &4%koth%" controlling-lost: "&cYou are no longer controlling &4%koth%" control-lost: "&8[&4&LKOTH&8] &4%player% &chas lost control of &4%koth% &c(%remaining%)" someone-controlling: "&8[&4&LKOTH&8] &cSomeone is controlling &4%koth% &c(%remaining%)" conquest-messages: faction-required: "&cYou must be in faction to contest Conquest." conquest-started: "&8[&3&lCONQUEST&8] &3%conquest% &9can now be contested." attempting-control: "&8[&3&lCONQUEST&8] &9Attempting to control %conquest% &7(%remaining%)" player-knocked: "&8[&3&lCONQUEST&8] &3%player% &9was knocked off %conquest%" gained-points: "&8[&3&lCONQUEST&8] &3%faction% &9has gained 1 point for capturing %conquest% &7(%points%/%maxpoints%)" lost-points: "&8[&3&lCONQUEST&8] &3%faction% &9has lost %deathpoints% because %player% died &7(%points%/%maxpoints%)" citadel-messages: controlling: "&dYou are now controlling &5%citadel%" controlling-lost: "&dYou are no longer controlling &5%citadel%" control-lost: "&8[&5&lCitadel&8] &5%player% &dhas lost control of &5%citadel% &d(%remaining%)" someone-controlling: "&8[&5&lCitadel&8] &dSomeone is controlling 5%citadel% &d(%remaining%)" palace-messages: controlling: "&eYou are now controlling &6%palace%" controlling-lost: "&eYou are no longer controlling &6%palace%" control-lost: "&8[&6&lPalace&8] &6%player% &ehas lost control of &6%palace% &e(%remaining%)" someone-controlling: "&8[&6&lPalace&8] &eSomeone is controlling &6%palace% &e(%remaining%)" fury-messages: faction-required: "&cYou must be in faction to contest Fury." fury-started: "&6&lFURY &8> &6%fury% &ecan now be contested." capzone-switch: "&6&lFURY &8> &eCapzone has been switched. &6%capzone% &eis new capzone." attempting-control: "&6&lFURY &8> &eAttempting to control %fury% &7(%remaining%)" player-knocked: "&6&lFURY &8> &e%player% &6was knocked off %fury%" gained-points: "&6&lFURY &8> &6%faction% &ehas gained 1 point for capturing %fury% &7(%points%/%maxpoints%)" lost-points: "&6&lFURY &8> &e%faction% &6has lost %deathpoints% because %player% died &7(%points%/%maxpoints%)" miscellaneous-messages: vanish-place-error: "&cYou cannot place blocks while you are vanished." vanish-break-error: "&cYou cannot break blocks while you are vanished." vanish-drop-item-error: "&cYou cannot drop items while you are in StaffMode." wall-timer-notifier: "&cThis wall will prevent you from entering %claim% whilst you have your %timer% timer." chest-configuration: size: 9 autosave: 10 silentAutosave: false clearOnDeath: false dropOnDeath: false permission-use-chest: "chest.use" permission-others-chest: "chest.admin" permission-bypass: "chest.bypass" permission-clear-chest: "chest.clear" permission-others-clear: "chest.admin" permission-use-disposal: "disposal.use" permission-savechest: "chest.savechest" permission-savechests: "chest.savechests" permission-use-workbench: "workbench.use" chest-messages: prefix: "&c[Chests]" no-permission: "You don't have enough permissions." no-safezone: "&cYou can only use chests in safezone." gamemode-error: "&cYou cannot use chests in gamemode!" cleared-chest: "&aSuccessfully clear your chest." tablist: player-info: "&ePlayer Info" kill-counter: "&7Kills: " death-counter: "&7Deaths: " location: "&eLocation" faction-info: "&eFaction Info" dtr: "&eDTR: " faction-online: "&eOnline: " faction-balance: "&eBalance: $" hq: "&eHQ: " next-koth: "&eNext KOTH" none-scheduled: "&7None Scheduled" title: "&6&lMC-Market" players-online: "&ePlayers Online" faction-name-color: "&e" faction-list: "&eFaction List" end-portals: "&eEnd Portals:" end-portals-coordinates: "&71000, 1000" end-portals-quadrants: "&7in each quadrant" kit: "&eKit:" kit-info: "&7Prot 1, Sharp 1" border: "&eBorder:" border-info: "&73000" online-players: "&ePlayers Online:" online-players-info: "&7%online-players%" citadel-cappers: "&eCitadel Cappers:" citadel-cappers-info: "&7NoLimit"