name: HCF main: notifyz.hardcorefactions.HardcoreFactionsPlugin version: 1.0 author: InvisRaidinq,RyanRoycroft description: HCF core made for Exempvp network. depends: [Vault, ProtocolLib, WorldEdit, CustomSpigot, DTC, DeathMessages] commands: kit: sale: reboot: oinvsee: aliases: [oinv] ffa: freezeall: teamspeak: aliases: [ts3, ts] description: Command used to check teamspeak3 ip. store: aliases: [buy, purchase] description: Command used to found server store. website: aliases: [web, forum, forums] description: Command used to found server website. youtube: aliases: [yt] description: Command used to see youtube information. famous: aliases: [] description: Command used to see famous information. hat: aliases: [] description: Command used to set item to your head. spawn: aliases: [] description: Command used to teleport to spawn. bottle: aliases: [] description: Command used to store XP hcfcore: aliases: [] description: Command used to check author name etc. world: aliases: [] description: Command used to switch worlds. request: aliases: [] description: Command used to request help. report: aliases: [] description: Command used to report player. list: aliases: [online, who, onlineplayers] description: Command used to check online players. slowchat: aliases: [] description: Command used to slowchat. warp: aliases: [] description: Command used to set warps etc. message: aliases: [m, msg, tell, whisper, w] description: Messsage an online player. messagespy: aliases: [ms, msgspy, pmspy, whisperspy, privatemessagespy, tellspy, spy, socialspy] description: Command used to spy on pm's of players. reply: aliases: [r] description: Reply to a player message. ignore: aliases: [] description: Command used to ignore players. togglemessages: aliases: [togglepm, toggleprivatemessages] description: Disable private messages. sounds: aliases: [togglesounds] description: Disable sounds from messages. togglechat: aliases: [tgc, toggleglobalchat] description: Toggles global chat visibility on or off. lag: aliases: [] description: Command used to check is server lagging. giveaway: aliases: [gw] description: Command used to start giveaways. disablechat: aliases: [togglechat, offchat] description: Command used to disable chat. uptime: aliases: [] description: Command used to check server uptime. settings: aliases: [config, configuration, options] description: Command used to toggle options top: aliases: [] description: Command used to teleport to the top. playtime: aliases: [pt, playt, ptime] description: Command used to check total player time. give: aliases: [i] description: Command used to give you items. removeperm: aliases: [rp] description: Remove permissions from a user. teleport: aliases: [tp] description: Command used to teleport to the player. tphere: aliases: [teleporthere, s] description: Command used to teleport player to player. fly: aliases: [flight] description: Command used to toggle flight. gamemode: aliases: [gm, gamem, gmode] description: Command used to see gamemode help. gamemodes: aliases: [gms] description: Command used to toggle gamemode survival. gamemodec: aliases: [gmc] description: Command used to toggle gamemode creative. gamemodea: aliases: [gma] description: Command used to toggle gamemode adventure. feed: aliases: [fed] description: Command used to feed player. heal: aliases: [health] description: Command used to heal player. invsee: aliases: [] description: Command used to see inventory of player. tppos: aliases: [] description: Command used to teleport to the position. teleportall: aliases: [tpall] description: Command used to teleport all to you. broadcast: aliases: [bc, bcast, broadc] description: Command used to broadcast things. rename: aliases: [newname] description: Command used to rename items. god: aliases: [godmode] description: Command used to toggle god mode. enchant: aliases: [ench] description: Command used to enchant items. kill: aliases: [] description: Command used to kill players :3. info: aliases: [info] description: Show information about a user. focus: aliases: [target] description: Command used to focus players. endportal: aliases: [portal, lightportal] description: Command used to enable endportals of players(staff only). platinum: aliases: [] description: Command used to revive other players. gold: aliases: [] description: Command used to revive other players. spawner: aliases: [givespawner] description: Command used to give spawner. coords: aliases: [coordinates] description: Command used to check event coordinates. cobble: aliases: [cobblestone, stone, togglecobble] description: Command used to stop pick-up cobblestone. rec: aliases: [recording] description: Command used to start/stop recording. newvideo: aliases: [newv, nvideo, nw] description: Command used publish your new video. lff: aliases: [lookingforfaction] description: Command used to help player to found faction. glow: aliases: [glowstone, glowm, glowstonemountain] description: Command used to make Glowstone Mountain region. set: aliases: [setlocation] description: Command used to set server locations. help: aliases: ["?", version] description: Command used to see Information's of the server. stats: aliases: [status, ores, ore] description: Command used to check your status. staffmode: aliases: [staff, mod, modmode, h, hackermode] description: Command that gives you staff items and scoreboard. freeze: aliases: [ss] description: Command used to freeze's player. guifreeze: aliases: [guiss] description: Command used to gui-freeze's player. staffchat: aliases: [sc, schat, staffc] description: Command used to chat with other staff members. vanish: aliases: [v] description: Command used to hide staff. conquest: description: Command used to handle Conquest events. economy: aliases: [bal, money, eco, econ, balance] description: Command used to modify the economy. eotw: aliases: [endoftheworld] description: Sets if the server is in End of the World mode. eotwrevive: description: Command used by staff to revive players. event: description: Command used to manage minigame events. team: aliases: [f, fac, t] description: Team related commands. hcf: aliases: [hardcorefactions, hcfactions] restoreinventory: aliases: [inv] description: Restore inventory of player after death. koth: description: Make or delete KotH arenas. lives: description: Management of lives or deathbans. location: aliases: [loc] description: Check the faction location of a player. logout: aliases: [disconnect] description: Command to safely logout without an NPC spawning. mapkit: aliases: [viewkit] description: Used to check the current map restrictions. pay: aliases: [p2p] description: Allow players to pay money. pvptimer: aliases: [pvp, prot] description: Command to enable or disable pvp timer protection. regen: description: Check ETA until a faction is able to regenerate DTR. servertime: description: Checks the date and time of server. sotw: aliases: [startoftheworld] description: Command used to manage start of the world. spawncannon: aliases: [cannon, playercannon] description: Shoots you into the warzone. staffrevive: aliases: [revive, srevive, staffr] description: Command used by staff to revive players. timer: description: Command to manage timers. togglecapzoneentry: aliases: [togglecapentry] description: Command used to hide or show capture zone entry messages. togglefd: aliases: [togglefounddiamond] description: Command used to hide or show diamond alerts in chat. mobdrops: aliases: [togglemobdrops] description: Command used to enable or disable mob drops pickup. crowbar: description: Give another player a crowbar togglelightning: aliases: [lightningtoggle, togglestrikes] description: Toggles the lightning strikes for when a player dies. togglesidebar: aliases: [sidebartoggle, sidebar, hud, togglehud] description: Toggles the scoreboard timers displayed on sidebar. key: description: Obtain keys to unlock awesome loot. reclaim: aliases: [] description: Command used to claim donor perks. chest: aliases: [] description: Command used to open chest in Safezone. clearchest: aliases: [] description: Command used to open clearchest in Safezone. disposal: aliases: [] description: Command used to open disposal. savechests: aliases: [] description: Command used to open savechests. workbench: aliases: [] description: Command used to open crafting table. panic: aliases: [] description: Command used to get in panic mode. skygear: aliases: [] description: Command used to get skygear perks. setborder: aliases: [] description: Command used to set world border. tc: aliases: [tl, fc, teamcoordinates] description: Command used to inform faction members your coordinates. hidestaff: aliases: [hstaff, staffhide] description: Command used to hide staff from you. speed: aliases: [] description: Command used to change speed of walk/fly. more: aliases: [moreitems] description: Command used to change amount of your item in head. back: aliases: [] description: Command used to teleport to your last location. bardenergy: aliases: [] description: Command used to set bard energy. fury: aliases: [] description: Command used to set fury points. endevent: aliases: [] description: Command used to start EndEvent. reclaimreset: aliases: [resetreclaim] description: Command used to start reset reclaim.