name: Core version: 5.0 author: Prestige_Pvp main: com.customhcf.base.BasePlugin commands: core: warp: description: Turns the server to Donor only mode. aliases: [gw, globalwarp] toggledonoronly: description: Turns the server to Donor only mode. aliases: [donoronly, donormode] history: request: clearlagg: aliases: ["cl", "laggclear", "clearlag", "clag"] announcement: aliases: ["announce", "ann"] note: copyinv: amivis: aliases: ["amivanish", "amivanished", "?invis", "?v", "?vis", "invis?", "vis?", "v?"] description: Command used to check if visible. autorestart: description: Handle server restarts safely. back: description: Teleport to last known location. biome: description: Check the biome a player is in. broadcast: aliases: [bc] description: Broadcast a server message. clearchat: aliases: [cc] description: Clear the chat history. clearinv: aliases: [ci, clear, cpinv] description: Clears a player inventory. enchant: description: Enchant an item. entities: description: Check the entities in a world. fly: description: Toggle flight for a player. feed: description: Feed a player. freeze: description: Command used to freeze players. aliases: [ss] gamemode: aliases: [gm] description: Update a players gamemode. give: description: Give an item to a player. hat: description: Wear something as a hat. heal: description: Heal a player. id: description: Check the id of an item. ignore: description: Ignore a player from messaging you invsee: aliases: [inventory, inventorysee, inv] description: View a players inventory. item: aliases: [i] description: Spawn an item. iphistory: description: Check the history an IP address or player. kill: aliases: [suicide, slay] description: Kill a player. kit: description: Command to apply or use kits. message: aliases: [m, msg, tell, whisper, w] description: Messsage an online player. socialspy: aliases: [ms, msgspy, pmspy, whisperspy, privatemessagespy, tellspy] description: Command used to spy on pm's of players. more: description: Give yourself more of an item. mutechat: aliases: [mc, rc, restrictchat, disablechat] description: Restricts the use of global chat. namehistory: description: Check the name histories of a player. near: description: Check nearby entities to a player. ping: aliases: [p] description: Checks the ping of a player. playtime: aliases: [pt] description: Track a players total playtime of the map. playertime: aliases: [ptime] description: Shows your player time. position: description: Checks the position of a player. removeentity: aliases: [reme, rem] description: Remove entities from the server. rename: description: Command used to rename items. repair: aliases: [fix] description: Allows the repairing of tools. report: description: Report donate: aliases: [buy] description: Gets the donation link. reply: aliases: [r] description: Reply to a player message. rules: description: Shows the server rules. screenshare: seen: description: Checks when a player was last seen. setmaxplayers: description: Set the maximum player count. skull: description: Spawn the skull of a player. slowchat: aliases: [slow] description: Sets a delay between chat messages. sounds: aliases: [pmsounds, togglepmsounds, messagingsounds] description: Toggles messaging sounds speed: description: Set your walk or fly speed. stoplag: createworld: sudo: description: Force another player to run a command. teleport: aliases: [tp] description: Teleport to a player or location. teleportall: aliases: [tpall] description: Teleport all online players somewhere. teleporthere: aliases: [tphere] description: Teleport a player to self. togglechat: aliases: [tgc, toggleglobalchat] description: Toggles global chat visibility on or off. togglestaffchat: aliases: [tsc, togglesc] description: Toggles staff chat visibility on or off. togglemessages: aliases: [togglepm, toggleprivatemessages] description: Disable private messages. top: description: Teleport to highest spot of world unfreeze: description: Un-freezes' a player. uptime: description: Check how long a server has been up for. whois: description: Check information about a player. world: description: Change your current world.