name: HCF version: 2.3 author: Payless main: com.customhcf.hcf.HCF softdepend: [ProtocolLib, TinyProtocolAPI] commands: sotw: description: Starts a 30 minute SOTW timer. conquest: description: Command used to handle Conquest events. economy: aliases: [bal, balance, money, eco] description: Command used to modify the economy. eotw: description: Sets if the server is in End of the World mode. serverevents: description: Command used to manage minigame events. faction: aliases: [f, fac] description: Faction related commands. help: aliases: ["?", "pl", "plugin"] description: Find out more about this server. lives: description: Management of lives or deathbans. logout: aliases: [disconnect] description: Command to safely logout without an NPC spawning. key: description: Obtain keys to unlock awesome loot. pay: description: Allow players to pay money. pvptimer: aliases: [pvp] description: to enable or disable pvp timer protection. setborder: aliases: [setbordersize] description: Sets the border size of an Environment. timer: description: Command to manage timers. reclaim: aliases: ['claim'] description: Claims SOTW loot ores: coords: revive: staffrevive: aliases: [forcerevive] stats: cobble: # xray: report: request: aliases: [helpop] lives: setbalance: spawn: staffmode: aliases: [staff, mod] legend: punishment: aliases: [punish] mapkit: aliases: [kits, kit, viewkit, serverkit, mkit] blacklist: unblacklist: toggleend: refund: staffhelp: koth: teamspeak: aliases: [ts] mutechat: aliases: [mc] staffchat: aliases: [sc] vanish: aliases: [v] unmutechat: aliases: [umc] crowbar: feedall: keyall: focus: glowstone: who: aliases: [list] ping: commandtoggle: setendexit: setendentrance: bottle: tags: grant: scrolls: panic: setspawn: