HUB: TRUE SERVER_NAME: "HCF" #only applicable if the above is false DATABASE: HOST: "" AUTHENTICATION: ENABLED: FALSE PASSWORD: "password" QUEUE_SIGN: QUEUE_INFO: - "&nQueue Info" - "&6PRO&r: %AMOUNT%" - "&aVIP&r: %AMOUNT%" - "&fNormal&r: %AMOUNT%" QUEUE_SYSTEM_OFFLINE: - "&n%NAME%" - "&cOffline" - "Check back" - "soon!" WHITELISTED: - "&n%NAME%" - "&cWhitelisted" - "Check back" - "soon!" OFFLINE: - "&n%NAME%" - "&cOffline" - "Check back" - "soon!" NOT_QUEUED: - "&n%NAME%" - "&f%ONLINE%&0/&f%MAX%" - "&aClick to join" - "&athe queue!" QUEUED: - "&n%NAME%" - "&f%ONLINE%&0/&f%MAX%" - "&5Your Position" - "&a%POSITION% of %TOTAL%" MESSAGES: KICKED_WHITELISTED: "&cYou have been kicked from the queue as the server has been whitelisted." KICKED_OFFLINE: "&cYou have been kicked from the queue as the server has gone offline." SENT: "&eYou have been sent to &6%QUEUE%&e." SERVER_WHITELISTED: "&c%QUEUE% is currently whitelisted, please check back later." SERVER_OFFLINE: "&c%QUEUE% is currently offline, please check back later." SERVER_FAILURE: "&cThere was an error with our backend system and queues have been disabled." SERVER_BACK_UP: "&aWe have fixed the error on our backend system and queues have been re-enabled." QUEUE_OFFLINE: "&cThe queue system is currently offline!" ALREADY_IN_QUEUE: "&eYou're already queueing for &6%QUEUE%&e, type &6/leavequeue&e to leave." ADDED: "&eYou've been added to the &6%QUEUE%&e queue." POSITION: "&dYou are in position &e#%POSITION%&d in the &e%QUEUE%&d queue." NO_RANK: "&d&6To skip the queue, purchase a rank at &" NOT_IN_QUEUE: "&cYou're not in a queue!" LEFT_QUEUE: "&cYou have left the &7%QUEUE% queue." #ranks inheriting eachother should have negative perms, i.e pro shouldn't inherit VIP if it does then add the negative permission node e.g #permission node for each rank is rank.rankname e.g RANKS: OWNER: PRIORITY: 1 NAME: "&4Owner" DEVELOPER: PRIORITY: 2 NAME: "&bDeveloper" ADMINISTRATOR: PRIORITY: 3 NAME: "&cAdministrator" MOD: PRIORITY: 4 NAME: "&3Moderator" PRO: PRIORITY: 5 NAME: "&6Pro" VIP: PRIORITY: 6 NAME: "&aVIP"