# I'm pretty bad at organizing/naming configuration files with these many keys + values. # If you feel like you can do a better job, feel free to do so and make a PR. # Thanks, Alexandeh/Frog <3 FACTION_HELP: 1: - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "&9Faction Help &e(Page 1/4)" - "&e/f accept - &7Accept a join request from an existing faction." - "&e/f chat - &7Toggle faction/ally chat mode on or off." - "&e/f claim - &7Claim land in the Wilderness." - "&e/f create - &7Create a faction." - "&e/f demote - &7Demotes a player to a member." - "&e/f deposit - &7Deposits money to the faction balance." - "&eYou are currently on &fPage 1/4." - "&eTo view other pages, use &9/f help ." - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" 3: - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "&9Faction Help &e(Page 3/4)" - "&e/f rename - &7Change the name of your faction." - "&e/f promote - &7Promotes a player to a captain." - "&e/f sethome - &7Sets the faction home location." - "&e/f show - &7Get details about a faction." - "&e/f unclaim - &7Unclaims land from your faction." - "&e/f uninvite - &7Revoke an invitation to a player." - "&eYou are currently on &fPage 3/4." - "&eTo view other pages, use &9/f help ." - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" 4: - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "&9Faction Help &e(Page 4/4)" - "&e/f withdraw - &7Withdraws money from the faction balance." - "&eYou are currently on &fPage 4/4." - "&eTo view other pages, use &9/f help ." - "&6&m-----------------------------------------------------" FACTION_LIST: - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "&9Faction List &7(Page %PAGE%/%TOTAL_PAGES%)" - "&7%POSITION%. &e%FACTION% &a(%ONLINE_COUNT%/%MAX_COUNT%)" - "&7You are currently on &fPage %PAGE%/%TOTAL_PAGES%&7." - "&7To view other pages use &e/f list " - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" FACTION_SHOW: SYSTEM_FACTION: SETTINGS: HOME_PLACEHOLDER: "None" MESSAGE: - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "%COLOR%%FACTION% &3- &eHome:&f %HOME%" - "&7&oThis is a system faction, it cannot go raidable and cannot contain players." - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" PLAYER_FACTION: SETTINGS: HOME_PLACEHOLDER: "None" #if home not set OFFLINE_COLOR: "GRAY" ONLINE_COLOR: "GREEN" SPLIT_NAMES: ENABLED: TRUE FORMAT: "&7, " SHOW_KILLS: ENABLED: TRUE FORMAT: "&e[&a%KILLS%&e]" DTR_SYMBOL: FROZEN: "o" REGENERATING: "^" FULL: "<" DTR_COLOR: RAIDABLE: "DARK_RED" NOT_RAIDABLE: "GREEN" MESSAGE: - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" - "&9%FACTION% &7[%ONLINE_COUNT%/%MAX_COUNT%] &3- &eHome:&f %HOME%" - "&eLeader: %LEADER%" - "&eOfficers: %OFFICERS%" - "&eMembers: %MEMBERS%" - "&eAllies: &d%ALLIES%" - "&eBalance: &9$%BALANCE%" - "&eDeaths until raidable: &a%DTR%%DTR_SYMBOL%" - "&eTime until regen: &9%REGEN_TIME%" - "&eAnnouncement: &d%ANNOUNCEMENT%" - "&7&m-----------------------------------------------------" ANNOUNCEMENTS: FACTION: PLAYER_INVITED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has invited &9%INVITED_PLAYER%&e to the faction" PLAYER_UNINVITED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has cancelled &d%UNINVITED_PLAYER%&e's invititation to the faction" PLAYER_JOINED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has joined the faction" PLAYER_LEFT: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has left the faction" PLAYER_PROMOTED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has been promoted to an officer by &f%LEADER%" PLAYER_DEMOTED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has been demoted to a member by &f%LEADER%" PLAYER_TRANSFER_LEADERSHIP: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has been made leader by &f%LEADER%" PLAYER_SET_HOME: "&3%PLAYER% has updated the faction home location" PLAYER_FACTION_CHAT: "&3(Team) %PLAYER%:&e %MESSAGE%" PLAYER_ALLY_CHAT: "&9(Ally) %PLAYER%:&e %MESSAGE%" PLAYER_SET_ANNOUNCEMENT: "&d%PLAYER%&e changed the faction announcement to '&d%MESSAGE%&e'" PLAYER_KICKED: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has kicked &9%KICKED_PLAYER%&e from the faction" PLAYER_SEND_ALLY_REQUEST: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has requested to ally &d%FACTION%&e." PLAYER_DEPOSIT_MONEY: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has deposited &9$%AMOUNT%&e into the faction balance!" PLAYER_WITHDRAW_MONEY: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has withdrawn &9$%AMOUNT%&e from the faction balance!" PLAYER_CLAIM_LAND: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has claimed land for your faction!" PLAYER_UNCLAIM_ALL: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has unclaimed all your land!" PLAYER_UNCLAIM: "&ePlayer &a%PLAYER%&e has unclaimed land!" PLAYER_DEATH: "&c&lFaction member death: &f&l%PLAYER%&c&l DTR: &f&l%DTR%/%MAX_DTR%&c&l." FACTION_CREATED: "&eFaction &9%NAME%&e has been &acreated&e by &f%PLAYER%" FACTION_DISBANDED: "&eFaction &9%NAME%&e has been &cdisbanded&e by &f%PLAYER%" FACTION_RENAMED: "&eFaction &9%OLD_NAME%&e has been &arenamed&e to &9%NEW_NAME%&e by &f%PLAYER%" FACTION_RECEIVE_ALLY_REQUEST: "&eFaction &d%FACTION%&e has sent you an ally request!" FACTION_ALLIED: "&eYour faction is now &dallied&e with &9%FACTION%&e." FACTION_NOW_ENEMY: "&eYour faction is now an &cenemy&e of &9%FACTION%&e." TOO_FEW_ARGS: CREATE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f create &3" CREATE_SYSTEM: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f createsystem &3" INVITE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f invite &3" JOIN: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f join &3" RENAME: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f tag &3" PROMOTE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f promote &3" DEMOTE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f demote &3" LEADER: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f leader &3" UNINVITE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f uninvite &3" MESSAGE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f msg &3" ANNOUNCEMENT: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f announcement &3" KICK: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f kick &3" ALLY: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f ally &3" ENEMY: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f enemy &3" DEPOSIT: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f deposit &3" WITHDRAW: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f withdraw &3" TOGGLE_DEATHBAN: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f toggledeathban &3" SET_COLOR: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f color &3 " FREEZE: "&cToo few arguments. &eUse like this: &b/f freeze &3