
29 lines
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NO_PERMISSION: "&cNo permission."
USAGE: "&cUsage: /"
NOT_ONLINE: "&cNo player with the name \"%REPORTED%\" found."
STAFFCHAT_TOGGLED_ON: "&eYou can &anow &esee staff chat."
STAFFCHAT_TOGGLED_OFF: "&eYou can &cno longer&e see staff chat."
STAFFCHAT_NOW_IN: "&eYou are &anow&e automatically in staff chat."
STAFFCHAT_NOW_OUT: "&eYou are &cno longer&e automatically in staff chat."
STAFFCHAT_NOT_IN: "&cYou can not see staff chat, /togglestaffchat to send messages in staff chat."
REQUEST_FORMAT: "&8(&9%SERVER%&8) ~&3&l[&d&lR&3&l] &r%PLAYER% - &7\"&e%REASON%&7\""
REQUEST_RECEIVED: "&aWe have received your request. Sent to %AMOUNT% staff member(s)."
REQUEST_COOLDOWN: "&cYou can only make one report every 2 minutes."
REQUEST_COOLDOWN: "&cYou can only make one staff request every 2 minutes."
REQUEST_AGAIN: "&cYou may now request again."
REQUEST_TOGGLED_ON: "&eYou can &anow &esee requests."
REQUEST_TOGGLED_OFF: "&eYou can &cno longer&e see requests."
REPORT_FORMAT: "&8(&9%SERVER%&8) ~&3&l[&c&lR&3&l] &r%PLAYER% &7reported &r%REPORTED% &7- &7\"&e%REASON%&7\""
REPORT_COOLDOWN: "&cYou can only make one report every 2 minutes."
REPORT_COOLDOWN: "&cYou can only make one staff request every 2 minutes."
REPORT_RECEIVED: "&aWe have received your report. Sent to %AMOUNT% staff member(s)."
REPORT_TOGGLED_ON: "&eYou can &anow&e see reports."
REPORT_TOGGLED_OFF: "&eYou can &cno longer&e see reports."
REPORT_AGAIN: "&aYou may now report again."
STAFFJOIN_FORMAT: "&9[Staff] &b%PLAYER% joined the server."
STAFFLEAVE_FORMAT: "&9[Staff] &b%PLAYER% left the server."