PLAYER_ONLY: '&cYou must be a player to use that command.' COBBLE_ENABLED: '&7You have &aenabled &7Cobblestone and Stone pickup.' COBBLE_DISABLED: '&7You have &cdisabled &7Cobblestone and Stone pickup.' PLAYER_NOT_FOUND: '&cPlayer %player% was not found.' COORDS: - '&8&m----------------------------------' - '' - '&6Edit it in messages.yml' - '' - '&8&m----------------------------------' FROZE_PLAYER: '&aYou have succesfully froze %player%' UNFROZE_PLAYER: '&aYou have succesfully un-froze %player%' UNABLE_FREEZE: '&cUnable to freeze %player%' FROZEN: '&cYou have been frozen by %player%' UNFROZEN: '&aYou have been un-froze by %player%' FROZEN_MESSAGE: - '' - '&f%square%%square%%square%%square%&c%square%&f%square%%square%%square%%square%' - '&f%square%%square%%square%&c%square%&6%square%&c%square%&f%square%%square%%square%' - '&f%square%%square%&c%square%&6%square%&0%square%&6%square%&c%square%&f%square%%square% &7You have been frozen by a staff member.' - '&f%square%%square%&c%square%&6%square%&0%square%&6%square%&c%square%&f%square%%square% &7If you disconnect, you will be &4&lBANNED&7.' - '&f%square%&c%square%&6%square%%square%&0%square%&6%square%%square%&c%square%&f%square% &7Please connect to our Discord' - '&f%square%&c%square%&6%square%%square%%square%%square%%square%&c%square%&f%square% & &7&o(3 mins to connect)' - '&c%square%&6%square%%square%%square%&0%square%&6%square%%square%%square%&c%square%' - '&c%square%%square%%square%%square%%square%%square%%square%%square%%square%' - '' CROWBAR_GIVE: '&aYou have given %player% a CROWBAR' CROWBAR_RECEIVED: '&aYou were given CROWBAR by %player%' HELP: - '&8&m-------------------------------------------' - '&4&lVexus &8%doublearrow% &cFactions Help' - '' - '&4&lUseful Commands' - '&8%doublearrow% &c/Report {name} {reason}&7: &fReport a Player' - '&8%doublearrow% &c/Helpop {request}&7: &fRequest Help' - '&8%doublearrow% &c/Mapkit&7: &fView the Kit for this Map' - '&8%doublearrow% &c/Coords&7: &fView important locations' - '' - '&4&lUseful Links' - '&8%doublearrow% &cDiscord&7: &' - '&8%doublearrow% &cStore&7: &' - '&8%doublearrow% &cWebsite&7: &' - '&8&m-------------------------------------------' LOG_OUT: '&cYour logout timer has started' LOGGING_OUT: 'You are already logging out' LFF: - '&7&m------------------------------------' - '' - '&9%player%&7 is currently looking for a faction.' - '' - '&7&m------------------------------------' PING: '&7Your ping is &9%ping%ms' PING_OTHER: '&7%player%s current ping is %ping%ms' PLAYTIME: '&3%player% &7has been playing for &3%playtime%' NO_RECLAIM: '&3You dont have anything to reclaim' KITMAP_RECLAIM: '&3Reclaim is disabled on kitmap' ALREADY_RECLAIMED: '&3You have already reclaimed' STARTED_RECORDING: - '&7&m--------------------------' - '' - '&9%player% &7has started &3recording' - '' - '&7&m--------------------------' STOPPED_RECORDING: - '&7&m--------------------------' - '' - '&9%player% &7has stopped &3recording' - '' - '&7&m--------------------------'