scoreboard: - '&7&m--------------------' - '&3&lOnline' - '&7%online%' - '' - '&3&lRank' - '&7%rank%' - '' - '&7&' - '&7&m--------------------' scoreboard-inqueue: - '&7&m--------------------' - '&3&lOnline' - '&7%online%' - '' - '&3&lQueue' - ' &7%position%/%inqueue%' - '' - '&3&lRank' - '&7%rank%' - '' - '&7&' - '&7&m--------------------' server-selector: oghcf: type: GOLD_SWORD name: '&9Legacy HCF' server: practice lore: - '&3Players: %count%/1000' - '' - '&8* &75 man factions, 0 allies' - '&8* &7MineHQ Style HCF' - '&8* &7Weekly events and games' - '' - '&3Click here to connect' slot: 11 newhcf: type: DIAMOND_SWORD name: '&9Regular HCF' server: HCF lore: - '&3Players: %count%/1000' - '' - '&8* &75 man factions, 0 allies' - '&8* &7MineHQ Style HCF' - '&8* &7Weekly events and games' - '' - '&3Click here to connect' slot: 13 kitmap: type: DIAMOND_PICKAXE name: '&9Kitmap' lore: - '&3Players: %count%/1000' - '' - '&8* &75 man factions, 0 allies' - '&8* &7MineHQ Style HCF' - '&8* &7Weekly events and games' - '' - '&3Click here to connect' slot: 15 server: kitmap selector-name: '&7Select a server' chat-format: "%prefix% %player%&7: %message%" spawn: x: -1625.0 y: 198.0 z: 1665.0 yaw: 0.0 pitch: 0.0 world: 'world'