menu-settings: title: Coin Flips size: 27 auto-fill: enabled: true display-item: material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: ' ' lore: - '' item-flags: - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: durability: 10 data: 3 amount: 1 page: previous-slot: 1 next-slot: 9 button-slots: 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18 info-button: slot: 5 name: "&6&lYour Stats" lore: - '&8&m--------------------------' - '&eWLR&7: &a%wins%&7|&c%losses%' - '&8&m--------------------------' button-format: name: "&6&l%player%'s Coin Flip" lore: - '&8&m--------------------------' - '&8%sent-at%' - '' - '&eAmount&7: &f%amount%' - '&eSide&7: &f%side%' - '&eWLR&7: &a%wins%&7|&c%losses%' - '' - '&7Click to accept this coin flip' - '&8&m--------------------------' minimum-bet-money: 500 minimum-bet-shards: 500 messages: win-message: - '&a&lCOIN FLIP &7► &a%winner%&e has just beat &c%loser% &ein a &2%amount% coin flip!' refunded: - '&a&lCOIN FLIP &7► &fThe server refunded your coin flip due to an administrator action. If any issues occur contact an admin.'