items: pet-candy: material: "AMETHYST_SHARD" name: '&d&lPet Candy' lore: - '&7Drag n'' drop on a pet to increase the level by one level.' item-flags: - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: - 'DURABILITY:10' data: 0 amount: 1 settings: pet-eggs: walk: item-format: material: MONSTER_EGG name: '%rarity-color%&l%rarity-display% Pet Egg' lore: - '&7Your egg will hatch in %rarity-color%%blocks-walked% more blocks walked!' item-flags: - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: durability: 10 data: 0 amount: 1 afk: item-format: material: MONSTER_EGG name: '%color%&l%rarity-display% Pet Egg' lore: - '&7Your egg will hatch in %rarity-color%%egg-duration%' item-flags: - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: durability: 10 data: 0 amount: 1 random: item-format: material: LEGACY_MONSTER_EGG name: '&eRandom Pet' lore: - '&7You will receive a random pet!' item-flags: - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: durability: 10 data: 0 amount: 1 right-click: item-format: material: MONSTER_EGG name: '%color%&l%rarity-display% Pet Egg' lore: - '&7Your egg will hatch in %rarity-color%%egg-duration%' item-flags: - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: durability: 10 data: 0 amount: 1 menu-settings: title: Pet Rarities size: 27 auto-fill: enabled: false display-item: material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: ' ' lore: - '' item-flags: - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: durability: 10 data: 3 amount: 1 button-format: name: '%rarity-color%%rarity-display%' material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE data: -1 lore: - '&8&m--------------------------' - '&7Click to view the %rarity-color%%rarity-display%&7 pets!' - '&8&m--------------------------' pet-menu-settings: title: '%rarity-display% Pets' size: 18 auto-fill: enabled: false display-item: material: STAINED_GLASS_PANE name: ' ' lore: - '' item-flags: - HIDE_ENCHANTS enchants: durability: 10 data: 3 amount: 1 page: previous-slot: 10 next-slot: 18 button-slots: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 back-button: enabled: true slot: 14 rarities: common: display-name: '&f&lCommon Pet' color: '&f' default-walk: 1000 menu-slot: 1 uncommon: display-name: '&2&lUncommon Pet' color: '&2' default-walk: 1000 menu-slot: 2 rare: display-name: '&b&lRare Pet' color: '&b' default-walk: 1000 menu-slot: 3 ultimate: display-name: '&e&lUltimate Pet' color: '&e' default-walk: 1000 menu-slot: 4 legendary: display-name: '&6&lLegendary Pet' color: '&6' default-walk: 1000 menu-slot: 5