player_only: "&cOnly players may use that!" no_permission: "&cNo permission." player_unfound: "&e{0}&4 could not be found" enabled: "&aEnabled" disabled: "&cDisabled" able: "&aAble" unable: "&cUnable" inventoryFull: "&cYou must clear your inventory first!" notNumber: "&e{0} is not a number!" angle_message: "&e{0} yaw&f, &e{1} pitch" revive_cooldown: "&4You may not revive a player for another &e{0}4." not_dead: "&e{0} &eis not deathbanned" revived: "&aYou have revived &e{0}&a!" revive_player: "&cYou revived {0}!" revive_broadcast: "&c{0} revived {1}!" selectEndPortal: "&cYou must select an end portal frame!" locationSuccess: "&aSet location {0}" firstLocationUnset: "&cYou must set the first location!" portalTooBig: "&cYou cannot create a portal that big!" portalElevation: "&cMake sure the portal is on the same elevation!" portalSuccess: "&aCreated portal." portalWandGive: "&aSelect 2 points to make an end portal" noCooldown: "&4You do not have a Gopple cooldown active." activeCooldown: "&eYour Gopple cooldown expires in {0}" helpMenu: - "&aThis is" - "&aThe help menu" userLocation: "&e{0}&a is in the area of {1} at coordinates: {2},{3},{4}" logoutActive: "&aYour logout timer is already active!" logoutStart: "&aYour logout timer is now active!" pvpTimerNotActive: "&cYour {0} timer is currently not active." pvpTimerDeactivate: "&cYour {0} timer has now been deactivated!" pvpTimerActive: "&aYour {0} timer is still active for another {1}" notInFaction: "&cYou are not in a faction!" fullDTR: "&aYour faction has full DTR." frozenDTR: "&aYour faction DTR is frozen for another {0}" regeneratingDTR: "&aYour faction currently has {0} DTR and is regenerating at a rate of {1} every {2}. Estimated time until full DTR is {3}." serverTime: "&aThe server time is {0}" cannonOnlyOverworld: "&aYou can only " toggleCapZoneMessages: "&eYou are now {0} to see cap zone entry messages" toggleFDMessages: "&e{0} &ahas toggled &bFound Diamond Alerts" toggleLSMessages: "&eYou will now be {0} to see Lightning Strikes on player deaths" # Scoreboard toggle toggleScoreboard: "&eYou have now {0} your scoreboard" # Lives and deathban messages noLivesInDB: "&eThere are no lives in the database!" eotwDeathBanJoin: "&cYou are deathbanned for the rest of the map due to EOTW." deathbanTimer: "&cYou are still deathbanned for {0}" lifeUsed: "&aYou have used a life! You now have {0} lives." noLives: "&cYou have no lives!" deathbanWithLives: "&cYou are still deathbanned with {0} remaining! You can use a life by joining within {1}" deathbanBypass: "&aYou would be deathbanned, but you have permission to bypass." playerLifeCheck: "&e{0} currently has {1} lives" notDeathbanned: "&e{0} is not deathbanned!" deathbanReason: - "&eDeathban caused by {0}" - "&eTime: {1}" - "&eDuration: {2}" deathbanLocation: "&eLocation: ({0},{1},{2})" deathbanReason: "&eReason: [{0}]" clearDeathbanMessaage: "&eAll deathbans have been cleared" livesMustBePositive: "&cThe amount of lives must be positive" livesGiftFailure: "&cYou could not give {0} {1} live(s) because you only have {2}." livesGiftSuccess: "&aYou gifted {0} with {1} live(s)" livesGiftSuccessPlayer: "&e{0} gifted you with {1} live(s)" livesReviveKitmap: "&eYou cannot revive players during kitmap!" livesReviveEOTW: "&eYou cannot revive players during EOTW!" lifeUsedOnOther: "&eYou have used a life to revive {0}" livesConsoleRevive: "&eYou have revived {0}" livesSet: "&e{0} now has {1} lives." deathbanDurationError: "&cInvalid duration! Use format &o1h 2m" deathbanDurationSet: "&eDeathban time has now been set to {0}!" topLivesTitle: "&eTop {0} lives:" topLivesFormat: "&e{0} {1}: {2}" ecoGiveAll: "&e{0} gave all players ${1}" ecoBalance: "&eYour balance: {0}" ecoBalanceOther: "&e{0}'s balance: {1}" ecoAdded: "&eAdded {0} to {1}'s balance. Their new balance is {2}" ecoTaken: "&eTaken {0} from {1}'s balance. Their new balance is {2}" ecoSet: "&eSet balance of {0} to {1}" ecoNotPositive: "&cYou must send money in positive amounts." ecoSendFailure: "&cYou tried to pay {0}, but you only have {1} in your account." ecoSendSuccess: "&aYou have sent {0} to {1}" ecoSendSuccessPlayer: "&a{0} sent you {1}" notPlayerFaction: "&cThat faction could not be found or is not a player faction." noEvents: "&cThere are no running events!" eventCancelled: "&c{0} has cancelled the event {1}" eventCreateNameUsed: "&cThere is already an event faction named {0}" eventCreateSuccess: "&aCreated event faction {0} with event type {1}!" eventDeleteNameUnused: "&cThere is no such event faction called {0}" eventDeleteSuccess: "&aDeleted event faction {0}!" eventRenameSuccess: "&aRenamed event {0} to {1}" noWorldEdit: "&cYou need WorldEdit installed to use this feature!" requireWorldEditSelection: "&cPlease make a WorldEdit selection!" areaTooSmall: "&cRegion selection must be {0} x {0}" eventAreaSuccess: "&aUpdated the claim area for event {0}" eventStarted: "&aEvent has been started!" eventUptime: "&aEvent &e({0})&a has been live for &e{1}&a and started at &e{2}" conquestSetPointsError: "&cMaximum points for Conquest is {0}" conquestSetPoints: "&aSet points for {0} to {1}" noKeyFound: "&cNo key type named {0}" keyOnlyPositive: "&cYou can only give keys in positive quantities" keyMaximumAllowed: "&cYou cannot give keys in more than {0}'s" keyGiven: "&cGiven {0}x {1} key to {2}" crateClosedDuring: "&aYou closed your crate reward inventory, dropping your items on the ground!"