name: Zorex version: 1.0 description: HCF CORE author: bruceboy main: me.bruce.factions.LorexHCF softdepend: [ProtocolLib] commands: hcf: rawcast: wb: nv: stats: setnpc: staffguide: tablistgui: aliases: [tabgui] coords: pots: vanish: aliases: [v] staffgui: author: aliases: [dev,developer,best,bestdev] gamemode: aliases: [gm] setprefix: slowchat: disablechat: tp: here: fly: fix: invsee: randomtp: panic: tl: baller: rules: vip: zorex: spawn: lff: pro: prefix: keysale: sp: fr: reboot: rank: broadcast: aliases: [bc] buy: tablist: aliases: [pot] settings: refund: aliases: [inv, restore, invrestore] ping: freeze: aliases: [ss] enderdragon: hub: this: playtime: aliases: [pt] cobble: crowgive: aliases: [crowbar, crowbargive] Amethyst: hcfhelp: aliases: [help, ehelp, pl, ?] conquest: description: Command used to handle Conquest events. economy: aliases: [$, bal, money, eco, econ] description: Command used to modify the economy. eotw: aliases: [endoftheworld] description: Sets if the server is in End of the World mode. event: description: Command used to manage minigame events. faction: aliases: [f, fac] description: Faction related commands. gopple: description: Command to check remaining OP apple cooldown time. aliases: [opple, goppletimer, goppletime, oppletimer, oppletime] hcf: aliases: [hardcorefactions, hcfactions] koth: description: Make or delete KotH arenas. lives: description: Management of lives or deathbans. location: aliases: [loc] description: Check the faction location of a player. logout: aliases: [disconnect] description: Command to safely logout without an NPC spawning. mapkit: aliases: [viewkit] description: Used to check the current map restrictions. pay: aliases: [p2p] description: Allow players to pay money. pvptimer: aliases: [pvp] description: Command to enable or disable pvp timer protection. regen: description: Check ETA until a faction is able to regenerate DTR. sotw: aliases: [startoftheworld] description: Command used to manage start of the world. staffrevive: aliases: [revive] description: Command used by staff to revive players. timer: description: Command to manage timers. togglecapzoneentry: aliases: [togglecapentry] description: Command used to hide or show capture zone entry messages. togglelightning: aliases: [lightningtoggle, togglestrikes] description: Toggles the lightning strikes for when a player dies. rename: ores: description: See ores mined. aliases: [stats, mined] glowstonemountain: aliases: [reset]