const axios = require('axios'); const startup = async () => { // Your details here const url = 'http://YOUR_IP/api/client'; const licensekey = 'YOUR_LICENSE_KEY'; // Retrieve license key from config file const product = 'YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME'; const version = 'YOUR_PRODUCT_VERSION'; const public_api_key = 'YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY'; try { // Make the request to license server const res = await url, { licensekey, product, version, }, { headers: { Authorization: public_api_key }, } ); // Validate request body if (! || ! { console.log('Invalid authentication'); return process.exit(1); } // Verify authentication if ( !== 'success') { console.log('Authentication failed'); console.log(; return process.exit(1); } const hash =; // Split hash const hash_split = hash.split('694201337'); // ---> Text based validation <--- // Base64 decode the hash_split[0] const decoded_hash = Buffer.from(hash_split[0], 'base64').toString(); // Get 2 first chars of licensekey const license_first = licensekey.substr(0, 2); // Get 2 last chars of licensekey const license_last = licensekey.substr(licensekey.length - 2); // Get 2 first characters of public_api_key const public_api_key_first = public_api_key.substr(0, 2); if ( decoded_hash !== `${license_first}${license_last}${public_api_key_first}` ) { console.log('Authentication failed'); return process.exit(1); } // ---> Time based validation <--- // Get epoch time let epoch_time_full = Math.floor( / 1000); // Remove 2 last characters of epoc_time const epoch_time = epoch_time_full .toString() .substr(0, epoch_time_full.toString().length - 2); if (parseInt(epoch_time) - parseInt(hash_split[1]) > 1) { console.log('Authentication failed'); return process.exit(1); } console.log('Successful authentication'); } catch (err) { console.log('Authentication failed'); console.log(error); process.exit(1); } }; // Call the startup function startup();