160 lines
3.6 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env node
var yargs = require('yargs')
var qr = require('../lib')
function save (file, text, options) {
qr.toFile(file, text, options, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.error('Error:', err.message)
console.log('saved qrcode to: ' + file + '\n')
function print (text, options) {
options.type = 'terminal'
qr.toString(text, options, function (err, text) {
if (err) {
console.error('Error:', err.message)
function parseOptions (args) {
return {
version: args.qversion,
errorCorrectionLevel: args.error,
type: args.type,
small: !!args.small,
inverse: !!args.inverse,
maskPattern: args.mask,
margin: args.qzone,
width: args.width,
scale: args.scale,
color: {
light: args.lightcolor,
dark: args.darkcolor
function processInputs (text, opts) {
if (!text.length) {
if (opts.output) {
save(opts.output, text, parseOptions(opts))
} else {
print(text, parseOptions(opts))
var argv = yargs
.usage('Usage: $0 [options] <input string>')
.option('v', {
alias: 'qversion',
description: 'QR Code symbol version (1 - 40)',
group: 'QR Code options:',
type: 'number'
.option('e', {
alias: 'error',
description: 'Error correction level',
choices: ['L', 'M', 'Q', 'H'],
group: 'QR Code options:'
.option('m', {
alias: 'mask',
description: 'Mask pattern (0 - 7)',
group: 'QR Code options:',
type: 'number'
.option('t', {
alias: 'type',
description: 'Output type',
choices: ['png', 'svg', 'utf8'],
implies: 'output',
group: 'Renderer options:'
.option('i', {
alias: 'inverse',
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Invert colors',
group: 'Renderer options:'
.option('w', {
alias: 'width',
description: 'Image width (px)',
conflicts: 'scale',
group: 'Renderer options:',
type: 'number'
.option('s', {
alias: 'scale',
description: 'Scale factor',
conflicts: 'width',
group: 'Renderer options:',
type: 'number'
.option('q', {
alias: 'qzone',
description: 'Quiet zone size',
group: 'Renderer options:',
type: 'number'
.option('l', {
alias: 'lightcolor',
description: 'Light RGBA hex color',
group: 'Renderer options:'
.option('d', {
alias: 'darkcolor',
description: 'Dark RGBA hex color',
group: 'Renderer options:'
.option('small', {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Output smaller QR code to terminal',
conflicts: 'type',
group: 'Renderer options:'
.option('o', {
alias: 'output',
description: 'Output file'
.alias('h', 'help')
.example('$0 "some text"', 'Draw in terminal window')
.example('$0 -o out.png "some text"', 'Save as png image')
.example('$0 -d F00 -o out.png "some text"', 'Use red as foreground color')
.parserConfiguration({'parse-numbers': false})
if (process.stdin.isTTY) {
processInputs(argv._.join(' '), argv)
} else {
var text = ''
process.stdin.on('readable', function () {
var chunk =
if (chunk !== null) {
text += chunk
process.stdin.on('end', function () {
// this process can be run as a command outside of a tty so if there was no
// data on stdin read from argv
processInputs(text.length?text:argv._.join(' '), argv)