SERVER_NAME: "Development" MONGO: HOST: "" PORT: 27017 AUTHENTICATION: ENABLED: false USERNAME: "" PASSWORD: "" REDIS: HOST: "" PORT: 6379 AUTHENTICATION: ENABLED: false PASSWORD: "" TAB: true PUNISHMENTS: BROADCAST: "&r{target} &ahas been {context} by &r{sender}" BROADCAST_SILENT: "&7[Silent] &r{target} &ahas been {context} by &r{sender}" BLACKLIST: "&cYour account is Blacklisted from CentileHCF.\n\n&cThis Punishment cant not be undone." BAN: KICK: "&cYour account is {context} from CentileHCF.{temporary}\n\n&cIf you feel this punishment is unjust, you may appeal at:\n&e" TEMPORARY: "\n&cThis punishment expires in &e{time-remaining}&c." KICK: KICK: "&cYou were kicked by a staff member.\nReason: &e{reason}" COMMON_ERRORS: FAILED_TO_LOAD_PROFILE: "&cFailed to load your profile. Try again later." COULD_NOT_RESOLVE_PLAYER: "&cCould not resolve player information..." PLAYER_NOT_FOUND: "&cA player with that name could not be found." RANK_NOT_FOUND: "&cA rank with that name could not be found." STAFF: CHAT: "{0}&r{1}&b ({2}): {3}" REQUEST: "&b({0}) {1}: &b({2})" BROADCAST_PREFIX: "&9&l[Staff] &r" REQUEST_PREFIX: "&9&l[Request] &r" JOIN_NETWORK: "{0}{1} &ajoined &2({2})" LEAVE_NETWORK: "{0}{1} &aleft &2({2})" SWITCH_SERVER: "{0}({1} &ajoined {2} &2(from {3})" SERVER: STATUS: "&b({0}) -> {1}" PREFIX: "&9&l[Status] &r" NETWORK: BROADCAST_PREFIX: "&8[&eNetwork&8] &f" RANK_REFRESH: "{0} Refreshed rank \"{1}\"" RANK_DELETE: "{0} Deleted rank \"{1}\""