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2013-08-27 17:14:08 +02:00
param($rootPath, $toolsPath, $package, $project)
# Don't support old NuGet versions as it's impractical to handle all their different sets of sematics
if ([NuGet.PackageManager].Assembly.GetName().Version -lt 1.4)
throw "T4Scaffolding requires NuGet (Package Manager Console) 1.4 or later"
# We can't support the current version of PowerShell 3 because of some breaking changes/bugs. Hopefully we will be able to reintroduce support soon.
if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 3)
$message = "Sorry, T4Scaffolding and MvcScaffolding currently do not support preview versions of PowerShell 3 (for example, on prerelease copies of Windows 8)."
throw $message
function GetLoadedT4ScaffoldingAssemblyVersion() {
try {
return [T4Scaffolding.ScaffolderAttribute].Assembly.GetName().Version
} catch {
return $null
$t4ScaffoldingAssemblyVersion = GetLoadedT4ScaffoldingAssemblyVersion
if ($t4ScaffoldingAssemblyVersion -and ($t4ScaffoldingAssemblyVersion -ne ""))
# Prevent the use of scaffolding if you've got the wrong version of T4Scaffolding.dll loaded into your appdomain (we can't unload or update it until VS restarts)
Write-Warning "---"
Write-Warning "A different version of T4Scaffolding is already running in this instance of Visual Studio"
Write-Warning "Please restart Visual Studio to avoid unexpected behavior."
Write-Warning "You won't be able to use scaffolding until you restart Visual Studio."
Write-Warning "---"
if (Get-Module T4Scaffolding) {
# Disable scaffolding as much as possible until VS is restarted
Remove-Module T4Scaffolding
# OK, we've got the correct .NET assembly version or none at all (in which case we can load the correct version)
$dllPath = Join-Path $toolsPath T4Scaffolding.dll
$tabExpansionPath = Join-Path $toolsPath "scaffoldingTabExpansion.psm1"
$packagesRoot = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($rootPath)
if (Test-Path $dllPath) {
# Enable shadow copying so the package can be uninstalled/upgraded later
# Load the .NET PowerShell module and set up aliases, tab expansions, etc.
Import-Module $dllPath
Set-Alias Scaffold Invoke-Scaffolder -Option AllScope -scope Global
Update-FormatData -PrependPath (Join-Path $toolsPath T4Scaffolding.Format.ps1xml)
Import-Module -Force -Global $tabExpansionPath
# Ensure you've got some default settings for each of the included scaffolders
Set-DefaultScaffolder -Name DbContext -Scaffolder T4Scaffolding.EFDbContext -SolutionWide -DoNotOverwriteExistingSetting
Set-DefaultScaffolder -Name Repository -Scaffolder T4Scaffolding.EFRepository -SolutionWide -DoNotOverwriteExistingSetting
Set-DefaultScaffolder -Name CustomTemplate -Scaffolder T4Scaffolding.CustomTemplate -SolutionWide -DoNotOverwriteExistingSetting
Set-DefaultScaffolder -Name CustomScaffolder -Scaffolder T4Scaffolding.CustomScaffolder -SolutionWide -DoNotOverwriteExistingSetting
Write-Warning ("Could not find T4Scaffolding module. Looked for: " + $dllPath)