eloRating now after warLosses so that it matches better with the SQL table

This commit is contained in:
Joseph Prezioso Jr 2016-03-08 17:06:13 -05:00
parent 19375e5720
commit 059b964f22

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@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ public class ClanRepository extends MinecraftRepository
private static String CREATE_CLAN_TERRITORY_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS clanTerritory (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, clanId INT, chunk VARCHAR(100), safe BIT(1), PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY (clanId) REFERENCES clans(id));";
private static String CREATE_CLAN_ALLIANCE_TABLE = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS clanAlliances (id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, clanId INT, otherClanId INT, trusted BIT(1), PRIMARY KEY (id), FOREIGN KEY (otherClanId) REFERENCES clans(id), FOREIGN KEY (clanId) REFERENCES clans(id), INDEX clanIdIndex (clanId));";
private static String RETRIEVE_CLAN_INFO = "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.description, c.home, c.admin, c.energy, c.kills, c.murder, c.deaths, c.warWins, c.warLosses, c.eloRating, c.generator, c.generatorStock, c.dateCreated, c.lastOnline FROM clans AS c WHERE lower(c.name) = ?;";
private static String RETRIEVE_CLAN_INFO = "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.description, c.home, c.admin, c.energy, c.kills, c.murder, c.deaths, c.warWins, c.warLosses, c.generator, c.generatorStock, c.dateCreated, c.lastOnline, c.eloRating FROM clans AS c WHERE lower(c.name) = ?;";
private static String RETRIEVE_PLAYER_CLAN_INFO = "SELECT clans.name, accountClan.clanRole, clanServer.serverName, clans.id FROM accountClan INNER JOIN clans ON clans.id = accountClan.clanId INNER JOIN clanServer ON clans.serverId = clanServer.id WHERE accountClan.accountId = ?;";
private static String RETRIEVE_START_CLAN_INFO = "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.description, c.home, c.admin, c.energy, c.kills, c.murder, c.deaths, c.warWins, c.warLosses, c.eloRating, c.generator, c.generatorStock, c.dateCreated, c.lastOnline, ct.chunk, ct.safe FROM clans AS c LEFT JOIN clanTerritory AS ct ON ct.clanId = c.id WHERE c.serverId = ? OR c.admin = 1;";
private static String RETRIEVE_START_CLAN_INFO = "SELECT c.id, c.name, c.description, c.home, c.admin, c.energy, c.kills, c.murder, c.deaths, c.warWins, c.warLosses, c.generator, c.generatorStock, c.dateCreated, c.lastOnline, c.eloRating ct.chunk, ct.safe FROM clans AS c LEFT JOIN clanTerritory AS ct ON ct.clanId = c.id WHERE c.serverId = ? OR c.admin = 1;";
private static String RETRIEVE_CLAN_MEMBER_INFO = "SELECT c.name, a.name, a.uuid, clanRole FROM accountClan AS ac INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON a.id = ac.accountId INNER JOIN clans AS c on c.id = ac.clanId WHERE c.serverId = ?;";
private static String RETRIEVE_CLAN_MEMBERS = "SELECT c.name, a.name, a.uuid, clanRole FROM accountClan AS ac INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON a.id = ac.accountId INNER JOIN clans AS c on c.id = ac.clanId WHERE lower(c.name) = ?;";
private static String RETRIEVE_CLAN_ALLIANCE_INFO = "SELECT c.name, cOther.name, ca.trusted FROM clanAlliances AS ca INNER JOIN clans AS c ON c.id = ca.clanId INNER JOIN clans as cOther ON cOther.id = ca.otherClanId WHERE c.serverId = ?;";
@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ public class ClanRepository extends MinecraftRepository
private static String ADD_CLAN_WAR = "INSERT INTO clanWar (initiatorId, clanId, score, created, lastUpdated) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
private static String ADD_CLAN_TERRITORY = "INSERT INTO clanTerritory (clanId, chunk, safe) VALUES (?, ?, ?);";
private static String UPDATE_CLAN = "UPDATE clans SET name = ?, description = ?, home = ?, admin = ?, energy = ?, kills = ?, murder = ?, deaths = ?, warWins = ?, warLosses = ?, lastOnline = ? WHERE id = ?;";
//Not Sure if UPDATE_CLAN should set eloRating, but I would think it would need to
private static String UPDATE_CLAN = "UPDATE clans SET name = ?, description = ?, home = ?, admin = ?, energy = ?, kills = ?, murder = ?, deaths = ?, warWins = ?, warLosses = ?, lastOnline = ?, eloRating = ? WHERE id = ?;";
private static String UPDATE_CLAN_MEMBER = "UPDATE accountClan AS AC INNER JOIN accounts ON accounts.id = AC.accountId SET AC.clanRole = ? WHERE AC.clanId = ? AND accounts.name = ?;";
private static String UPDATE_CLAN_ALLIANCE = "UPDATE clanAlliances SET trusted = ? WHERE clanId = ? AND otherClanId = ?;";
private static String UPDATE_CLAN_TERRITORY = "UPDATE clanTerritory SET safe = ? WHERE chunk = ?;"; //