Remove File headers.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
package mineplex.core.elo;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import mineplex.core.MiniDbClientPlugin;
import mineplex.core.account.CoreClientManager;
import mineplex.core.common.util.C;
import mineplex.core.common.util.NautHashMap;
import mineplex.core.itemstack.ItemBuilder;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
@ -20,25 +15,25 @@ import java.sql.SQLException;
public class EloManager extends MiniDbClientPlugin<EloClientData>
private EloRepository _repository;
private EloRatingSystem _ratingSystem;
private NautHashMap<String, EloTeam> _eloTeams = new NautHashMap<>();
public EloManager(JavaPlugin plugin, CoreClientManager clientManager)
super("Elo Rating", plugin, clientManager);
private EloRepository _repository;
private EloRatingSystem _ratingSystem;
private NautHashMap<String, EloTeam> _eloTeams = new NautHashMap<>();
_repository = new EloRepository(plugin);
_ratingSystem = new EloRatingSystem
new KFactor(0, 1299, 50),
new KFactor(1300, 1899, 45),
new KFactor(1900, 2499, 40),
new KFactor(2500, 3099, 30),
new KFactor(3100, 3699, 20),
new KFactor(3700, 5000, 10)
public EloManager(JavaPlugin plugin, CoreClientManager clientManager)
super("Elo Rating", plugin, clientManager);
_repository = new EloRepository(plugin);
_ratingSystem = new EloRatingSystem
new KFactor(0, 1299, 50),
new KFactor(1300, 1899, 45),
new KFactor(1900, 2499, 40),
new KFactor(2500, 3099, 30),
new KFactor(3100, 3699, 20),
new KFactor(3700, 5000, 10)
public EloRepository getRepo()
@ -52,289 +47,252 @@ public class EloManager extends MiniDbClientPlugin<EloClientData>
addCommand(new TopEloCommand(this));
public int getElo(Player player, int gameType)
if (!Get(player).Elos.containsKey(gameType))
return 1000;
return Get(player).Elos.get(gameType);
public EloTeam getNewRatings(EloTeam teamA, EloTeam teamB, GameResult result)
EloTeam newTeam = new EloTeam();
public int getElo(Player player, int gameType)
if (!Get(player).Elos.containsKey(gameType))
return 1000;
int newTotal = _ratingSystem.getNewRating(teamA.TotalElo / teamA.getPlayers().size(), teamB.TotalElo / teamB.getPlayers().size(), result) * teamA.getPlayers().size();
int kTotal = 0;
for (EloPlayer player : teamA.getPlayers())
kTotal += _ratingSystem.getKFactor(player.getRating());
for (EloPlayer player : teamA.getPlayers())
int newRating = (int)(player.getRating() + ((double)_ratingSystem.getKFactor(player.getRating()) / (double)kTotal) * (newTotal - teamA.TotalElo));
EloPlayer newPlayer = new EloPlayer(player.getPlayer(), player.getAccountId(), newRating);
return Get(player).Elos.get(gameType);
return newTeam;
public void saveElo(final Player player, final int accountId, final int gameType, final int oldElo, final int elo)
runAsync(new Runnable()
public void run()
boolean success = false;
success = _repository.saveElo(accountId, gameType, oldElo, elo);
catch (SQLException e)
System.out.println("Saving " + accountId + "'s new elo rating of " + elo + " for gameType " + gameType + (success ? " SUCCEEDED." : " FAILED."));
final boolean finalSuccess = success;
runSync(new Runnable()
public void run()
if (finalSuccess)
if (player.isOnline())
Get(player).Elos.put(gameType, elo);
/*public String getPlayerDivision(Player player, int gameType)
int playerElo = getElo(player, gameType);
String divisionName = "Player's division";
if (playerElo >= 3700)
divisionName = "Diamond";
else if (playerElo < 3700 && playerElo >= 3500)
divisionName = "Emerald 3";
else if (playerElo < 3500 && playerElo >= 3300)
divisionName = "Emerald 2";
else if (playerElo < 3300 && playerElo >= 3100)
divisionName = "Emerald 1";
else if (playerElo < 3100 && playerElo >= 2900)
divisionName = "Lapis 3";
else if (playerElo < 2900 && playerElo >= 2700)
divisionName = "Lapis 2";
else if (playerElo < 2700 && playerElo >= 2500)
divisionName = "Lapis 1";
else if (playerElo < 2500 && playerElo >= 2300)
divisionName = "Gold 3";
else if (playerElo < 2300 && playerElo >= 2100)
divisionName = "Gold 2";
else if (playerElo < 2100 && playerElo >= 1900)
divisionName = "Gold 1";
else if (playerElo < 1900 && playerElo >= 1700)
divisionName = "Iron 3";
else if (playerElo < 1700 && playerElo >= 1500)
divisionName = "Iron 2";
else if (playerElo < 1500 && playerElo >= 1300)
divisionName = "Iron 1";
else if (playerElo < 1300 && playerElo >= 1100)
divisionName = "Coal 3";
else if (playerElo < 1100 && playerElo >= 900)
divisionName = "Coal 2";
else if (playerElo < 900)
divisionName = "Coal 1";
return divisionName;
protected EloClientData AddPlayer(String player)
return new EloClientData();
public EloTeam getNewRatings(EloTeam teamA, EloTeam teamB, GameResult result)
EloTeam newTeam = new EloTeam();
public void processLoginResultSet(String playerName, int accountId, ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException
Set(playerName, _repository.loadClientInformation(resultSet));
int newTotal = _ratingSystem.getNewRating(teamA.TotalElo / teamA.getPlayers().size(), teamB.TotalElo / teamB.getPlayers().size(), result) * teamA.getPlayers().size();
int kTotal = 0;
public String getQuery(int accountId, String uuid, String name)
return "SELECT gameType, elo FROM eloRating WHERE accountId = '" + accountId + "';";
for (EloPlayer player : teamA.getPlayers())
kTotal += _ratingSystem.getKFactor(player.getRating());
public void addTeam(String displayName, EloTeam eloTeam)
_eloTeams.put(displayName, eloTeam);
for (EloPlayer player : teamA.getPlayers())
int newRating = (int) (player.getRating() + (_ratingSystem.getKFactor(player.getRating()) / (double) kTotal) * (newTotal - teamA.TotalElo));
EloPlayer newPlayer = new EloPlayer(player.getPlayer(), player.getAccountId(), newRating);
public void setWinningTeam(String displayName)
_eloTeams.get(displayName).Winner = true;
public boolean isRankBanned(int accountId)
boolean banExpired = System.currentTimeMillis() >= getRankBanExpiry(accountId);
return newTeam;
if (banExpired)
if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= _repository.getStrikeExpiry(accountId))
return !banExpired;
public void saveElo(final Player player, final int accountId, final int gameType, final int oldElo, final int elo)
runAsync(() -> {
boolean success = false;
public long getRankBanExpiry(int accountId)
return _repository.getBanExpiry(accountId);
success = _repository.saveElo(accountId, gameType, oldElo, elo);
} catch (SQLException e)
} finally
System.out.println("Saving " + accountId + "'s new elo rating of " + elo + " for gameType " + gameType + (success ? " SUCCEEDED." : " FAILED."));
public void banFromRanked(int accountId)
final boolean finalSuccess = success;
public void endMatch(int gameId)
EloTeam teamWinner = null;
EloTeam teamLoser = null;
for (EloTeam team : _eloTeams.values())
if (team.Winner)
teamWinner = team;
teamLoser = team;
EloTeam teamWinnerNew = getNewRatings(teamWinner, teamLoser, GameResult.Win);
EloTeam teamLoserNew = getNewRatings(teamLoser, teamWinner, GameResult.Loss);
// Use teams to calculate Elo
for (EloPlayer eloPlayer : teamWinnerNew.getPlayers())
int oldElo = teamWinner.getPlayer(eloPlayer.getPlayer().getUniqueId().toString()).getRating();
// If this is the first time.
if (!Get(eloPlayer.getPlayer()).Elos.containsKey(gameId))
oldElo = eloPlayer.getRating();
saveElo(eloPlayer.getPlayer(), eloPlayer.getAccountId(), gameId, oldElo, eloPlayer.getRating());
runSync(() -> {
if (finalSuccess)
if (player.isOnline())
Get(player).Elos.put(gameType, elo);
for (EloPlayer eloPlayer : teamLoserNew.getPlayers())
int oldElo = teamLoser.getPlayer(eloPlayer.getPlayer().getUniqueId().toString()).getRating();
// If this is the first time.
if (!Get(eloPlayer.getPlayer()).Elos.containsKey(gameId))
oldElo = eloPlayer.getRating();
saveElo(eloPlayer.getPlayer(), eloPlayer.getAccountId(), gameId, oldElo, eloPlayer.getRating());
protected EloClientData AddPlayer(String player)
return new EloClientData();
public static enum EloDivision
DIAMOND("Diamond", -1, 3700, Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK),
EMERALD_3("Emerald 3", 3699, 3500, Material.EMERALD_BLOCK),
EMERALD_2("Emerald 2", 3499, 3300, Material.EMERALD_BLOCK),
EMERALD_1("Emerald 1", 3299, 3100, Material.EMERALD_BLOCK),
LAPIS_3("Lapis 3", 3099, 2900, Material.LAPIS_BLOCK),
LAPIS_2("Lapis 2", 2899, 2700, Material.LAPIS_BLOCK),
LAPIS_1("Lapis 1", 2699, 2500, Material.LAPIS_BLOCK),
GOLD_3("Gold 3", 2499, 2300, Material.GOLD_BLOCK),
GOLD_2("Gold 2", 2299, 2100, Material.GOLD_BLOCK),
GOLD_1("Gold 1", 2099, 1900, Material.GOLD_BLOCK),
IRON_3("Iron 3", 1899, 1700, Material.IRON_BLOCK),
IRON_2("Iron 2", 1699, 1500, Material.IRON_BLOCK),
IRON_1("Iron 1", 1499, 1300, Material.IRON_BLOCK),
COAL_3("Coal 3", 1299, 1100, Material.COAL_BLOCK),
COAL_2("Coal 2", 1099, 900, Material.COAL_BLOCK),
COAL_1("Coal 1", 899, -1, Material.COAL_BLOCK);
public void processLoginResultSet(String playerName, int accountId, ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException
Set(playerName, _repository.loadClientInformation(resultSet));
private String _disp;
private int _maxElo, _minElo;
private Material _visual;
public String getQuery(int accountId, String uuid, String name)
return "SELECT gameType, elo FROM eloRating WHERE accountId = '" + accountId + "';";
private EloDivision(String display, int maxElo, int minElo, Material visual)
_disp = display;
_maxElo = maxElo;
_minElo = minElo;
_visual = visual;
public void addTeam(String displayName, EloTeam eloTeam)
_eloTeams.put(displayName, eloTeam);
public String getDisplayName()
return _disp;
public void setWinningTeam(String displayName)
_eloTeams.get(displayName).Winner = true;
public ItemStack getVisual(int elo)
ItemBuilder build = new ItemBuilder(_visual);
build.setTitle(C.cGreen + _disp);
int percentage = (elo * 100)/_maxElo;
public boolean isRankBanned(int accountId)
boolean banExpired = System.currentTimeMillis() >= getRankBanExpiry(accountId);
String color = C.cYellow;
if (percentage <= 35)
color = C.cRed;
else if (percentage >= 65)
color = C.cGreen;
if (banExpired)
if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= _repository.getStrikeExpiry(accountId))
return !banExpired;
build.addLore(C.cGold + "Your Progress:", color + percentage + "% complete with this Division");
public long getRankBanExpiry(int accountId)
return _repository.getBanExpiry(accountId);
public static EloDivision getDivision(int elo)
for (EloDivision ed : EloDivision.values())
boolean applies = true;
if (ed._maxElo != -1)
if (elo > ed._maxElo)
applies = false;
if (ed._minElo != -1)
if (elo < ed._minElo)
applies = false;
public void banFromRanked(int accountId)
if (applies)
return ed;
public void endMatch(int gameId)
EloTeam teamWinner = null;
EloTeam teamLoser = null;
return EloDivision.COAL_2;
for (EloTeam team : _eloTeams.values())
if (team.Winner)
teamWinner = team;
} else
teamLoser = team;
EloTeam teamWinnerNew = getNewRatings(teamWinner, teamLoser, GameResult.Win);
EloTeam teamLoserNew = getNewRatings(teamLoser, teamWinner, GameResult.Loss);
// Use teams to calculate Elo
for (EloPlayer eloPlayer : teamWinnerNew.getPlayers())
int oldElo = teamWinner.getPlayer(eloPlayer.getPlayer().getUniqueId().toString()).getRating();
// If this is the first time.
if (!Get(eloPlayer.getPlayer()).Elos.containsKey(gameId))
oldElo = eloPlayer.getRating();
saveElo(eloPlayer.getPlayer(), eloPlayer.getAccountId(), gameId, oldElo, eloPlayer.getRating());
for (EloPlayer eloPlayer : teamLoserNew.getPlayers())
int oldElo = teamLoser.getPlayer(eloPlayer.getPlayer().getUniqueId().toString()).getRating();
// If this is the first time.
if (!Get(eloPlayer.getPlayer()).Elos.containsKey(gameId))
oldElo = eloPlayer.getRating();
saveElo(eloPlayer.getPlayer(), eloPlayer.getAccountId(), gameId, oldElo, eloPlayer.getRating());
public enum EloDivision
DIAMOND("Diamond", -1, 3700, Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK),
EMERALD_3("Emerald 3", 3699, 3500, Material.EMERALD_BLOCK),
EMERALD_2("Emerald 2", 3499, 3300, Material.EMERALD_BLOCK),
EMERALD_1("Emerald 1", 3299, 3100, Material.EMERALD_BLOCK),
LAPIS_3("Lapis 3", 3099, 2900, Material.LAPIS_BLOCK),
LAPIS_2("Lapis 2", 2899, 2700, Material.LAPIS_BLOCK),
LAPIS_1("Lapis 1", 2699, 2500, Material.LAPIS_BLOCK),
GOLD_3("Gold 3", 2499, 2300, Material.GOLD_BLOCK),
GOLD_2("Gold 2", 2299, 2100, Material.GOLD_BLOCK),
GOLD_1("Gold 1", 2099, 1900, Material.GOLD_BLOCK),
IRON_3("Iron 3", 1899, 1700, Material.IRON_BLOCK),
IRON_2("Iron 2", 1699, 1500, Material.IRON_BLOCK),
IRON_1("Iron 1", 1499, 1300, Material.IRON_BLOCK),
COAL_3("Coal 3", 1299, 1100, Material.COAL_BLOCK),
COAL_2("Coal 2", 1099, 900, Material.COAL_BLOCK),
COAL_1("Coal 1", 899, -1, Material.COAL_BLOCK);
private String _disp;
private int _maxElo, _minElo;
private Material _visual;
EloDivision(String display, int maxElo, int minElo, Material visual)
_disp = display;
_maxElo = maxElo;
_minElo = minElo;
_visual = visual;
public static EloDivision getDivision(int elo)
for (EloDivision ed : EloDivision.values())
boolean applies = true;
if (ed._maxElo != -1)
if (elo > ed._maxElo)
applies = false;
if (ed._minElo != -1)
if (elo < ed._minElo)
applies = false;
if (applies)
return ed;
return EloDivision.COAL_2;
public String getDisplayName()
return _disp;
public ItemStack getVisual(int elo)
ItemBuilder build = new ItemBuilder(_visual);
build.setTitle(C.cGreen + _disp);
int percentage = (elo * 100) / _maxElo;
String color = C.cYellow;
if (percentage <= 35)
color = C.cRed;
} else if (percentage >= 65)
color = C.cGreen;
build.addLore(C.cGold + "Your Progress:", color + percentage + "% complete with this Division");
@ -2,9 +2,12 @@ package mineplex.core.elo;
import mineplex.core.common.util.Callback;
import mineplex.core.common.util.UtilTime;
import mineplex.core.common.util.UtilTime.TimeUnit;
import mineplex.core.database.MinecraftRepository;
import mineplex.serverdata.database.DBPool;
import mineplex.serverdata.database.column.ColumnInt;
import mineplex.serverdata.database.column.ColumnLong;
import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable;
@ -16,9 +19,15 @@ import java.util.List;
public class EloRepository extends MinecraftRepository
private static String INSERT_ELO = "INSERT INTO eloRating (accountId, gameType, elo) VALUES (?, ?, ?);";
private static String UPDATE_ELO = "UPDATE eloRating SET elo = elo + ? WHERE accountId = ? AND gameType = ?;";
private static String UPDATE_ELO_ONLY_IF_MATCH = "UPDATE eloRating SET elo = elo + ? WHERE accountId = ? AND gameType = ? AND elo = ?;";
private static String GRAB_STRIKES = "SELECT strikes FROM rankedBans WHERE accountId = ?;";
private static String GRAB_STRIKE_EXPIRY = "SELECT strikesExpire FROM rankedBans WHERE accountId = ?;";
private static String GRAB_BAN_EXPIRY = "SELECT banEnd FROM rankedBans WHERE accountId = ?;";
private static String UPDATE_BAN = "INSERT INTO rankedBans (accountId, strikes, strikesExpire, banEnd) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE strikes=VALUES(strikes), strikesExpire=VALUES(strikesExpire), banEnd=VALUES(banEnd);";
private static String DELETE_STRIKES = "UPDATE rankedBans SET strikes = 1 WHERE accountId = ?;";
private static String GET_ELO = "SELECT `elo, accountId` FROM eloRating WHERE gameType=? ORDER BY ASC LIMIT $limit;";
private static String GET_NAME_FROM_ID = "SELECT `name` FROM `accounts` WHERE `id`=?;";
@ -53,7 +62,7 @@ public class EloRepository extends MinecraftRepository
nameStatement = connection.prepareStatement(GET_NAME_FROM_ID);
nameStatement.setInt(1, resultSet.getInt("accountId"));
ResultSet nameSet = nameStatement.executeQuery();
if (
data = new TopEloData(nameSet.getString("name"), elo);
@ -67,7 +76,7 @@ public class EloRepository extends MinecraftRepository
if(nameStatement != null)
if (nameStatement != null)
@ -127,6 +136,104 @@ public class EloRepository extends MinecraftRepository
return clientData;
public long getStrikeExpiry(int accountId)
final List<Long> expire = Lists.newArrayList();
executeQuery(GRAB_STRIKE_EXPIRY, resultSet -> {
while (
}, new ColumnInt("accountId", accountId));
if (expire.isEmpty())
expire.add(System.currentTimeMillis() - 5555);
return expire.get(0);
public long getBanExpiry(int accountId)
final List<Long> expire = Lists.newArrayList();
executeQuery(GRAB_BAN_EXPIRY, resultSet -> {
while (
}, new ColumnInt("accountId", accountId));
if (expire.isEmpty())
expire.add(System.currentTimeMillis() - 5555);
return expire.get(0);
public int getStrikes(int accountId)
final List<Integer> strike = Lists.newArrayList();
executeQuery(GRAB_STRIKES, resultSet -> {
while (
}, new ColumnInt("accountId", accountId));
if (strike.isEmpty())
return strike.get(0);
public void addRankedBan(int accountId)
int minutes = 1;
switch (getStrikes(accountId))
case 0:
minutes = 1;
case 1:
minutes = 5;
case 2:
minutes = 10;
case 3:
minutes = 20;
case 4:
minutes = 30;
case 5:
minutes = 60;
case 6:
minutes = 120;
case 7:
minutes = 180;
case 8:
minutes = 240;
long banEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() + UtilTime.convert(minutes, TimeUnit.MINUTES, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
long strikesExpire = System.currentTimeMillis() + UtilTime.convert(1, TimeUnit.DAYS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
int newStrikes = Math.min(getStrikes(accountId) + 1, 8);
executeUpdate(UPDATE_BAN, new ColumnInt("accountId", accountId), new ColumnInt("strikes", newStrikes), new ColumnLong("strikesExpire", strikesExpire), new ColumnLong("banEnd", banEnd));
public void resetStrikes(int accountId)
executeUpdate(DELETE_STRIKES, new ColumnInt("accountId", accountId));
protected void update()
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import mineplex.core.command.CommandBase;
import mineplex.core.common.Rank;
import mineplex.core.common.util.C;
import mineplex.core.common.util.F;
import mineplex.core.elo.EloManager.EloDivision;
import mineplex.core.slack.SlackAPI;
import mineplex.core.slack.SlackMessage;
import mineplex.core.slack.SlackTeam;
@ -53,7 +54,8 @@ public class TopEloCommand extends CommandBase<EloManager>
for(int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++){
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
TopEloData topEloData = data.get(i);
builder.append((i + 1)).append(": ").append(topEloData.getName()).append(" ").append("<division>").append("");
builder.append((i + 1)).append(": ").append(topEloData.getName())
.append(" ").append(EloDivision.getDivision(topEloData.getElo())).append("");
SlackMessage slackMessage = new SlackMessage(builder.toString());
SlackAPI.getInstance().sendMessage(SlackTeam.DEVELOPER, "#top-elo", slackMessage, false);
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
package mineplex.core.elo;
* @author Timothy Andis (TadahTech) on 4/28/2016.
* Elo Wrapper for the TopEloCommand
public class TopEloData
Reference in New Issue
Block a user