increased illusion cooldown

cleaned axethrow
This commit is contained in:
Chiss 2014-11-22 10:29:00 +11:00
parent 7bd12ab850
commit 6dfcdce027
3 changed files with 16 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -219,6 +219,18 @@ public class AxeThrow extends SkillActive implements IThrown
public void Reset(Player player)
Iterator<Item> i = _thrown.keySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
Item item =;
Player thrower = _thrown.get(item);
if (player.equals(thrower))

View File

@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ public class SkillFactory extends MiniPlugin implements ISkillFactory
AddSkill(new Illusion(this, "Illusion", ClassType.Assassin, SkillType.Sword,
1, 4,
40, -3,
12000, -1000, true,
40000, -3000, true,
new Material[] {Material.IRON_SWORD, Material.GOLD_SWORD, Material.DIAMOND_SWORD},
new Action[] {Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR, Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK}));

View File

@ -54,10 +54,12 @@ public class KitWitherMinion extends Kit
// disguise.SetCustomNameVisible(true);
// Manager.GetDisguise().disguise(disguise);
// }
public void GiveItems(Player player)
player.getInventory().addItem(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.GOLD_SWORD, (byte)0, 1,
C.cYellow + C.Bold + "Left-Click" + C.cWhite + C.Bold + " - " + C.cGreen + C.Bold + "Wither Skull"));