Change ItemBuilder to have ItemFlag, change hub icons to not display weapon damage
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ package mineplex.core.itemstack;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@ -12,6 +14,7 @@ import org.bukkit.Color;
import org.bukkit.FireworkEffect;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFlag;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.FireworkEffectMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
@ -19,6 +22,8 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.LeatherArmorMeta;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.SkullMeta;
import org.bukkit.potion.Potion;
import mineplex.core.common.util.C;
public class ItemBuilder
@ -48,20 +53,17 @@ public class ItemBuilder
private final HashMap<Enchantment, Integer> _enchants = new HashMap<Enchantment, Integer>();
private final List<String> _lore = new ArrayList<String>();
private Material _mat;
// private Potion potion;
private String _title = null;
private boolean _unbreakable;
private String _playerHeadName = null;
private HashSet<ItemFlag> _itemFlags = new HashSet<ItemFlag>();
public ItemBuilder(ItemStack item)
this(item.getType(), item.getDurability());
_amount = item.getAmount();
if (item.getType() == Material.POTION)
// setPotion(Potion.fromItemStack(item));
if (item.hasItemMeta())
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ public class ItemBuilder
setColor(((LeatherArmorMeta) meta).getColor());
_unbreakable = meta.spigot().isUnbreakable();
@ -107,13 +111,60 @@ public class ItemBuilder
this(mat, 1, data);
public HashSet<ItemFlag> getItemFlags()
return _itemFlags;
public ItemBuilder addItemFlags(ItemFlag... flags)
return this;
public ItemBuilder setItemFlags(ItemFlag... flags)
return this;
public ItemBuilder setItemFlags(Collection<ItemFlag> flags)
addItemFlags(flags.toArray(new ItemFlag[0]));
return this;
public ItemBuilder setHideInfo(boolean hideInfo)
if (hideInfo)
for (ItemFlag flag : ItemFlag.values())
return this;
public ItemBuilder addEnchantment(Enchantment enchant, int level)
if (_enchants.containsKey(enchant))
_enchants.put(enchant, level);
return this;
@ -121,20 +172,31 @@ public class ItemBuilder
for (String lore : lores)
_lore.add(ChatColor.GRAY + lore);
_lore.add(C.cGray + lore);
return this;
public ItemBuilder setLore(String... lores)
return this;
public ItemBuilder addLore(String lore, int maxLength)
_lore.addAll(split(lore, maxLength));
return this;
public ItemBuilder addLores(List<String> lores)
return this;
@ -144,6 +206,7 @@ public class ItemBuilder
addLore(lore, maxLength);
return this;
@ -155,6 +218,7 @@ public class ItemBuilder
public ItemStack build()
Material mat = _mat;
if (mat == null)
mat = Material.AIR;
@ -164,8 +228,10 @@ public class ItemBuilder
Bukkit.getLogger().warning("Air material!");
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(mat, _amount, _data);
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
if (meta != null)
if (_title != null)
@ -189,14 +255,13 @@ public class ItemBuilder
((FireworkEffectMeta) meta).setEffect(FireworkEffect.builder().withColor(_color).build());
meta.addItemFlags(getItemFlags().toArray(new ItemFlag[0]));
// if (potion != null) {
// potion.apply(item);
// }
return item;
@ -263,52 +328,6 @@ public class ItemBuilder
return _enchants.containsKey(enchant);
public boolean isItem(ItemStack item)
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
if (item.getType() != getType())
return false;
if (!meta.hasDisplayName() && getTitle() != null)
return false;
if (!meta.getDisplayName().equals(getTitle()))
return false;
if (!meta.hasLore() && !getLore().isEmpty())
return false;
if (meta.hasLore())
for (String lore : meta.getLore())
if (!getLore().contains(lore))
return false;
for (Enchantment enchant : item.getEnchantments().keySet())
if (!hasEnchantment(enchant))
return false;
return true;
public boolean isUnbreakable()
return _unbreakable;
@ -317,17 +336,14 @@ public class ItemBuilder
public ItemBuilder setAmount(int amount)
_amount = amount;
return this;
public ItemBuilder setColor(Color color)
/* (!"LEATHER_"))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only dye leather armor!");
_color = color;
return this;
@ -338,19 +354,10 @@ public class ItemBuilder
return this;
public ItemBuilder setPotion(Potion potion)
if (_mat != Material.POTION)
_mat = Material.POTION;
return this;
public ItemBuilder setRawTitle(String title)
_title = title;
return this;
@ -378,24 +385,28 @@ public class ItemBuilder
return this;
public ItemBuilder setType(Material mat)
_mat = mat;
return this;
public ItemBuilder setUnbreakable(boolean setUnbreakable)
_unbreakable = setUnbreakable;
return this;
public ItemBuilder setPlayerHead(String playerName)
_playerHeadName = playerName;
return this;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package mineplex.hub.profile.buttons;
import mineplex.core.common.util.C;
import mineplex.core.gui.GuiItem;
import mineplex.core.itemstack.ItemBuilder;
import mineplex.core.itemstack.ItemStackFactory;
import mineplex.hub.profile.gui.GUIProfile;
@ -17,7 +18,7 @@ public class ButtonPrefs implements GuiItem
private GUIProfile _profile;
private Player _player;
public ButtonPrefs(GUIProfile profile, Player player)
_profile = profile;
@ -33,29 +34,27 @@ public class ButtonPrefs implements GuiItem
public ItemStack getObject()
return ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR.getId(), (byte)0, 1,
ChatColor.RESET + C.cYellow + "Preferences",
new String[]
C.cWhite + "Set your preferences to your liking",
C.cWhite + "so you can enjoy the game more!",
C.cWhite + "Type " + C.cGreen + "/prefs" + C.cWhite + " to access this anywhere!"
return new ItemBuilder(Material.REDSTONE_COMPARATOR).setTitle(C.Reset + C.cYellow + "Preferences").addLore(new String[]
C.cWhite + "Set your preferences to your liking",
C.cWhite + "so you can enjoy the game more!",
C.cWhite + "Type " + C.cGreen + "/prefs" + C.cWhite + " to access this anywhere!"
public void setup()
public void setup()
public void close()
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package mineplex.hub.server.ui;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import mineplex.core.account.CoreClientManager;
import mineplex.core.common.util.C;
import mineplex.core.donation.DonationManager;
import mineplex.core.itemstack.ItemStackFactory;
import mineplex.core.itemstack.ItemBuilder;
import mineplex.hub.server.ServerManager;
import mineplex.hub.server.ui.button.SelectBHButton;
@ -34,17 +33,18 @@ public class ServerGameMenu extends ShopPageBase<ServerManager, QuickShop>
private List<ItemStack> _superSmashCycle = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
private List<ItemStack> _minigameCycle = new ArrayList<ItemStack>();
private int _ssmIndex;
private int _minigameIndex;
public ServerGameMenu(ServerManager plugin, QuickShop quickShop, CoreClientManager clientManager, DonationManager donationManager, String name, Player player)
public ServerGameMenu(ServerManager plugin, QuickShop quickShop, CoreClientManager clientManager,
DonationManager donationManager, String name, Player player)
super(plugin, quickShop, clientManager, donationManager, name, player, 47);
@ -52,148 +52,165 @@ public class ServerGameMenu extends ShopPageBase<ServerManager, QuickShop>
protected void buildPage()
setItem(0, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.IRON_PICKAXE.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "The Bridges " + C.cGray + "4 Team Survival", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "4 Teams get 10 minutes to prepare.",
ChatColor.RESET + "Then the bridges drop, and all hell",
ChatColor.RESET + "breaks loose as you battle to the",
ChatColor.RESET + "death with the other teams.",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("BR") + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(2, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Survival Games " + C.cGray + "Solo/Team Survival", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Search for chests to find loot and ",
ChatColor.RESET + "fight others to be the last man standing. ",
ChatColor.RESET + "Stay away from the borders!",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + (getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("HG") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SG2")) + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(0, new ItemBuilder(Material.IRON_PICKAXE)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "The Bridges " + C.cGray + "4 Team Survival").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "4 Teams get 10 minutes to prepare.",
C.Reset + "Then the bridges drop, and all hell",
C.Reset + "breaks loose as you battle to the",
C.Reset + "death with the other teams.",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("BR") + C.Reset + " other players!"
setItem(4, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.FEATHER.getId(), (byte) 0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Skywars " + C.cGray + "Solo/Team Survival", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "16 contenders fight for the right to rule the skies!",
ChatColor.RESET + "Spawn on a sky island and build your path!",
ChatColor.RESET + "Find weapons to take your enemies down!",
ChatColor.RESET + "Way up there, death ever looming if you fall..",
ChatColor.RESET + "Can you fight? Can you live? Can you win Skywars?",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + (getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SKY") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SKY2")) + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(2, new ItemBuilder(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Survival Games " + C.cGray + "Solo/Team Survival").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Search for chests to find loot and ",
C.Reset + "fight others to be the last man standing. ",
C.Reset + "Stay away from the borders!",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen
+ (getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("HG") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SG2")) + C.Reset
+ " other players!"
setItem(6, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "UHC " + C.cGray + "Ultra Hardcore Mode", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Extremely hard team-based survival ",
ChatColor.RESET + "Gather materials and fight your way",
ChatColor.RESET + "to become the last team standing!",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("UHC") + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(4, new ItemBuilder(Material.FEATHER)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Skywars " + C.cGray + "Solo/Team Survival").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "16 contenders fight to rule the skies!",
C.Reset + "Spawn on a sky island and build your path!",
C.Reset + "Find weapons to take your enemies down!",
C.Reset + "Up in the skies, death looming if you fall..",
C.Reset + "Win! Fight! Send enemies flying in Skywars!",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen
+ (getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SKY") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SKY2")) + C.Reset
+ " other players!",
setItem(8, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.BLAZE_ROD.getId(), (byte) 0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Wizards " + C.cGray + "Last Man Standing", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Wield powerful spells to fight",
ChatColor.RESET + "against other players in this",
ChatColor.RESET + "exciting free-for-all brawl!",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("WIZ") + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(6, new ItemBuilder(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "UHC " + C.cGray + "Ultra Hardcore Mode").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Extremely hard team-based survival ",
C.Reset + "Gather materials and fight your way",
C.Reset + "to become the last team standing!",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("UHC") + C.Reset + " other players!",
setItem(18, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE, (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Castle Siege " + C.cGray + "Team Game", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Defenders must protect King Sparklez",
ChatColor.RESET + "from the endless waves of Undead",
ChatColor.RESET + "until the sun rises!",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("CS") + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(8, new ItemBuilder(Material.BLAZE_ROD)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Wizards " + C.cGray + "Last Man Standing").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Wield powerful spells to fight",
C.Reset + "against other players in this",
C.Reset + "exciting free-for-all brawl!",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("WIZ") + C.Reset + " other players!",
setItem(20, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.GRASS.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Block Hunt " + C.cGray + "Cat and Mouse", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Hide as blocks/animals, upgrade your ",
ChatColor.RESET + "weapon and fight to survive against",
ChatColor.RESET + "the Hunters!",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("BH") + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(18, new ItemBuilder(Material.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Castle Siege " + C.cGray + "Team Game").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Defenders must protect King Sparklez",
C.Reset + "from the endless waves of Undead",
C.Reset + "until the sun rises!",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("CS") + C.Reset + " other players!",
setItem(20, new ItemBuilder(Material.GRASS)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Block Hunt " + C.cGray + "Cat and Mouse").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Hide as blocks/animals, upgrade your ",
C.Reset + "weapon and fight to survive against",
C.Reset + "the Hunters!",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("BH") + C.Reset + " other players!",
setItem(22, _superSmashCycle.get(_ssmIndex));
setItem(24, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.TNT.getId(), (byte) 0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Mine-Strike " + C.cGray + "Team Survival", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "One team must defend two bomb sites from",
ChatColor.RESET + "the other team, who are trying to plant a bomb",
ChatColor.RESET + "and blow them up!",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("MS") + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(26, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.BOOK_AND_QUILL.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Draw My Thing " + C.cGray + "Pictionary!", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Players take turns at drawing a random",
ChatColor.RESET + "word. Whoever guesses it within the time",
ChatColor.RESET + "limit gets some points!",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("DMT") + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(36, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.BEACON.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Dominate " + C.cGray + "Team Game", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Customize one of five exciting champions",
ChatColor.RESET + "and battle with the opposing team for the",
ChatColor.RESET + "control points on the map.",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("DOM") + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(38, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.GOLD_SWORD.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Team Deathmatch " + C.cGray + "Team Game", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Customize one of five exciting champions",
ChatColor.RESET + "and battle with the opposing team to the",
ChatColor.RESET + "last man standing.",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("TDM") + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(40, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.WOOD.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Master Builders " + C.cGray + "Creative Build", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Players are given a Build Theme and ",
ChatColor.RESET + "must use blocks, monsters and more",
ChatColor.RESET + "to create a masterpiece!",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("BLD") + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
setItem(24, new ItemBuilder(Material.TNT)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Mine-Strike " + C.cGray + "Team Survival").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "One team must defend two bomb sites from",
C.Reset + "the other team, who are trying to plant a bomb",
C.Reset + "and blow them up!",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("MS") + C.Reset + " other players!",
setItem(26, new ItemBuilder(Material.BOOK_AND_QUILL)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Draw My Thing " + C.cGray + "Pictionary!").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Players take turns at drawing a random",
C.Reset + "word. Whoever guesses it within the time",
C.Reset + "limit gets some points!",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("DMT") + C.Reset + " other players!",
setItem(36, new ItemBuilder(Material.BEACON).setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Dominate " + C.cGray + "Team Game")
.addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Customize one of five exciting champions",
C.Reset + "and battle with the opposing team for the",
C.Reset + "control points on the map.",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("DOM") + C.Reset + " other players!",
setItem(38, new ItemBuilder(Material.GOLD_SWORD)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Team Deathmatch " + C.cGray + "Team Game").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Customize one of five exciting champions",
C.Reset + "and battle with the opposing team to the",
C.Reset + "last man standing.",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("TDM") + C.Reset + " other players!",
setItem(40, new ItemBuilder(Material.WOOD)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Master Builders " + C.cGray + "Creative Build").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Players are given a Build Theme and ",
C.Reset + "must use blocks, monsters and more",
C.Reset + "to create a masterpiece!",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("BLD") + C.Reset + " other players!",
setItem(42, _minigameCycle.get(_minigameIndex));
setItem(44, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM.getId(), (byte) 3, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Player Servers " + C.cGray + "Player Hosted Games", new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join your friends in their own ",
ChatColor.RESET + "Mineplex Player Server. You can play",
ChatColor.RESET + "the games you want, when you want.",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
setItem(44, new ItemBuilder(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, (byte) 3)
.addLore(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Player Servers " + C.cGray + "Player Hosted Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join your friends in their own ",
C.Reset + "Mineplex Player Server. You can play",
C.Reset + "the games you want, when you want.",
C.Reset + "",
getButtonMap().put(0, new SelectBRButton(this));
getButtonMap().put(2, new SelectSGButton(this));
getButtonMap().put(4, new SelectSKYButton(this));
getButtonMap().put(6, new SelectUHCButton(this));
getButtonMap().put(8, new SelectWIZButton(this));
getButtonMap().put(18, new SelectCSButton(this));
getButtonMap().put(20, new SelectBHButton(this));
getButtonMap().put(22, new SelectSSMButton(this));
@ -204,271 +221,280 @@ public class ServerGameMenu extends ShopPageBase<ServerManager, QuickShop>
getButtonMap().put(40, new SelectBLDButton(this));
getButtonMap().put(42, new SelectMINButton(this));
getButtonMap().put(44, new SelectPLAYERButton(this));
// getButtonMap().put(44, new SelectBETAButton(this));
// getButtonMap().put(44, new SelectBETAButton(this));
private void createMinigameCycle()
int playerCount = getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("MIN") +
getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("DR") +
getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("DE") +
getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("PB") +
getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("TF") +
getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("RUN") +
getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SN") +
getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("DT") +
getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SQ") +
getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SA") +
getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SS") +
_minigameCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(98, (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games", new String []
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.GREEN + "Super Spleef",
ChatColor.RESET + "Runner",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragons",
ChatColor.RESET + "One in the Quiver",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragon Escape",
ChatColor.RESET + "Sneaky Assassins",
ChatColor.RESET + "Micro Battle",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Paintball",
ChatColor.RESET + "Turf Wars",
ChatColor.RESET + "Death Tag",
ChatColor.RESET + "Bacon Brawl",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + playerCount + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.GOLD_BOOTS.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games", new String []
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Spleef",
ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.GREEN + "Runner",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragons",
ChatColor.RESET + "One in the Quiver",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragon Escape",
ChatColor.RESET + "Sneaky Assassins",
ChatColor.RESET + "Micro Battle",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Paintball",
ChatColor.RESET + "Turf Wars",
ChatColor.RESET + "Death Tag",
ChatColor.RESET + "Bacon Brawl",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + playerCount + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(122, (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games", new String []
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Spleef",
ChatColor.RESET + "Runner",
ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.GREEN + "Dragons",
ChatColor.RESET + "One in the Quiver",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragon Escape",
ChatColor.RESET + "Sneaky Assassins",
ChatColor.RESET + "Micro Battle",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Paintball",
ChatColor.RESET + "Turf Wars",
ChatColor.RESET + "Death Tag",
ChatColor.RESET + "Bacon Brawl",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + playerCount + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.BOW, (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games", new String []
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Spleef",
ChatColor.RESET + "Runner",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragons",
ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.GREEN + "One in the Quiver",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragon Escape",
ChatColor.RESET + "Sneaky Assassins",
ChatColor.RESET + "Micro Battle",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Paintball",
ChatColor.RESET + "Turf Wars",
ChatColor.RESET + "Death Tag",
ChatColor.RESET + "Bacon Brawl",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + playerCount + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games", new String []
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Spleef",
ChatColor.RESET + "Runner",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragons",
ChatColor.RESET + "One in the Quiver",
ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.GREEN + "Dragon Escape",
ChatColor.RESET + "Sneaky Assassins",
ChatColor.RESET + "Micro Battle",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Paintball",
ChatColor.RESET + "Turf Wars",
ChatColor.RESET + "Death Tag",
ChatColor.RESET + "Bacon Brawl",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + playerCount + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.MILK_BUCKET.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games", new String []
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Spleef",
ChatColor.RESET + "Runner",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragons",
ChatColor.RESET + "One in the Quiver",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragon Escape",
ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.GREEN + "Sneaky Assassins",
ChatColor.RESET + "Micro Battle",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Paintball",
ChatColor.RESET + "Turf Wars",
ChatColor.RESET + "Death Tag",
ChatColor.RESET + "Bacon Brawl",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + playerCount + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.MILK_BUCKET.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games", new String []
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Spleef",
ChatColor.RESET + "Runner",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragons",
ChatColor.RESET + "One in the Quiver",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragon Escape",
ChatColor.RESET + "Sneaky Assassins",
ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.GREEN + "Micro Battle",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Paintball",
ChatColor.RESET + "Turf Wars",
ChatColor.RESET + "Death Tag",
ChatColor.RESET + "Bacon Brawl",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + playerCount + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.DIAMOND_BARDING.getId(), (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games", new String []
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Spleef",
ChatColor.RESET + "Runner",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragons",
ChatColor.RESET + "One in the Quiver",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragon Escape",
ChatColor.RESET + "Sneaky Assassins",
ChatColor.RESET + "Micro Battle",
ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.GREEN + "Super Paintball",
ChatColor.RESET + "Turf Wars",
ChatColor.RESET + "Death Tag",
ChatColor.RESET + "Bacon Brawl",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + playerCount + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(159, (byte)14, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games", new String []
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Spleef",
ChatColor.RESET + "Runner",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragons",
ChatColor.RESET + "One in the Quiver",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragon Escape",
ChatColor.RESET + "Sneaky Assassins",
ChatColor.RESET + "Micro Battle",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Paintball",
ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.GREEN + "Turf Wars",
ChatColor.RESET + "Death Tag",
ChatColor.RESET + "Bacon Brawl",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + playerCount + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(309, (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games", new String []
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Spleef",
ChatColor.RESET + "Runner",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragons",
ChatColor.RESET + "One in the Quiver",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragon Escape",
ChatColor.RESET + "Sneaky Assassins",
ChatColor.RESET + "Micro Battle",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Paintball",
ChatColor.RESET + "Turf Wars",
ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.GREEN + "Death Tag",
ChatColor.RESET + "Bacon Brawl",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + playerCount + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(319, (byte)0, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games", new String []
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Spleef",
ChatColor.RESET + "Runner",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragons",
ChatColor.RESET + "One in the Quiver",
ChatColor.RESET + "Dragon Escape",
ChatColor.RESET + "Sneaky Assassins",
ChatColor.RESET + "Micro Battle",
ChatColor.RESET + "Super Paintball",
ChatColor.RESET + "Turf Wars",
ChatColor.RESET + "Death Tag",
ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.GREEN + "Bacon Brawl",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + playerCount + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
int playerCount = getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("MIN") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("DR")
+ getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("DE") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("PB")
+ getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("TF") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("RUN")
+ getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SN") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("DT")
+ getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SQ") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SA")
+ getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SS") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("OITQ");
_minigameCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.SMOOTH_BRICK)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cGreen + "Super Spleef",
C.Reset + "Runner",
C.Reset + "Dragons",
C.Reset + "One in the Quiver",
C.Reset + "Dragon Escape",
C.Reset + "Sneaky Assassins",
C.Reset + "Micro Battle",
C.Reset + "Super Paintball",
C.Reset + "Turf Wars",
C.Reset + "Death Tag",
C.Reset + "Bacon Brawl",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + playerCount + C.Reset + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.GOLD_BOOTS)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Super Spleef",
C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cGreen + "Runner",
C.Reset + "Dragons",
C.Reset + "One in the Quiver",
C.Reset + "Dragon Escape",
C.Reset + "Sneaky Assassins",
C.Reset + "Micro Battle",
C.Reset + "Super Paintball",
C.Reset + "Turf Wars",
C.Reset + "Death Tag",
C.Reset + "Bacon Brawl",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + playerCount + C.Reset + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.DRAGON_EGG)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Super Spleef",
C.Reset + "Runner",
C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cGreen + "Dragons",
C.Reset + "One in the Quiver",
C.Reset + "Dragon Escape",
C.Reset + "Sneaky Assassins",
C.Reset + "Micro Battle",
C.Reset + "Super Paintball",
C.Reset + "Turf Wars",
C.Reset + "Death Tag",
C.Reset + "Bacon Brawl",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + playerCount + C.Reset + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.BOW)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Super Spleef",
C.Reset + "Runner",
C.Reset + "Dragons",
C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cGreen + "One in the Quiver",
C.Reset + "Dragon Escape",
C.Reset + "Sneaky Assassins",
C.Reset + "Micro Battle",
C.Reset + "Super Paintball",
C.Reset + "Turf Wars",
C.Reset + "Death Tag",
C.Reset + "Bacon Brawl",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + playerCount + C.Reset + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.LEATHER_BOOTS)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Super Spleef",
C.Reset + "Runner",
C.Reset + "Dragons",
C.Reset + "One in the Quiver",
C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cGreen + "Dragon Escape",
C.Reset + "Sneaky Assassins",
C.Reset + "Micro Battle",
C.Reset + "Super Paintball",
C.Reset + "Turf Wars",
C.Reset + "Death Tag",
C.Reset + "Bacon Brawl",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + playerCount + C.Reset + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.MILK_BUCKET)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Super Spleef",
C.Reset + "Runner",
C.Reset + "Dragons",
C.Reset + "One in the Quiver",
C.Reset + "Dragon Escape",
C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cGreen + "Sneaky Assassins",
C.Reset + "Micro Battle",
C.Reset + "Super Paintball",
C.Reset + "Turf Wars",
C.Reset + "Death Tag",
C.Reset + "Bacon Brawl",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + playerCount + C.Reset + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.MILK_BUCKET)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Super Spleef",
C.Reset + "Runner",
C.Reset + "Dragons",
C.Reset + "One in the Quiver",
C.Reset + "Dragon Escape",
C.Reset + "Sneaky Assassins",
C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cGreen + "Micro Battle",
C.Reset + "Super Paintball",
C.Reset + "Turf Wars",
C.Reset + "Death Tag",
C.Reset + "Bacon Brawl",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + playerCount + C.Reset + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.DIAMOND_BARDING)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Super Spleef",
C.Reset + "Runner",
C.Reset + "Dragons",
C.Reset + "One in the Quiver",
C.Reset + "Dragon Escape",
C.Reset + "Sneaky Assassins",
C.Reset + "Micro Battle",
C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cGreen + "Super Paintball",
C.Reset + "Turf Wars",
C.Reset + "Death Tag",
C.Reset + "Bacon Brawl",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + playerCount + C.Reset + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.STAINED_CLAY, 1, (byte) 14)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Super Spleef",
C.Reset + "Runner",
C.Reset + "Dragons",
C.Reset + "One in the Quiver",
C.Reset + "Dragon Escape",
C.Reset + "Sneaky Assassins",
C.Reset + "Micro Battle",
C.Reset + "Super Paintball",
C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cGreen + "Turf Wars",
C.Reset + "Death Tag",
C.Reset + "Bacon Brawl",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + playerCount + C.Reset + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.IRON_BOOTS)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Super Spleef",
C.Reset + "Runner",
C.Reset + "Dragons",
C.Reset + "One in the Quiver",
C.Reset + "Dragon Escape",
C.Reset + "Sneaky Assassins",
C.Reset + "Micro Battle",
C.Reset + "Super Paintball",
C.Reset + "Turf Wars",
C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cGreen + "Death Tag",
C.Reset + "Bacon Brawl",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + playerCount + C.Reset + " other players!",
_minigameCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.PORK)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Arcade " + C.cGray + "Mixed Games").addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Play all of these fun minigames:",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Super Spleef",
C.Reset + "Runner",
C.Reset + "Dragons",
C.Reset + "One in the Quiver",
C.Reset + "Dragon Escape",
C.Reset + "Sneaky Assassins",
C.Reset + "Micro Battle",
C.Reset + "Super Paintball",
C.Reset + "Turf Wars",
C.Reset + "Death Tag",
C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cGreen + "Bacon Brawl",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen + playerCount + C.Reset + " other players!",
private void createSuperSmashCycle()
String[] desc = new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Pick from a selection of monsters,",
ChatColor.RESET + "then battle other players to the ",
ChatColor.RESET + "death with your monsters skills!",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + "Join " + ChatColor.GREEN + (getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SSM") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SSM2")) + ChatColor.RESET + " other players!",
_superSmashCycle.add(ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(397, (byte)4, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.Bold + ChatColor.YELLOW + "Super Smash Mobs " + C.cGray + "Solo/Team Deathmatch", desc));
String[] desc = new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Pick from a selection of monsters,",
C.Reset + "then battle other players to the ",
C.Reset + "death with your monsters skills!",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + "Join " + C.cGreen
+ (getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SSM") + getPlugin().getGroupTagPlayerCount("SSM2")) + C.Reset
+ " other players!",
_superSmashCycle.add(new ItemBuilder(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, (byte) 4)
.setTitle(C.Reset + C.Bold + C.cYellow + "Super Smash Mobs " + C.cGray + "Solo/Team Deathmatch").addLore(desc)
public void Update()
if (_ssmIndex >= _superSmashCycle.size())
_ssmIndex = 0;
if (_minigameIndex >= _minigameCycle.size())
_minigameIndex = 0;
@ -491,12 +517,12 @@ public class ServerGameMenu extends ShopPageBase<ServerManager, QuickShop>
public void OpenBR(Player player)
public void OpenBH(Player player)
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import mineplex.core.common.util.C;
import mineplex.core.common.util.UtilTime;
import mineplex.core.donation.DonationManager;
import mineplex.core.itemstack.ItemBuilder;
import mineplex.core.itemstack.ItemStackFactory;
@ -35,11 +36,11 @@ public class ServerTypePage extends ShopPageBase<ServerManager, ServerNpcShop>
private ServerGroup _serverGroup;
public ServerTypePage(ServerManager plugin, ServerNpcShop shop, CoreClientManager clientManager, DonationManager donationManager,
Player player, ServerGroup serverGroup)
public ServerTypePage(ServerManager plugin, ServerNpcShop shop, CoreClientManager clientManager,
DonationManager donationManager, Player player, ServerGroup serverGroup)
super(plugin, shop, clientManager, donationManager, serverGroup.getServerNpcName(), player, 27);
_serverGroup = serverGroup;
@ -49,23 +50,25 @@ public class ServerTypePage extends ShopPageBase<ServerManager, ServerNpcShop>
protected void buildPage()
String friendlyName = _serverGroup.getServerNpcName();
setItem(12, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM.getId(), (byte)3, 1, ChatColor.RESET + C.cYellow + "Solo " + friendlyName, new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + C.cRed + C.Bold + "WARNING: " + ChatColor.RESET + "Teaming in Solo Mode is bannable!",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + C.cGreen + "Click to Play",
setItem(14, ItemStackFactory.Instance.CreateStack(Material.SKULL_ITEM.getId(), (byte)3, 2, ChatColor.RESET + C.cYellow + "Team " + friendlyName, new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + C.cGray + "2 Player Teams",
ChatColor.RESET + "",
ChatColor.RESET + C.cGreen + "Click to Play"
setItem(12, new ItemBuilder(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 1, (byte) 3).setTitle(C.Reset + C.cYellow + "Solo " + friendlyName)
.addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + C.cRed + C.Bold + "WARNING: " + C.Reset + "Teaming in Solo Mode is bannable!",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + C.cGreen + "Click to Play",
setItem(14, new ItemBuilder(Material.SKULL_ITEM, 2, (byte) 3).setTitle(C.Reset + C.cYellow + "Team " + friendlyName)
.addLore(new String[]
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + C.cGray + "2 Player Teams",
C.Reset + "",
C.Reset + C.cGreen + "Click to Play"
getButtonMap().put(12, new SelectTypeButton(this, false));
getButtonMap().put(14, new SelectTypeButton(this, true));
@ -77,14 +80,16 @@ public class ServerTypePage extends ShopPageBase<ServerManager, ServerNpcShop>
public void selectServer(Player player, boolean team)
if (team)
getShop().openPageForPlayer(player, new ServerNpcPage(getPlugin(), getShop(), getClientManager(), getDonationManager(), _serverGroup.getServerNpcName() + " Teams", player, _serverGroup.getTeamServerKey()));
getShop().openPageForPlayer(player, new ServerNpcPage(getPlugin(), getShop(), getClientManager(),
getDonationManager(), _serverGroup.getServerNpcName() + " Teams", player, _serverGroup.getTeamServerKey()));
getShop().openPageForPlayer(player, new ServerNpcPage(getPlugin(), getShop(), getClientManager(), getDonationManager(), _serverGroup.getServerNpcName() + " Solo", player, _serverGroup.getPrefix()));
getShop().openPageForPlayer(player, new ServerNpcPage(getPlugin(), getShop(), getClientManager(),
getDonationManager(), _serverGroup.getServerNpcName() + " Solo", player, _serverGroup.getPrefix()));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user