Abstract common punish page methods to PunishPage

This commit is contained in:
Spencer 2018-01-03 18:13:29 -05:00 committed by Alexander Meech
parent d703902606
commit c85b92f52b
3 changed files with 255 additions and 59 deletions

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@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
package mineplex.core.punish.UI;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
import mineplex.core.punish.Category;
import mineplex.core.shop.item.IButton;
import mineplex.core.shop.item.IButton;
public class PunishButton implements IButton
private PunishPage _punishPage;
private Category _category;
private int _severity;
private boolean _ban;
private long _time;
public PunishButton(PunishPage punishPage, Category category, int severity, boolean ban, long time)
_punishPage = punishPage;
_category = category;
_severity = severity;
_ban = ban;
_time = time;
public void onClick(Player player, ClickType clickType)
_punishPage.AddInfraction(_category, _severity, _ban, _time);

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
package mineplex.core.punish.UI;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType;
import mineplex.core.punish.Punishment;
import mineplex.core.shop.item.ShopItem;
import mineplex.core.shop.item.IButton;
public class RemovePunishmentButton implements IButton
private PunishPage _punishPage;
private Punishment _punishment;
private ShopItem _item;
public RemovePunishmentButton(PunishPage punishPage, Punishment punishment, ShopItem item)
_punishPage = punishPage;
_punishment = punishment;
_item = item;
public void onClick(Player player, ClickType clickType)
_punishPage.RemovePunishment(_punishment, _item);

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@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
package mineplex.core.punish.UI.staff;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta;
import mineplex.core.account.CoreClient;
import mineplex.core.common.Pair;
import mineplex.core.common.util.C;
import mineplex.core.common.util.LineFormat;
import mineplex.core.common.util.UtilText;
import mineplex.core.common.util.UtilTime;
import mineplex.core.itemstack.ItemStackFactory;
import mineplex.core.punish.Category;
import mineplex.core.punish.Punish;
import mineplex.core.punish.Punishment;
import mineplex.core.punish.UI.PunishPage;
import mineplex.core.punish.UI.PunishShop;
import mineplex.core.punish.UI.history.PunishHistoryPage;
import mineplex.core.shop.item.ShopItem;
public class PunishStaffPage extends PunishPage
private static final String _punishGuidelinesInfo = C.mBody + "Refer to the guidelines for info.";
private static final int _pastPunishCount = 6;
private static final int _pastPunishColumn = 8;
private static final int _customButtonColumn = 0;
// Row, Col
private static final Pair<Integer, Integer> _moreHistoryButton = Pair.create(5, 8);
private boolean _wasDisguised;
private String _originalName;
private String _disguisedName;
public PunishStaffPage(Punish punish, PunishShop shop, Player player, String target, String reason, boolean wasDisguised, String originalName, String disguisedName)
super(punish, shop, "Punish - " + target, player, target, reason);
this._wasDisguised = wasDisguised;
this._originalName = originalName;
this._disguisedName = disguisedName;
private int getMaxSeverity(Category category)
return (getPlugin().GetClients().Get(_player).hasPermission(Punish.Perm.FULL_PUNISHMENT_ACCESS)) ? category.getMaxSeverity() : 1;
private ItemStack buildPlayerSkull()
ItemStack playerSkull = ItemStackFactory.Instance.createPlayerSkull(_target);
ItemMeta playerSkullMeta = playerSkull.getItemMeta();
playerSkullMeta.setDisplayName(C.cGreenB + _target);
playerSkullMeta.setLore(Arrays.asList("", C.mBody + _reason));
return playerSkull;
private ShopItem buildDummyCategoryIcon(Category category)
return new ShopItem(category.getIcon(), category.getName(), new String[]{_punishGuidelinesInfo}, 1, false, true);
private ItemStack buildSeverityIcon(Category category, int severity)
int data;
if (severity == 1)
// Green block 5 / dye is 2
data = 2;
} else if (severity == 2)
// Yellow block 4 / dye is 11
data = 11;
} else if (severity == 3)
// Red block 14 / dye is 1
data = 1;
} else
return null;
ItemStack itemStack = new ItemStack(Material.INK_SACK, 1, (byte) data);
ItemMeta itemMeta = itemStack.getItemMeta();
itemMeta.setDisplayName(getSevChatColor(severity) + "Severity " + severity);
C.Reset + "Past Offenses: " + C.cYellow + _offenseMap.get(category).get(severity),
C.Reset + "Duration: " + C.cYellow + getDurationString(category, severity),
return itemStack;
// Build one of the three primary categories...
private void buildMainCategory(Category category, int columnOffset)
addItem(getSlot(1, columnOffset), buildDummyCategoryIcon(category));
for (int sev = 1; sev <= getMaxSeverity(category); sev++)
AtomicInteger aSeverity = new AtomicInteger(sev);
AtomicReference<Category> aCategory = new AtomicReference<>(category);
addButton(getSlot(sev + 1, columnOffset), buildSeverityIcon(category, sev), (p, c)-> doPunishment(aCategory.get(), aSeverity.get()));
private String getSevChatColor(int sev)
if (sev == 1)
return C.cGreenB;
if (sev == 2)
return C.cYellowB;
if (sev == 3)
return C.cRedB;
return C.cGreenB;
private ItemStack buildMoreHistoryButton()
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.SIGN, Math.min(_pastPunishments.size(), 64));
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
meta.setDisplayName(C.cGreenB + "More History");
C.cYellow + _target + C.mBody + " has " + C.cYellow + _pastPunishments.size(),
C.mBody + "punishments on their",
C.mBody + "record.",
C.cGreen + "Click to view them!"
return item;
private void buildHistory()
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(_pastPunishments.size(), _pastPunishCount); i++)
Punishment punishment = _pastPunishments.get(i);
addHistoryItem(getSlot(i, _pastPunishColumn), punishment);
if (_pastPunishments.size() > _pastPunishCount)
(p, c)-> getShop().openPageForPlayer(getPlayer(), new PunishHistoryPage(getPlugin(), getShop(), getPlayer(), _target, true, _reason, this)));
// Builds perm, warn, report ban
private void buildCustomButtons()
CoreClient coreClient = getPlugin().GetClients().Get(_player);
if (coreClient.hasPermission(Category.Warning.getNeededPermission()))
addButton(getSlot(1, _customButtonColumn), buildDummyCategoryIcon(Category.Warning), (p, c) -> doPunishment(Category.Warning, 1));
if (coreClient.hasPermission(Category.Other.getNeededPermission()))
addButton(getSlot(4, _customButtonColumn), buildDummyCategoryIcon(Category.Other), (p, c) -> doPunishment(Category.Other, 1));
if (coreClient.hasPermission(Category.PermMute.getNeededPermission()))
addButton(getSlot(3, _customButtonColumn), buildDummyCategoryIcon(Category.PermMute), (p, c) -> doPunishment(Category.PermMute, 1));
if (coreClient.hasPermission(Category.ReportAbuse.getNeededPermission()))
addButton(getSlot(2, _customButtonColumn), buildDummyCategoryIcon(Category.ReportAbuse), (p, c) -> doPunishment(Category.ReportAbuse, 1));
private void buildDisguiseIcon()
if (!_wasDisguised || _disguisedName == null || _originalName == null)
ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.NETHER_STAR);
ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
meta.setDisplayName(C.cGreenB + "Disguise Warning");
meta.setLore(Arrays.asList(UtilText.splitLinesToArray(new String[]
ChatColor.RESET + "The player you are attempting to punish is disguised.",
ChatColor.RESET + "Original Name: " + ChatColor.GREEN + ChatColor.BOLD + _originalName,
ChatColor.RESET + "Disguised Name: " + ChatColor.GREEN + ChatColor.BOLD + _disguisedName,
}, LineFormat.LORE)));
addItem(getSlot(5, 4), item);
private String getDurationString(Category category, int severity)
int hours = getDuration(category, severity);
if (hours == -1)
return "Permanent";
return UtilTime.MakeStr((long) hours * 3600000L);
protected void buildPage()
// First row, center
addItem(4, buildPlayerSkull());
buildMainCategory(Category.ChatOffense, 2);
buildMainCategory(Category.Exploiting, 4);
buildMainCategory(Category.Hacking, 6);