Removed commented code
This commit is contained in:
@ -109,305 +109,6 @@ public class TreasurePage extends ShopPageBase<TreasureManager, TreasureShop>
return _actualPage;
return _actualPage;
protected void buildPage()
int treasureShards = getDonationManager().Get(getPlayer()).getBalance(GlobalCurrency.TREASURE_SHARD);
int basicCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.OLD.getItemName());
int heroicCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.ANCIENT.getItemName());
int legendaryCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.MYTHICAL.getItemName());
int christmasCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.CHRISTMAS.getItemName());
int illuminatedCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.ILLUMINATED.getItemName());
int freedomCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.FREEDOM.getItemName());
int omegaCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.OMEGA.getItemName());
int hauntedCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.HAUNTED.getItemName());
int trickCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.TRICK_OR_TREAT.getItemName());
int thankCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.THANKFUL.getItemName());
int gingerbreadCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.GINGERBREAD.getItemName());
int minestrikeCount = _inventoryManager.Get(getPlayer()).getItemCount(TreasureType.MINESTRIKE.getItemName());
List<String> shardLore = new ArrayList<>();
shardLore.add(" ");
shardLore.add(C.cGray + "This seems like it might come in");
shardLore.add(C.cGray + "handy. Maybe I can collect more!");
List<String> basicLore = new ArrayList<>();
basicLore.add(" ");
basicLore.add(F.value("Old Chests Owned", "" + basicCount));
basicLore.add(" ");
basicLore.add(C.cGray + "We've scoured the lands of Minecraft");
basicLore.add(C.cGray + "and found these abandoned chests.");
basicLore.add(C.cGray + "The contents are unknown, but");
basicLore.add(C.cGray + "according to the inscriptions on the");
basicLore.add(C.cGray + "the straps they appear to contain");
basicLore.add(C.cGray + "many kinds of loot.");
basicLore.add(" ");
if (basicCount > 0)
basicLore.add(C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
basicLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "Click to craft for " + C.cAqua + "1000 Treasure Shards");
basicLore.add(" ");
basicLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "or Purchase at: " + C.cYellow + "");
List<String> heroicLore = new ArrayList<>();
heroicLore.add(" ");
heroicLore.add(F.value("Ancient Chests Owned", "" + heroicCount));
heroicLore.add(" ");
heroicLore.add(C.cGray + "Some of our bravest adventurers");
heroicLore.add(C.cGray + "have discovered these chests within ");
heroicLore.add(C.cGray + "temples hidden in Minecrafts worlds.");
heroicLore.add(" ");
if (heroicCount > 0)
heroicLore.add(C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
heroicLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "Click to craft for " + C.cAqua + "5000 Treasure Shards");
heroicLore.add(" ");
heroicLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "or Purchase at: " + C.cYellow + "");
List<String> legendaryLore = new ArrayList<>();
legendaryLore.add(" ");
legendaryLore.add(F.value("Mythical Chests Owned", "" + legendaryCount));
legendaryLore.add(" ");
legendaryLore.add(C.cGray + "All our previous adventurers have");
legendaryLore.add(C.cGray + "perished in search of these chests.");
legendaryLore.add(C.cGray + "However, legends of their existence");
legendaryLore.add(C.cGray + "convinced Sterling, Chiss and Defek7");
legendaryLore.add(C.cGray + "to venture out and discover the");
legendaryLore.add(C.cGray + "location of these chests on their own.");
legendaryLore.add(" ");
if (legendaryCount > 0)
legendaryLore.add(C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
legendaryLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "Click to craft for " + C.cAqua + "10000 Treasure Shards");
legendaryLore.add(" ");
legendaryLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "or Purchase at: " + C.cYellow + "");
List<String> christmasLore = new ArrayList<>();
christmasLore.add(" ");
christmasLore.add(F.value("Winter Holiday Chests Owned", "" + christmasCount));
christmasLore.add(" ");
christmasLore.add(C.cGray + "Legend tells of the Winter Lord's");
christmasLore.add(C.cGray + "vast treasure horde, locked away in");
christmasLore.add(C.cGray + "in a vault of ice, deep beneath the");
christmasLore.add(C.cGray + "Frozen Sea. It is said it can only be");
christmasLore.add(C.cGray + "accessed in the deepest parts of Winter...");
christmasLore.add(" ");
if (christmasCount > 0)
christmasLore.add(C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
christmasLore.add(C.cRed + "This item is no longer available!");
List<String> illuminatedLore = new ArrayList<String>();
illuminatedLore.add(" ");
illuminatedLore.add(F.value("Illuminated Chests Owned", "" + illuminatedCount));
illuminatedLore.add(" ");
illuminatedLore.add(C.cGray + "The illuminated chest shines brightly");
illuminatedLore.add(C.cGray + "in the depths, always bringing a new");
illuminatedLore.add(C.cGray + "treasure from the darkness.");
illuminatedLore.add(" ");
if (illuminatedCount > 0)
illuminatedLore.add(C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
illuminatedLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "Click to craft for " + C.cAqua + "20000 Treasure Shards");
illuminatedLore.add(" ");
illuminatedLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "or Purchase at: " + C.cYellow + "");
List<String> freedomLore = new ArrayList<>();
freedomLore.add(" ");
freedomLore.add(F.value("Freedom Chests Owned", "" + freedomCount));
freedomLore.add(" ");
freedomLore.add(C.cGray + "It is said that George Washington");
freedomLore.add(C.cGray + "carved this chest himself from the wood");
freedomLore.add(C.cGray + "of the apple tree he cut down...");
freedomLore.add(" ");
if (freedomCount > 0 && !hasAllFreedomItems(getPlayer()))
freedomLore.add(C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
freedomLore.add(C.cRed + "This item is no longer available!");
freedomLore.add(" ");
freedomLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + C.cGreen + getFreedomUnlockedAmount(getPlayer()) + "/7 Unlocked");
List<String> omegaLore = new ArrayList<>();
omegaLore.add(" ");
omegaLore.add(F.value("Omega Chests Owned", "" + omegaCount));
omegaLore.add(" ");
omegaLore.add(C.cGray + "The most powerful of all chests,");
omegaLore.add(C.cGray + "it is able to go back in time to find");
omegaLore.add(C.cGray + "loot that has been lost...");
omegaLore.add(" ");
if (omegaCount > 0)
omegaLore.add(C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
List<String> hauntedLore = new ArrayList<>();
hauntedLore.add(" ");
hauntedLore.add(F.value("Haunted Chests Owned", "" + hauntedCount));
hauntedLore.add(" ");
hauntedLore.add(C.cGray + "The Haunted Chest can only be found");
hauntedLore.add(C.cGray + "during the month of October when the");
hauntedLore.add(C.cGray + "veil between this world and the shadow is thin...");
hauntedLore.add(" ");
if (hauntedCount > 0 && !hasAllHauntedItems(getPlayer()))
hauntedLore.add(C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
hauntedLore.add(C.cRed + "This item is no longer available!");
List<String> trickLore = Lists.newArrayList();
trickLore.add(" ");
trickLore.add(F.value("Trick or Treat Chests Owned", "" + trickCount));
trickLore.add(" ");
trickLore.add(C.cGray + "The Trick or Treat Chest contains all");
trickLore.add(C.cGray + "sorts of surprises, from Rank Upgrades to");
trickLore.add(C.cGray + "long lost Halloween items, and even other chests!");
trickLore.add(" ");
if (trickCount > 0)
trickLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
boolean available = new File("../../update/files/EnableTrickOrTreat.dat").exists();
if (!available)
trickLore.add(C.cRed + "This item is no longer available!");
trickLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "Click to craft for " + C.cAqua + "20000 Treasure Shards");
trickLore.add(" ");
trickLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "or Purchase at: " + C.cYellow + "");
List<String> thankLore = Lists.newArrayList();
thankLore.add(" ");
thankLore.add(F.value("Thankful Chests Owned", "" + thankCount));
thankLore.add(" ");
thankLore.add(C.cGray + "The Thankful Chest is our way of");
thankLore.add(C.cGray + "showing thanks to you, containing items from Rank Upgrades to");
thankLore.add(C.cGray + "Power Play Club Subscriptions, among other things!");
thankLore.add(" ");
if (thankCount > 0)
thankLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
boolean available = new File("../../update/files/EnableThankful.dat").exists();
if (!available)
thankLore.add(C.cRed + "This item is no longer available!");
thankLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "Click to craft for " + C.cAqua + "20000 Treasure Shards");
thankLore.add(" ");
thankLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "or Purchase at: " + C.cYellow + "");
List<String> gingerbreadLore = Lists.newArrayList();
gingerbreadLore.add(" ");
gingerbreadLore.add(F.value("Gingerbread Chests Owned", "" + gingerbreadCount));
gingerbreadLore.add(" ");
gingerbreadLore.addAll(UtilText.splitLine(C.cGray + "The legendary burglar, " +
"the Gingerbread Man, has finally been caught! Now, for the first time his loot is available for auction." +
" There are 8 pieces available for to collect and no duplicates can be obtained from this chest!",
gingerbreadLore.add(" ");
if (gingerbreadCount > 0)
gingerbreadLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
gingerbreadLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "Click to craft for " + C.cAqua + "20000 Treasure Shards");
gingerbreadLore.add(" ");
gingerbreadLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "or Purchase at: " + C.cYellow + "");
List<String> minestrikeLore = Lists.newArrayList();
minestrikeLore.add(" ");
minestrikeLore.add(F.value("Minestrike Chests Owned", "" + minestrikeCount));
minestrikeLore.add(" ");
minestrikeLore.addAll(UtilText.splitLine(C.cGray + "Placeholder", LineFormat.LORE));
minestrikeLore.add(" ");
if (minestrikeCount > 0)
minestrikeLore.add(C.cGreen + "Click to Open!");
minestrikeLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "Click to craft for " + C.cAqua + "20000 Treasure Shards");
minestrikeLore.add(" ");
minestrikeLore.add(ChatColor.RESET + "or Purchase at: " + C.cYellow + "");
ShopItem shards = new ShopItem(Material.PRISMARINE_SHARD, C.cAqua + C.Bold + treasureShards + " Treasure Shards", shardLore.toArray(new String[0]), 0, false);
ShopItem basic = new ShopItem(Material.CHEST, C.cGreen + C.Bold + "Old Treasure", basicLore.toArray(new String[0]), 0, false, false);
ShopItem heroic = new ShopItem(Material.TRAPPED_CHEST, C.cGold + C.Bold + "Ancient Treasure", heroicLore.toArray(new String[0]), 0, false, false);
ShopItem legendary = new ShopItem(Material.ENDER_CHEST, C.cRed + C.Bold + "Mythical Treasure", legendaryLore.toArray(new String[0]), 0, false, false);
ItemStack christmas = SkinData.PRESENT.getSkull(C.cDGreen + C.Bold + "Winter Holiday Treasure", christmasLore);
ItemStack illuminated = new ShopItem(Material.SEA_LANTERN, C.cDAqua + C.Bold + "Illuminated Treasure", illuminatedLore.toArray(new String[0]), 0, false, false);
ItemStack freedom = SkinData.FREEDOM_CHEST.getSkull(C.cRedB + "Freedom " + C.cBlueB + "Treasure", freedomLore);
ItemStack omega = SkinData.OMEGA_CHEST.getSkull(C.cAquaB + "Omega Treasure", omegaLore);
ItemStack haunted = SkinData.HAUNTED_CHEST.getSkull(C.cGoldB + "Haunted Treasure", hauntedLore);
ItemStack trick = new ShopItem(Material.SKULL_ITEM, C.cGoldB + "Trick or Treat Treasure", trickLore.toArray(new String[0]), 0, false, false);
ItemStack thank = new ShopItem(Material.COOKED_CHICKEN, C.cGoldB + "Thankful Treasure", thankLore.toArray(new String[0]), 0, false, false);
ItemStack gingerbread = SkinData.GINGERBREAD.getSkull(C.cRedB + "Gingerbread" + C.cGreenB + " Treasure", gingerbreadLore);
ItemStack minestrike = new ShopItem(Material.GLASS, C.cGoldB + "Minestrike Treasure", minestrikeLore.toArray(new String[0]), 0, false, false);
addItem(49, shards);
addChest(1, christmas, TreasureType.CHRISTMAS, christmasCount);
addChest(3, freedom, TreasureType.FREEDOM, freedomCount);
addChest(5, haunted, TreasureType.HAUNTED, hauntedCount);
addChest(7, omega, TreasureType.OMEGA, omegaCount);
addChest(19, trick, TreasureType.TRICK_OR_TREAT, trickCount);
addChest(21, gingerbread, TreasureType.GINGERBREAD, gingerbreadCount);
addChest(23, thank, TreasureType.THANKFUL, thankCount);
addChest(25, minestrike, TreasureType.MINESTRIKE, minestrikeCount);
addChest(37, basic, TreasureType.OLD, basicCount);
addChest(39, heroic, TreasureType.ANCIENT, heroicCount);
addChest(41, legendary, TreasureType.MYTHICAL, legendaryCount);
addChest(43, illuminated, TreasureType.ILLUMINATED, illuminatedCount);
private void addChest(int slot, ItemStack item, TreasureType treasureType, int owned)
if (owned > 0)
addButton(slot, item, new OpenTreasureButton(getPlayer(), _treasureLocation, treasureType));
else if (treasureType.isPurchasable()) {
addButton(slot, item, new BuyChestButton(_inventoryManager, this, treasureType.getItemName(), Material.CHEST, treasureType.getPurchasePrice(), treasureType));
setItem(slot, item);
public void buildPage()
public void buildPage()
Reference in New Issue
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