* Added chickens to Holiday Manager (Thanksgiving)
Added TextEffect
Moved all the effects to a different package to make it easier to find
Added method in Effect to get the Effect Location
* Removed(?) wildcard import
* Testing New year thing
Added some symbols to UtilBlockText
* Allow multiple pets with the same EntityType
* Added Stray Morph
Added Shulker Pet
Added code for a possible new year effect
Added Metal Man Morph to the menus
Added Metal Man Morph as an yearly bonus for PPC subscriptions
* Added chickens to Holiday Manager (Thanksgiving)
Added TextEffect
Moved all the effects to a different package to make it easier to find
Added method in Effect to get the Effect Location
* Removed(?) wildcard import
* Testing New year thing
Added some symbols to UtilBlockText
* Allow multiple pets with the same EntityType
* Added Stray Morph
Added Shulker Pet
Added code for a possible new year effect
Added Metal Man Morph to the menus
Added Metal Man Morph as an yearly bonus for PPC subscriptions
* I seriously don't remember what is in this commit, I'm just doing it to
fix the thing with develop...
* Fixed Pet menu
Fixed morph menu
Changed from List to Set
* Changed from PurchasUnknownSalesPackage to AddUnknownSalesPackageOwned
* Added Santa Morph
Removed Sleigh Morph
Changed all the cosmetics GUIs to start on the second row, instead of the first
* Changed some stuff from Holiday Manager so now chickens will walk around when spawned
* Added sound effects to Metal Man
Added slowness to Metal Man
* Added new lore for the Metal Man Morph description
Added Stray Morph Ability
Fixed some problems with the Thanksgiving Chickens
* Added Fated giveaway manager and animation
Moved titan and fated giveaway managers to a new package
* Fixed lores for Stray morph and Shulker pet
Changed ability of Stray morph
* Removed Stray and Shulker pet from the menu
Deleted Pet class since it was not being used
Changed position of achievement on the menu
Changed color of chicken's name
Changed colors of Power Play message
Stray morph, Santa morph and Shulker pet are hidden from the menus for now
Removed feathers dropping from chickens, changed them to snow particles
* Added hover ability to Metal Man Morph
* Fixed some stuff on Metal Man
When players using the horseman kit win a game,
they never die, which is the only time that spawned
horses are removed. To fix this, at the end of the
game all horses belonging to players that have survived
are explicitly removed, which removes all remaining horses.
* Removed all the halloween related items:
- Haunted chests can only be opened if player already had ammo
- Removed Halloween theme from the hub
- Removed pumpkins from in-game
* Added Halloween items to the Omega Chest
* Fixed weight for items in the omega chest
* Changed Disk to Disc in RewardManager
Changed values for omega rarities
* Final commit (removed win room test command)
* Removed Halloween words from Draw My Thing and Master Builders