package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityDamageByEntityEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerInteractEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta; /** * Represents a customizable wrapper for an {@link ItemStack}, enabling the possession * of special abilities, attributes, and triggers on item. * @author MrTwiggy * */ public class CustomItem { private ItemAttribute _superPrefix; public void setSuperPrefix(ItemAttribute attribute) { _superPrefix = attribute; } private ItemAttribute _prefix; public void setPrefix(ItemAttribute attribute) { _prefix = attribute; } private ItemAttribute _suffix; public void setSuffix(ItemAttribute attribute) { _suffix = attribute; } private String _displayName; private String _description; private Material _material; private String _uuid; public String getUuid() { return _uuid; } public CustomItem(String displayName, String description, Material material) { _displayName = displayName; _description = description; _material = material; _uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } public CustomItem(Material material) { this(material.toString(), null, material); // TODO: Prettify item materal name } /** * @return the name displayed to players for the item. */ public String getDisplayName() { // Concatenate attribute prefixes/suffixes to display name. String display = _displayName; if (_prefix != null) { display = _prefix.getDisplayName() + " " + display; } if (_superPrefix != null) { display = _superPrefix.getDisplayName() + " " + display; } if (_suffix != null) { display += " of " + _suffix.getDisplayName(); } return display; } public List getLore() { String serialization = GearManager.getItemSerialization(this); List lore = new ArrayList(); if (_description != null) { lore.add(_description); } // Display attribute descriptions and stats in lore for (ItemAttribute attribute : getAttributes()) { String attributeLine = attribute.getDisplayName() + " - " + attribute.getDescription(); lore.add(attributeLine); } // Tack on serialized JSON encoded line for utility purposes. (Not seen by user) List serializedLines = new ArrayList(); String[] seri = serialization.split("\n"); for (String line : seri) { serializedLines.add(line); } lore.addAll(serializedLines); return lore; } public ItemStack toItemStack(int amount) { ItemStack item = new ItemStack(_material, amount); update(item); // TODO: Add non-descript enchantment for glowing efect? return item; } public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent event) { System.out.println("Triggered interact!"); for (ItemAttribute attribute : getAttributes()) { attribute.onInteract(event); } } public void onAttack(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) { System.out.println("Triggered attack!"); for (ItemAttribute attribute : getAttributes()) { attribute.onAttack(event); } } public void onAttacked(EntityDamageByEntityEvent event) { System.out.println("Triggered damage!"); for (ItemAttribute attribute : getAttributes()) { attribute.onAttacked(event); } } /** * @return the (possibly empty) set of {@link ItemAttribute}s attached to this item. */ public Set getAttributes() { Set attributes = new HashSet(); if (_superPrefix != null) attributes.add(_superPrefix); if (_prefix != null) attributes.add(_prefix); if (_suffix != null) attributes.add(_suffix); return attributes; } /** * @param item - the item to check for a matching link * @return true, if {@code item} matches this CustomItem via UUID, false otherwise. */ public boolean matches(CustomItem item) { return item.getUuid().equals(_uuid); } /** * Update {@code item} with the proper meta properties suited for this * {@link CustomItem}. * @param item - the item whose meta properties are being updated to become a version of this updated custom item. */ public void update(ItemStack item) { ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta(); String displayName = getDisplayName(); List lore = getLore(); meta.setDisplayName(displayName); meta.setLore(lore); item.setItemMeta(meta); } }