WebMatrix.Data Provides methods and properties that are used to access and manage data. Closes an open database. Gets the current connection to a database. The connection. Occurs when a new database connection is opened by a instance. Releases all resources used by a instance. Releases the unmanaged resources used by a instance and optionally releases the managed resources. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Executes a SQL statement using optional parameters. The count of records affected by the SQL statement. The SQL statement to execute. (Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL statement. Returns the identity column of the most recently inserted row. The ID of the most recently inserted row. Opens either the specified database file or the database that is specified using a named connection string from the Web.config file. The database instance. The name or connection string of the database. Opens a connection to a database using the specified connection string. The database instance. The connection string that contains information that is used to connect to a database. Opens a database using a connection string and the specified provider. The database instance. The connection string that contains information that is used to connect to a database. (Optional) The name of the .NET Framework data provider to use to connect to the data source. Queries the database using a SQL statement (optionally passing parameters) and returns the results. The results of the query. The SQL statement to execute. (Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL statement. Executes a SQL statement (optionally passing parameters) and returns a single record. The single database record returned by the SQL statement. The SQL statement to execute. (Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL statement. Executes a SQL statement (optionally passing parameters) and returns a single (scalar) value. The value returned by the SQL statement. The SQL statement to execute. (Optional) Parameters to pass to the SQL statement.