namespace LOC.Website.Common.Models { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.Entity; using System.Linq; using Core; using Core.Data; using Core.Model.Account; using Core.Model.Sales; using Core.Model.Server.GameServer; using Core.Model.Server.PvpServer; using Core.Tokens; using Core.Tokens.Client; using Data; using LOC.Website.Common.Contexts; using System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure; using System.Transactions; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; public class AccountAdministrator : IAccountAdministrator { private readonly INautilusRepositoryFactory _repositoryFactory; private readonly IGameServerMonitor _gameServerMonitor; private readonly ILogger _logger; private static ConditionalWeakTable _accountLocks = new ConditionalWeakTable(); public AccountAdministrator(INautilusRepositoryFactory nautilusRepositoryFactory, ILogger logger) { _repositoryFactory = nautilusRepositoryFactory; _gameServerMonitor = GameServerMonitor.Instance; _logger = logger; } public List GetAccountNames() { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { return repository.GetAll().Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); } } public List GetAllAccountsMatching() { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { return repository.GetAll().Include(x => x.Rank).ToList(); } } public List GetAllAccountsMatching(string name) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { return repository.GetAll().Where(c => c.Name == name).Include(x => x.Rank).ToList(); } } public List GetAllAccountNamesMatching(string name) { var accounts = new List(); using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == name).OrderByDescending(y => y.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault(); if (account != null) accounts.Add(account.Name); } return accounts; } public List GetTasksByCount(SearchConf searchConf) { var tasks = new List(); try { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var gameTasks = repository.GetAll().Where(x => x.GameTaskId > searchConf.IdIndex).OrderBy(x => x.GameTaskId).Take(searchConf.Count).Include(x => x.Account).ToList(); foreach (var task in gameTasks) { AccountTask accountTask = new AccountTask(); accountTask.Id = task.GameTaskId; accountTask.Task = task.TaskName; accountTask.UUID = task.Account.Uuid; tasks.Add(accountTask); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log("ERROR", ex.Message + " : " + ex.StackTrace); } return tasks; } private object getAccountLock(string name) { object lockObject = null; if (!_accountLocks.TryGetValue(name, out lockObject)) { lockObject = new object(); _accountLocks.Add(name, lockObject); } return lockObject; } public Account Login(LoginRequestToken loginToken) { lock (getAccountLock(loginToken.Name)) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Uuid == loginToken.Uuid).FirstOrDefault(); if (account == default(Account)) account = CreateAccount(loginToken, repository); account.LoadNavigationProperties(repository.Context); account.LastLogin = DateTime.Now.Ticks; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(account.Uuid)) account.Uuid = loginToken.Uuid; // Expire punishments if (account.Punishments != null) { foreach (var expiredPunishment in account.Punishments.Where(x => x.Active && (x.Duration - 0d) > 0 && TimeUtil.GetCurrentMilliseconds() > (x.Time + (x.Duration * 3600000)))) { expiredPunishment.Active = false; } } // Insert UUID if not there if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(account.Uuid)) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(loginToken.Uuid)) account.Uuid = loginToken.Uuid; } // Update account name if changed if (!String.Equals(account.Name, loginToken.Name)) { account.Name = loginToken.Name; var oldAccount = repository.Where(x => x.Name == loginToken.Name).FirstOrDefault(); if (oldAccount != null && oldAccount != default(Account)) { } } /* // Expire ranks if ((account.Rank.Name == "ULTRA" || account.Rank.Name == "HERO") && !account.RankPerm && DateTime.Now.CompareTo(account.RankExpire) >= 0) { account.Rank = repository.Where(x => x.Name == "ALL").First(); repository.Attach(account.Rank); } * */ repository.Edit(account); repository.CommitChanges(); return account; } } } public void Logout(string name) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = GetAccountByName(name, repository); if (account.Logins.Any()) { account.LastLogin = account.Logins.OrderBy(x => x.Time).Last().Time; account.TotalPlayingTime += DateTime.Now.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromTicks(account.LastLogin)).Ticks; } repository.CommitChanges(); _gameServerMonitor.PlayerLoggedOut(account); } } public Account GetAccountByName(string name) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { return GetAccountByName(name, repository); } } public Account GetAccountById(int id) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { return GetAccountByName(repository.GetAll().First(x => x.AccountId == id).Name, repository); } } public Account CreateAccount(string name) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Add(new Account { Gems = 1200, Coins = 0, Name = name, Rank = repository.Where(x => x.RankId == 1).First(), LastVote = DateTime.Today.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(5)), RankExpire = DateTime.Now }); repository.CommitChanges(); return account; } } public void UpdateAccountUUIDs(List tokens) { try { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { foreach (AccountNameToken token in tokens) { var account = GetAccountByName(token.Name); account.Uuid = token.UUID; repository.Context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE dbo.Accounts SET Uuid = {0} WHERE Name = {1}", token.UUID, token.Name); } repository.CommitChanges(); } } catch (Exception exception) { _logger.Log("Error", exception.Message); } } public List GetAccounts(AccountBatchToken token) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { return repository.GetAll().OrderBy(x => x.AccountId).Skip(token.Start).Take(token.End - token.Start).Select(x => new AccountNameToken { Name = x.Name }).ToList(); } } public bool GemReward(GemRewardToken token) { lock (getAccountLock(token.Name)) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == token.Name).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault(); if (account == null) return false; token.OriginalBalance = account.Gems; account.Gems += token.Amount; if (!token.Source.Contains("Earned") && !token.Source.Contains("Tutorial") && !token.Source.Contains("Parkour")) { var gemTransaction = new GemTransaction { Source = token.Source, Account = account, Amount = token.Amount, Date = (long)TimeUtil.GetCurrentMilliseconds() }; repository.Add(gemTransaction); } repository.Edit(account); repository.CommitChanges(); } using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == token.Name).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault(); if (account == null) return false; if (account.Gems != token.OriginalBalance + token.Amount) return false; } } return true; } public bool CoinReward(GemRewardToken token) { lock (getAccountLock(token.Name)) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == token.Name).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault(); if (account == null) return false; token.OriginalBalance = account.Coins; account.Coins += token.Amount; if (!token.Source.Contains("Earned") && !token.Source.Contains("Tutorial") && !token.Source.Contains("Parkour")) { var coinTransaction = new CoinTransaction { Source = token.Source, Account = account, Amount = token.Amount, Date = (long)TimeUtil.GetCurrentMilliseconds() }; repository.Add(coinTransaction); } repository.Edit(account); repository.CommitChanges(); } using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == token.Name).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault(); if (account == null) return false; if (account.Coins != token.OriginalBalance + token.Amount) return false; } } return true; } public void AddTask(UpdateTaskToken token) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == token.Name).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).Include(x => x.Tasks).FirstOrDefault(); if (account != null) { if (account.Tasks == null) account.Tasks = new List(); var task = new GameTask { Account = account, TaskName = token.NewTaskCompleted, }; account.Tasks.Add(task); repository.Edit(account); repository.CommitChanges(); } } } public PunishmentResponse Punish(PunishToken punish) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == punish.Target).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).Include(x => x.Rank).FirstOrDefault(); if (account == null) return PunishmentResponse.AccountDoesNotExist; if (!String.Equals(punish.Admin, "Mineplex Enjin Server")) { var punisher = repository.Where(x => x.Name == punish.Admin).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).Include(x => x.Rank).FirstOrDefault(); if (punisher == null) return PunishmentResponse.NotPunished; } var punishment = new Punishment { UserId = account.AccountId, Admin = punish.Admin, Category = punish.Category, Sentence = punish.Sentence, Time = (long)TimeUtil.GetCurrentMilliseconds(), Reason = punish.Reason, Duration = punish.Duration, Severity = punish.Severity, Active = true }; if (account.Punishments == null) account.Punishments = new List(); account.Punishments.Add(punishment); repository.Edit(account); repository.CommitChanges(); } return PunishmentResponse.Punished; } public PunishmentResponse RemovePunishment(RemovePunishmentToken token) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == token.Target).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).Include(x => x.Punishments).FirstOrDefault(); if (account == null) return PunishmentResponse.AccountDoesNotExist; if (account.Punishments == null || account.Punishments.Count == 0) return PunishmentResponse.NotPunished; var activePunishment = account.Punishments.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PunishmentId == token.PunishmentId && x.Active); if (activePunishment == null) return PunishmentResponse.NotPunished; var punishment = repository.Where(x => x.UserId == account.AccountId && x.PunishmentId == token.PunishmentId && x.Active).First(); punishment.Active = false; punishment.Removed = true; punishment.RemoveAdmin = token.Admin; punishment.RemoveTime = (long)TimeUtil.GetCurrentMilliseconds(); punishment.RemoveReason = token.Reason; repository.Edit(punishment); repository.CommitChanges(); } return PunishmentResponse.PunishmentRemoved; } public string PurchaseGameSalesPackage(PurchaseToken token) { try { lock (getAccountLock(token.AccountName)) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == token.AccountName).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin) .Include(x => x.PvpTransactions) .First(); var salesPackage = repository.Where(x => x.GameSalesPackageId == token.SalesPackageId) .FirstOrDefault(); if (account == null || salesPackage == null) return TransactionResponse.Failed.ToString(); if (account.Gems < salesPackage.Gems) return TransactionResponse.InsufficientFunds.ToString(); var accountTransaction = new GameTransaction { Account = account, GameSalesPackageId = salesPackage.GameSalesPackageId, Gems = salesPackage.Gems, }; repository.Attach(account); repository.Edit(account); if (account.PvpTransactions == null) account.PvpTransactions = new List { accountTransaction }; else { account.PvpTransactions.Add(accountTransaction); } account.Gems -= salesPackage.Gems; repository.CommitChanges(); return TransactionResponse.Success.ToString(); } } } catch (Exception exception) { return TransactionResponse.Failed.ToString() + ":" + exception.Message; } } public bool AccountExists(string name) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { return repository.Any(x => x.Name == name); } } public void SaveCustomBuild(CustomBuildToken token) { lock (getAccountLock(token.PlayerName)) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == token.PlayerName).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).Include(x => x.CustomBuilds).First(); var customBuild = account.CustomBuilds.FirstOrDefault( x => String.Equals(x.PvpClass, token.PvpClass) && x.CustomBuildNumber == token.CustomBuildNumber); if (customBuild == null) { customBuild = repository.Add(token.GetCustomBuild()); account.CustomBuilds.Add(customBuild); } else { token.UpdateCustomBuild(customBuild); repository.Edit(customBuild); } if (customBuild.Active) { foreach ( var otherClassBuild in account.CustomBuilds.Where( x => String.Equals(x.PvpClass, token.PvpClass) && x.CustomBuildNumber != customBuild.CustomBuildNumber) .ToList()) { otherClassBuild.Active = false; repository.Edit(otherClassBuild); } } repository.Edit(account); repository.CommitChanges(); } } } public void Ignore(string accountName, string ignoredPlayer) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == accountName).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).First(); account.IgnoredPlayers.Add(ignoredPlayer); repository.CommitChanges(); } } public void RemoveIgnore(string accountName, string ignoredPlayer) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == accountName).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).First(); account.IgnoredPlayers.Remove(ignoredPlayer); repository.CommitChanges(); } } public string PurchaseUnknownSalesPackage(UnknownPurchaseToken token) { try { lock (getAccountLock(token.AccountName)) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == token.AccountName) .OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin) .Include(x => x.AccountTransactions) .First(); if (account == null) return TransactionResponse.Failed.ToString(); if (token.CoinPurchase ? account.Coins < token.Cost : account.Gems < token.Cost) return TransactionResponse.InsufficientFunds.ToString(); var accountTransaction = new AccountTransaction { Account = account, SalesPackageName = token.SalesPackageName, Date = (long)TimeUtil.GetCurrentMilliseconds(), Gems = token.CoinPurchase ? 0 : token.Cost, Coins = token.CoinPurchase ? token.Cost : 0 }; repository.Attach(account); repository.Edit(account); if (account.AccountTransactions == null) account.AccountTransactions = new List { accountTransaction }; else { account.AccountTransactions.Add(accountTransaction); } if (token.CoinPurchase) account.Coins -= token.Cost; else account.Gems -= token.Cost; repository.CommitChanges(); return TransactionResponse.Success.ToString(); } } } catch (Exception exception) { return TransactionResponse.Failed.ToString() + ":" + exception.Message; } } public bool ApplyKits(String name) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => String.Equals(x.Name, name)).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).Include(x => x.Rank).FirstOrDefault(); account.LoadNavigationProperties(repository.Context); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Bacon Brawl Bebe Piggles", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Bacon Brawl `Pig`", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "A Barbarians Life Barbarian Archer", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "A Barbarians Life Bomber", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "The Bridges Archer", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "The Bridges Bomber", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "The Bridges Brawler", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "The Bridges Miner", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Castle Siege Castle Assassin", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Castle Siege Castle Brawler", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Castle Siege Castle Knight", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Castle Siege Undead Archer", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Castle Siege Undead Zombie", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Death Tag Runner Archer", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Death Tag Runner Traitor", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Dragon Escape Disruptor", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Dragon Escape Warper", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Dragons Marksman", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Dragons Pyrotechnic", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Block Hunt Instant Hider", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Block Hunt Shocking Hider", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Block Hunt Radar Hunter", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Block Hunt TNT Hunter", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Paintball Machine Gun", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Paintball Shotgun", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "One in the Quiver Brawler", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "One in the Quiver Enchanter", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Runner Archer", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Runner Frosty", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Sheep Quest Archer", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Sheep Quest Brute", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Blaze", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Chicken", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Mad Cow", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Creeper", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Enderman", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Undead Knight", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Magma Cube", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Pig", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Skeletal Horse", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Sky Squid", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Snowman", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Witch", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Wither", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Wither Skeleton", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Smash Mobs Wolf", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Snake Super Snake", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Snake Other Snake", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Sneaky Assassins Ranged Assassin", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Sneaky Assassins Revealer", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Spleef Archer", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Super Spleef Brawler", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Squid Shooter Squid Blaster", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Squid Shooter Squid Sniper", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Survival Games Archer", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Survival Games Assassin", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Survival Games Beastmaster", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Survival Games Bomber", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Survival Games Brawler", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Survival Games Necromancer", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Turf Wars Infiltrator", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Turf Wars Shredder", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Zombie Survival Survivor Archer", 0, 0); addAccountTransaction(repository, account, "Zombie Survival Survivor Rogue", 0, 0); repository.CommitChanges(); } return true; } public string UpdateRank(RankUpdateToken token) { Rank rank = null; var expire = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1).AddMilliseconds(-DateTime.Now.Millisecond); try { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => String.Equals(x.Name, token.Name)).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).Include(x => x.Rank).FirstOrDefault(); rank = repository.Where(x => String.Equals(x.Name, token.Rank)).FirstOrDefault(); if (account == null) return "ALL"; if (account.Rank.Name == "LT" || account.Rank.Name == "OWNER") return account.Rank.Name; if (rank == null) return account.Rank.ToString(); account.Rank = rank; account.RankExpire = expire; account.RankPerm = token.Perm; repository.Edit(account); repository.CommitChanges(); _logger.Log("INFO", "TOKEN " + token.Name + "'s rank has been updated to " + token.Rank + " " + (token.Perm ? "Permanently" : "Monthly") + "." + " Rank expire : " + account.RankExpire.ToString()); } using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => String.Equals(x.Name, token.Name)).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).Include(x => x.Rank).FirstOrDefault(); if (token.Retries >= 3) _logger.Log("ERROR", "Applying UpdateRank, retried 3 times and something didn't stick."); else if (!account.Rank.Name.Equals(token.Rank) || account.RankPerm != token.Perm || account.RankExpire.Equals(expire)) { token.Retries++; UpdateRank(token); } } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Log("ERROR", "Applying UpdateRank : " + String.Join("; ", ex.InnerException.InnerException.Message)); } return rank == null ? token.Rank : rank.Name.ToString(); } public void RemoveBan(RemovePunishmentToken token) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == token.Target).OrderByDescending(x => x.LastLogin).Include(x => x.Punishments).FirstOrDefault(); if (account == null) return; if (account.Punishments == null || account.Punishments.Count == 0) return; var activePunishments = account.Punishments.Where(x => x.Active); if (!activePunishments.Any()) return; foreach (Punishment punishment in activePunishments) { punishment.Active = false; punishment.Removed = true; punishment.RemoveAdmin = token.Admin; punishment.RemoveTime = DateTime.Now.Ticks; punishment.RemoveReason = token.Reason; repository.Edit(punishment); } repository.CommitChanges(); } } public void ApplySalesPackage(SalesPackage salesPackage, int accountId, decimal gross, decimal fee) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.AccountId == accountId).Include(x => x.Transactions).First(); var accountTransaction = new LOC.Core.Model.Sales.Transaction {Account = account, SalesPackage = salesPackage, Fee = fee, Profit = (gross - fee), Time = DateTime.Now}; repository.Attach(salesPackage); repository.Attach(account); repository.Edit(account); if (account.Transactions == null) account.Transactions = new List(); account.Transactions.Add(accountTransaction); account.Gems += salesPackage.Gems; account.Donated = true; account.RankPerm = salesPackage.RankPerm; if (salesPackage.Rank.RankId != 1 && !salesPackage.RankPerm) { account.Rank = salesPackage.Rank; account.RankExpire = DateTime.Now.AddDays(salesPackage.Length); } repository.CommitChanges(); } } protected Account GetAccountByName(string name, IRepository repository) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Name == name).OrderByDescending(y => y.LastLogin).FirstOrDefault(); account.LoadNavigationProperties(repository.Context); return account; } protected Account CreateAccount(LoginRequestToken loginToken, IRepository repository) { var newAccount = new Account { Name = loginToken.Name, Uuid = loginToken.Uuid, Rank = repository.Where(x => x.RankId == 1).First(), Gems = 0, Coins = 0, Transactions = new List(), PvpTransactions = new List(), IpAddresses = new List(), MacAddresses = new List(), Logins = new List(), CustomBuilds = new List(), LastVote = DateTime.Today.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(5)), RankExpire = DateTime.Now }; newAccount = repository.Add(newAccount); repository.CommitChanges(); newAccount = repository.Where(x => x.AccountId == newAccount.AccountId) .Include(x => x.Rank) .Include(x => x.Punishments) .Include(x => x.Clan) .Include(x => x.ClanRole) .Include(x => x.CustomBuilds) .Include(x => x.FishCatches) .Include(x => x.PvpTransactions) .Include(x => x.Pets) .First(); return newAccount; } protected LoginAddress CreateIpAddress(LoginRequestToken loginToken, IRepository repository) { var newLoginAddress = new LoginAddress { Address = loginToken.IpAddress }; newLoginAddress = repository.Add(newLoginAddress); repository.CommitChanges(); return newLoginAddress; } protected void CreateMacAddress(LoginRequestToken loginToken, IRepository repository) { var newMacAddress = new MacAddress { Address = loginToken.MacAddress, Accounts = new List() }; repository.Add(newMacAddress); repository.CommitChanges(); } public ClientToken GetAccountByUUID(string uuid) { using (var repository = _repositoryFactory.CreateRepository()) { var account = repository.Where(x => x.Uuid == uuid).FirstOrDefault(); if (account == null) return null; account.LoadNavigationProperties(repository.Context); ClientToken clientToken = null; clientToken = new ClientToken(account); foreach (var trans in repository.Where(x => x.Account.AccountId == account.AccountId).ToList()) { clientToken.DonorToken.CoinRewards.Add(new CoinTransactionToken(trans)); } return clientToken; } } private void addAccountTransaction(IRepository repository, Account account, string salesPackageName, int gems, int coins) { var accountTransaction = new AccountTransaction { Account = account, SalesPackageName = salesPackageName, Date = (long)TimeUtil.GetCurrentMilliseconds(), Gems = gems, Coins = coins }; if (account.AccountTransactions == null) account.AccountTransactions = new List { accountTransaction }; else { account.AccountTransactions.Add(accountTransaction); } } } }