<#@ Template Language="VB" HostSpecific="True" Inherits="DynamicTransform" #> <#@ Output extension="aspx" #> <# Dim viewDataType = CType(Model.ViewDataType, EnvDTE.CodeType) Dim mvcViewDataTypeGenericString As String = If(viewDataType IsNot Nothing, "(Of " & viewDataType.FullName & ")", String.Empty) Dim CPHCounter As Integer = 1 #> <# If Model.IsContentPage Then #> <%@ Page Title="" Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~<#= Model.Layout #>" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<#= mvcViewDataTypeGenericString #>" %> <# For Each cphid As String In Model.SectionNames If cphid.Equals("TitleContent", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then #> <#= Model.ViewName #> <# CPHCounter += 1 End If Next #>

<#= Model.ViewName #>

<# Else #> <%@ Page Language="VB" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<#= mvcViewDataTypeGenericString #>" %> <#= Model.ViewName #> <# PushIndent(" ") End If #> <# If Not Model.IsContentPage Then #>
<# End If #> <# ' The following code closes the asp:Content tag used in the case of a master page and the body and html tags in the case of a regular view page #> <# If Model.IsContentPage Then #>
<# For Each cphid As String In Model.SectionNames If String.Compare(cphid, "TitleContent", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) <> 0 AndAlso String.Compare(cphid, Model.PrimarySectionName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) <> 0 Then CPHCounter += 1 #> <# End If Next #> <# Else If Not Model.IsContentPage Then ClearIndent() #> <# End If #>