
81 lines
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[T4Scaffolding.Scaffolder(Description = "Makes an EF DbContext able to persist models of a given type, creating the DbContext first if necessary")][CmdletBinding()]
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][string]$ModelType,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][string]$DbContextType,
# Ensure we can find the model type
$foundModelType = Get-ProjectType $ModelType -Project $Project
if (!$foundModelType) { return }
# Find the DbContext class, or create it via a template if not already present
$foundDbContextType = Get-ProjectType $DbContextType -Project $Project -AllowMultiple
if (!$foundDbContextType) {
# Determine where the DbContext class will go
$defaultNamespace = (Get-Project $Project).Properties.Item("DefaultNamespace").Value
if ($DbContextType.Contains(".")) {
if ($DbContextType.StartsWith($defaultNamespace + ".", [System.StringComparison]::OrdinalIgnoreCase)) {
$DbContextType = $DbContextType.Substring($defaultNamespace.Length + 1)
$outputPath = $DbContextType.Replace(".", [System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)
$DbContextType = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($outputPath)
} else {
$outputPath = Join-Path Models $DbContextType
if ($Area) {
$areaFolder = Join-Path Areas $Area
if (-not (Get-ProjectItem $areaFolder -Project $Project)) {
Write-Error "Cannot find area '$Area'. Make sure it exists already."
$outputPath = Join-Path $areaFolder $outputPath
$dbContextNamespace = [T4Scaffolding.Namespaces]::Normalize($defaultNamespace + "." + [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($outputPath).Replace([System.IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar, "."))
Add-ProjectItemViaTemplate $outputPath -Template DbContext -Model @{
DefaultNamespace = $defaultNamespace;
DbContextNamespace = $dbContextNamespace;
DbContextType = $DbContextType;
} -SuccessMessage "Added database context '{0}'" -TemplateFolders $TemplateFolders -Project $Project -CodeLanguage $CodeLanguage -Force:$Force
$foundDbContextType = Get-ProjectType ($dbContextNamespace + "." + $DbContextType) -Project $Project
if (!$foundDbContextType) { throw "Created database context $DbContextType, but could not find it as a project item" }
} elseif (($foundDbContextType | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1) {
throw "Cannot find the database context class, because more than one type is called $DbContextType. Try specifying the fully-qualified type name, including namespace."
# Add a new property on the DbContext class
if ($foundDbContextType) {
$propertyName = Get-PluralizedWord $foundModelType.Name
# If this is not a DbContext, we can't add a new property, so ensure there is already one
# Unfortunately we have to use the awkward "PowerShellInvoke" calling mechanism otherwise
# the PowerShell COM wrapper objects can't be passed into the .NET code.
$isAssignableToParamTypes = New-Object System.Type[] 2
$isAssignableToParamTypes[0] = [EnvDTE.CodeType]
$isAssignableToParamTypes[1] = [System.String]
$isDbContext = [T4Scaffolding.Core.EnvDTE.EnvDTEExtensions]::PowerShellInvoke([T4Scaffolding.Core.EnvDTE.EnvDTEExtensions].GetMethod("IsAssignableTo", $isAssignableToParamTypes), $null, @($foundDbContextType, "System.Data.Entity.DbContext"))
if (!$isDbContext) {
$existingMembers = [T4Scaffolding.Core.EnvDTE.EnvDTEExtensions]::PowerShellInvoke([T4Scaffolding.Core.EnvDTE.EnvDTEExtensions].GetMethod("VisibleMembers"), $null, $foundDbContextType)
$hasExistingPropertyForModel = $existingMembers | ?{ ($_.Name -eq $propertyName) -and ($_.Kind -eq [EnvDTE.vsCMElement]::vsCMElementProperty) }
if ($hasExistingPropertyForModel) {
Write-Warning "$($foundDbContextType.Name) already contains a '$propertyName' property."
} else {
throw "$($foundDbContextType.FullName) is not a System.Data.Entity.DbContext class and does not contain a '$propertyName' property, so it cannot be used as the database context."
} else {
# This *is* a DbContext, so we can freely add a new property if there isn't already one for this model
Add-ClassMemberViaTemplate -Name $propertyName -CodeClass $foundDbContextType -Template DbContextEntityMember -Model @{
EntityType = $foundModelType;
EntityTypeNamePluralized = $propertyName;
} -SuccessMessage "Added '$propertyName' to database context '$($foundDbContextType.FullName)'" -TemplateFolders $TemplateFolders -Project $Project -CodeLanguage $CodeLanguage
return @{
DbContextType = $foundDbContextType