# Fabric Example Mod - [Quick start guide](#quick-start-guide) - [Introduction to the folder structure](#introduction-to-the-folder-structure) - [Creating your mod](#creating-your-mod) - [Useful gradle commands](#useful-gradle-commands) - [More info](#more-info) - [License](#license) ## Quick start guide ### Introduction to the folder structure **Build files:** | File | Description | | ------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | | `build.gradle` | Configures the compilation process. | | `gradle.properties` | Contains properties for Minecraft, fabric, and your mod. | | `settings.gradle` | Configures the plugin repositories. | **Fabric files:** These files are located at `src/main/resources`. | File | Description | Additional information | | ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `fabric.mod.json` | Contains metadata about your mod. | [wiki:fabric_mod_json_spec](https://fabricmc.net/wiki/documentation:fabric_mod_json_spec) | | `modid.mixins.json` | Contains a list of all your mixin files. | [wiki:mixin_registration](https://fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:mixin_registration) | | `assets/modid/icon.png` | The icon of your mod. | [wiki:fabric_mod_json_spec#icon](https://fabricmc.net/wiki/documentation:fabric_mod_json_spec?s[]=icon#custom_fields) | ### Creating your mod First of you must replace all occurrences of `modid` with the id of your mod. If your mod doesn't use mixins you can safely remove the mixin entry in your `fabric.mod.json` as well as delete any `*.mixin.json` files. This template has the legacy fabric api included in it's build script, more info about the api can be found at it's [github repo](https://github.com/Legacy-Fabric/fabric). If you know what you are doing you can also safely remove the api from the build script as it isn't required. ### Useful gradle commands ```sh # Compile your mod ./gradlew build # Remove old build files ./gradlew clean # Generate Minecraft sources ./gradlew genSources # Launch a modded Minecraft client ./gradlew runClient # Kill gradle if it's doing stupid things ./gradlew --stop ``` ## More info Additional tutorials and tips can be found in the [wiki](https://github.com/Legacy-Fabric/fabric-example-mod/wiki). For more detailed setup instructions please see the [fabric wiki](https://fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:setup). If you are new to fabric or Minecraft modding in general then [this wiki page](https://fabricmc.net/wiki/tutorial:primer) may help you. ## License This template is available under the CC0 license. Feel free to learn from it and incorporate it in your own projects.