
6.3 KiB

JDA 4 Discord Bot

A cool multipurpose bot built using Java Discord API


  • Powerful Moderation
  • Auto Moderation
  • Reaction Roles
  • Customised Welcome/Farewell messages
  • Advanced Ticketing System
  • Stats Counter Channels
  • Translation
  • Image Manipulation

And Much more ...

Quick Links

Available Commands

Utility Commands:

Command Description
-covid <country> Get covid statistics in the specified country
-github <username> Shows github statistics of a user
-haste <text> Posts some text to hastebin
-help <command> Shows the list with commands in the bot
-translate <code> <text> Translate from one language to other
-trcodes Displays a list of available translate codes
-urban <search-term> Searches the urban dictionary
-proxies Fetch fresh proxies (http, socks4, socks5)
-http Fetch fresh http proxies
-socks4 Fetch fresh socks4 proxies
-socks5 Fetch fresh socks5 proxies

Fun Commands:

Command Description
-animal <name> Show a random image of selected animal types
-cat Shows a random cat image
-dog Shows a random dog image
-joke Shows a random joke
-flipcoin Flips a coin heads or tails
-fliptext Reverses the given message
-meme Shows a random meme

Information Commands

Command Description
-avatar Displays avatar information about the user
-botinfo Shows bot information
-channelinfo [#channel] Shows mentioned channel information
-guildinfo Shows information about the discord server
-invite Get the bot's invite
-ping Shows the current ping from the bot to the discord servers
-roleinfo Shows information of the specified role
-uptime Shows bot's uptime
-userinfo Shows information about the user

Image Commands

All the below specified commands can be used in the following format

-cmd: This uses self users avatar as image
-cmd <image-url>: This picks image from provided URL
-cmd <@member>: This uses the mentioned users avatar as image
-cmd <attachment>: This picks image from attachment
Image Filters
blur contrast gay greyscale invert sepia
Image Generators
ad affect approved batslap beautiful
bed delete discordblack discordblue doublestonk
facepalm frame hitler jail karaba
kiss mms notstonk podium poutine
rejected rip spank stonk tatoo
trash wanted
Text Generators
achievement belikebill presentation

Economy Commands

Command Description
-balance [@member] Shows your current coin balance
-daily Receive a daily coin bonus
-gamble <amount> Try your luck by gambling
-transfer <coins> <@member> Transfer coins to other user

Social Commands

Command Description
-rep [@member] Give reputation to a user

Moderation Commands

Command Description
-ban <@member(s)> [reason] Ban the the mentioned member(s)
-clearwarnings <@member> Clears previous warnings received by a member
-deafen <@member(s)> [reason] Deafen's the mentioned member(s)
-kick <@member(s)> [reason] Kick the mentioned member(s)
-mute <@member(s)> [reason] Mute the mentioned member(s) on all text/voice channels
-purgeattach <amount> Deletes the specified amount of messages with attachments
-purgebots <amount> Deletes the specified amount of messages from bots
-purge <amount> Deletes the specified amount of messages
-purgelinks <amount> Deletes the specified amount of messages with links
-purgeuser <@user> <amount> Deletes the specified amount of messages for the mentioned user
-setnick <@member> <new-name> change the mentioned user's nickname
-softban <@member(s)> [reason] Kicks a member from the server and delete that users messages
-tempban <@member(s)> <time> [reason] Bans the mentioned member(s) for the specified amount of time
-tempmute <@member(s)> <time> [reason] Mute the mentioned member(s) for the specified amount of time
-undeafen <@member(s)> [reason] Undeafen's the mentioned member(s)
-unmute <@member(s)> [reason] Unmutes the specified member(s)
-vmute <@member(s)> [reason] Mute voice of the mentioned member(s)
-vunmute <@member(s)> [reason] UnMute voice of the mentioned member(s)
-warn <@member(s)> [reason] Gives warning to the mentioned member(s)
-warnings <@member> Displays warnings received by mentioned user

Auto Moderation

  • These commands can only be configured by members who have Permission.MANAGE_SERVER
  • The bot moderates messages only in channels where it has Permission.MESSAGE_MANAGE
  • The bot ignores messages sent by users having Permission.KICK_MEMBERS, Permission.BAN_MEMBERS, Permission.MANAGE_SERVER
Command Description
-automodstatus check automod configuration for this guild
-automodlog <#channel|OFF> set/disable logging for all automod events
-antiinvites <ON|OFF> allow or disallow sending discord links in message
-antilinks <ON|OFF> allow or disallow sending links in message
-maxlines <number|OFF> sets maximum lines allowed per message
-maxmentions <number|OFF> sets maximum user mentions allowed per message
-maxrolementions <number|OFF> sets maximum role mentions allowed per message