
1.4 KiB


A multi-proxy player queue.

How It Works

  • Player joins a queue through a hub.
  • Hub sends a message to the Independent module to add that player to that queue.
  • Independent module constantly checks if a queue can send a player. If a player can be sent, a message is broadcasted to all Bukkit instances that the next player in the queue (based on rank priority) should be sent to the server.
  • Any Bukkit instance that contains the player will use plugin messages to send the player.


Command syntax Description Permission
/queueclear <queue> Clear the list of a queue portal.clear
/queuetoggle <queue> Toggle (pause) a queue portal.toggle
/forcesend <player> <server> Force sends a player to a server portal.forcesend
/datadump Displays all server data and queues portal.datadump


Queue priority can be assigned through permissions (config.yml) or by using your own implementation.

To implement your own priority system, extend PriorityProvider and set the instance provider using Portal.getInstance().setPriorityProvider(provider).


Players that have the portal.bypass permission will immediately be sent to a server instead of joining a queue.