Previously, cannon explosions effects could lock up the main thread if:
- The effect location selection RNG was sufficiently unlucky
- The explosion occured sufficiently deep into a larger claimed
The new challenge selection system, picks a random challenge from
the list as a starting point. Once the challenge is ended, the next
one in the list will be selected. That process continues, until the
index is out of bounds, and from that point, a new starting point
will be selected. During that process, any challenge that is picked,
is also reviewed to make sure it's suitable according to the player
count. If that's not the case, the selection process will continue
until one challenge is found. If there is no appropriate challenge,
the game will be ended.
In addition to those changes, there are a couple of bug fixes and changes.
At first, some methods that keep track of player lists were renamed and
secondly, the enchantment lore is now hidden on challenges that use items.
Consequently, elo code is actually being called now
Bukkit.broadcastMessage calls have shown where things are breaking
handleElo() added to EloManager to facilitate movement of team elo code
preparing to use EloManager's getNewRatings() method to
calculate team elos
+ Support for relative copy position from with //copy from worledit in
+ Better block selection in bounding box in UtilBlock
+ Goal selector utils for entities
+ Global hide and show methods for players
+ Win effects and game modifiers
+ Tweaked player disguises
+ Added clean room generator to arcade games, previously normal flat
+ Animation utils
* Edited some particles, hats and death animations
Previously, a player would erratically become a spectator if s/he
spammed the "spectate next player" action between rounds (i.e.
left-click while spectating a player).
EloRanking turned on for Domination, Team Deathmatch, Turf Wars, CTF
Database QoL changes made to EloManager and EloRepository
--Unfortunately, Database still seems to not be updating properly
--Something on my end, or something to do with the queries? Unsure.